Chapter 353: I’m Sorry

At the same time, after being attacked by the Excalibur Magic Art of Defending Thunder, Kaido’s Dragon Breath, and the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon’s, even the Beast God was injured at this moment!

However, it was precisely because of this injury that the Beast God became more serious.

There is no more freehand look like before!

“Come again!” Mind moved slightly, the Shenron that Kaido had transformed and the summoned Bahuang Fire Dragon moved on again!

However, the figure of the beast god flashed and came to the front of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon’s.

Then, the endless world of hostility was aroused.

With the palm of the sword, the beast god slashed fiercely in the direction of the eight wild fire dragon!

Shocking a sword slashed at the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon, the momentum of this sword seemed to be able to cut the entire world away!

The Eight Wilds Fire Dragon also burst out with monstrous flames and greeted them!

It’s just that those flames couldn’t resist this shocking slash, and they were directly split apart!

After that, the sword that remained undiminished, slashed fiercely on the Fire Dragon’s body.

A scream sounded, and the eight wild fire dragon in the form of the spirit body was directly cut into two pieces.

Then, the huge dragon body turned into an endless flame and dissipated everywhere!

“Hey, unexpectedly, even the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon…

Seeing this scene, Yun Yilan next to her took a breath!

However, thinking about this, it is not a human being who does this, but a beast god transformed by the world and the people.It seems that there is nothing to be surprised about this?

The action didn’t stop, after a sword destroyed the eight wild fire dragon in the form of the spirit body, the beast god followed his body and came to the dragon Kaido.

Then, it fell down towards Kaido with a sharp knife!

Lowering his head slightly, Kaido used his strongest dragon horn to push up against this huge sword!

There was a loud bang, and then, Kaido’s huge dragon body fell from the sky!

Not an opponent. Obviously, Kaido is no longer the opponent of this beast god, and he fell to the ground with a slash!

Take a deep breath and kill you when you are sick!

Seeing Kaido being slashed to the ground by himself, the beast god continued to raise his hand.

In the same way, the huge world and the people have gathered again.

A knife appeared again and hit Kaido fiercely!

This knife smashed Kaido’s body fiercely, leaving a terrible knife mark on his dragon body!

He was badly injured, although Kaido’s body is known as the immortal body.

However, in front of the Beast God, there is not much effect!

“No way, relying on my strength alone, it really is impossible to defeat the beast god!”

Seeing that even Kaido’s defense could not stop the power of the beast god, Lou Hang’s heart became serious!

The power of the beast god is indeed the ceiling of the world of Zhu Xian!

At this time, Lou Hang glanced around and happened to see Yun Yilan.

Yun Yilan, who was fighting Pu Master Hong, looked dumbfounded when seeing the eight wild fire dragons being smashed into pieces!

Taking this opportunity, Lou Hang’s figure rushed towards Yun Yilan, and at the same time, his eyes condensed slightly.

“The Great Tribulation!”

The ultimate divine calamity of the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart is a means of attack by the Primordial God.

The huge primordial power directly slammed into Yun Yilan!

Although Yun Yilan’s cultivation is at the same level as Lou Hang.

However, caught off guard, he was attacked by Lou Hang, and Yun Yilan only felt affectionate in his mind.

The head seemed to be smashed hard by a sledge hammer!

Then, Lou Hang came to Yun Yilan’s face, but did not kill him.

Instead, he stretched out his finger and pointed it on Yun Lan’s chest.At the same time, the dark rune style, like a tadpole that came alive, crawled all over Yun Yilan’s whole body!

“You, what are you doing!?

Feeling that these dark rune styles were suppressing his own cultivation and body movement, Yun Yilan shouted loudly.

At the same time, frantically struggling!

Hearing the shouting here, the beast god next to him turned his head and took a look.

Immediately abandoning the seriously injured Kaido, he leaped towards this side!

It’s not that the beast god attaches great importance to Yun Yilan, but looking at Lou Hang’s appearance, it seems that he is preparing some powerful tricks!

That being the case, then I can’t let him prepare completely.

Under Yun Yilan’s body, a huge formation is also rapidly portrayed!

“Fudo Mingwang!”

Corresponding to the idea of ​​the Beast God, even though Pu Shiji did not know what trick Lou Hang was preparing.

However, it’s not wrong to buy time for him yourself.

The golden Buddha light burst out from Puhong again, and then Puhong greeted the beast god!

From the situation just now, Puhong knew that he was not the opponent of this beast god.

However, as long as you can delay Lou Hang for one second, then you can delay for him as much as possible!

This is what the Abbot Puhong thinks now!

“Go away, I’m not interested in you!

Being transformed by the world and the people, even though he has now become a human being, the beast gods now are still mobs with very dispositions.

Looking at Puhong in front of him, he waved his sleeves!

