Chapter 350: Lou Hang is greater than” “Beast God” is greater than “Zhang Xiaofan”

“Hang Ge Niu B! A magic portal, which perfectly solves the possibility of Amane Temple and Qingyun Gate being broken by beast gods!

“With this stable portal, Amane Temple and Qingyunmen are like being connected together!”

“There is really a sense of sight that the transmission point of online games is opened!”

“However, when Brother Hang pretended to be the abbot of Puhong ten years later, he used the magic portal when he left. Now it has been constructed again. Will this be exposed!?”

“Don’t tell me, there is indeed a possibility, but since Brother Hang did what he did, he should have considered it!”

“That is, it depends on how Hang Ge will flicker next, and how to explain it to the people at Amane Temple!”

“Sure enough, the people at Amane Temple asked!”

“My own qualifications are limited, so this supernatural power can only cross space, not time?”

“Hahaha, my Hang Ge Niu B, just such an explanation is not like an explanation, let the people of Amane Temple make up for it by themselves!”

“Brother Hang said before that Amane Temple would suffer disaster. Now that the beast god is born, doesn’t it just prove what Brother Hang said?”

“Hang Ge Transformation Technique pretends to be someone else traveling from the future, and then tells the future things with the ability to calculate, absolutely, this cooperation is simply perfect!”

“Look, the people at Amane Temple match each other, and they all suddenly realized, hahaha, what do they suddenly see? They thought it was the future Pu Mi, did they teach Hang brother this trick by the way?”

“Brother Hang also asked if the masked monk was from Amane Temple, did the Amane Temple people know something? Hahaha, the Amane Temple people didn’t want to disclose it, don’t you know? That’s a big laugh!”

In the Long Country Live Room 13, following Lou Hang’s perspective, watching Lou Hang’s understatement removed his suspicion.

The audience in the live broadcast room, who loved to see it, also admired the wit shown by Lou Hang!

You don’t need to explain too much, you only need to extract a little information, and say that you don’t know it, so let the people of Amane Temple make up for it!

The things they made up in their brains naturally made them believe even more.

This is much better than Lou Hang’s own explanation.

Next, Daoxuan and Abbot Puhong discussed the matter of dealing with the army of