Gritting his teeth, Puhong burst out all his strength to resist the beast god!

“Huh?” Originally thought that Puhong would be able to fly out by himself with a wave of his sleeves.

But, seeing that he can still clenched his teeth?

This made the beast god look at Pu Mi a little strangely.

After that, he raised his hand and pressed towards Puhong again!

The steel teeth clenched, Puhong persisted desperately.

With a click, the leg bone was directly broken!

However, Puhong still does not retreat!

Fortunately, “I got the expanded version of the wordless jade bi technique, otherwise, even if I want to stick to the current appearance, it won’t be enough!”

Although the leg bones were crushed, Pu Mi’s heart was fortunate.

Fortunately, his cultivation level has improved compared to before!


After the leg bone was crushed, the other arm was crushed again.

Looking at the situation at Puhong, Lou Hang’s mind became more serious.

After that, his hands quickly formed a seal, and finally he slapped the ground fiercely: “Moving soil and reincarnating!”

“The power of this beast god is too terrible? Hang brother, Kaido and the eight wild fire dragon jointly attacked, and there is no way to kill him?”

“Well, the Bahuang Fire Dragon was cut!”

“Even Kaido was hit hard? This seems to be the first time I have seen Kaido hit hard, right?”

“Oops, Brother Hang is not the opponent of this beast god at all!

“Huh? Why did Brother Hang sneak attack on Yun Yilan at this time? Moreover, he was obviously able to kill him, but he didn’t kill him, but instead used sealing techniques to confine him?”

“Wait, Brother Hang is preparing for Chengtu’s reincarnation, right? Brother Hang is going to reincarnate, who will come out!”

“Yes, although the body of Impure World Reincarnation is immortal, but the strength is not the opponent of the beast god, is it in vain?”

“The beast god is about to interrupt Brother Hang’s earth reincarnation!”

…For flowers…

“Wait, Abbot Puhong greeted him, this, this is desperately delaying Brother Hang!”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, the atmosphere at this time was extremely solemn, and even many people held their breath, staring at the situation on the screen!

On the one hand, everyone is very curious.At this time, Lou Hang unearthed a reincarnation, who is going to reincarnate against the beast god?

On the other hand, watching Puhong desperately creating opportunities for Lou Hang, everyone felt nervous.

I wonder if Abbot Puhong can delay the time?

In such a situation, even a second of time is extremely precious!


Finally, Lou Hang’s palm was slapped down, and the soil reincarnation also followed.

Trapped in the formation of the earth reincarnated as a sacrifice, Yun Yilan let out a scream of screams.

At the same time, countless dust appeared, attached to Yun Yilan’s body!

Everyone was attracted by Lou Hang’s actions at this time, and I don’t know what he was preparing for!

The viewers of Long Country are more curious, don’t know who Lou Hang is reincarnating in the land?

The most important thing is that there are sacrifices, and people who reincarnated should have some corpses as a medium, right?


However, from the beginning to the end, I have never seen what corpse tissue Lou Hang collects!

The ability to move soil and reincarnate is not slow, and for a moment, Yun Yilan’s screams stopped abruptly.

Then, a figure appeared in front of everyone!

This is a woman, a woman wearing the costume of the Miao wu clan, she looks like she is in her early twenties, young and beautiful!

“This, who is this!?”

Seeing Yun Yilan’s body as a medium, she turned into such a woman, the people at Amane Temple and Qingyunmen on the battlefield were shocked!

“She, she is

However, seeing this woman, even though the other person’s face looks like broken porcelain, many cracks can be seen on her body.

However, looking at this figure, the beast god still felt very shocked.

This is the person who is buried deepest in my heart, and is the most familiar person!

Looking at the person who was reincarnated by Cheng Tu, the beast god even forgot to continue his hands, his eyes were attracted like magnets.

It seems that in his eyes, there is only this woman in the world worthy of his attention!

“Me, where am I!?

After a long time, the woman slowly opened her eyes, looked around in a daze, her eyes blank!

Then, the woman’s gaze fell on the beast god next to her, and she looked at him carefully, her expression even more surprised!

“Ling, Linglong? You, you are actually resurrected!?”

Looking at the figure in front of you, not only the appearance is the same, but even the breath and temperament are exactly the same, the beast god said in disbelief!

“You, have you really become the greatest sin in the world?”

Looking at the current battlefield, countless corpses of monsters and humans, Linglong’s expression became a lot ugly, staring at the beast god and said.

“It’s really you, it’s really you. I didn’t expect that in my life, I would still have the opportunity to meet you.

At this time, to the beast god, it seems that everything is not important anymore, his sight can only see the exquisite witch in front of him!


On the battlefield, Daoxuan and others listened to the beast god’s name for this reincarnated person, staring at each other, and their faces were stunned. Inch,

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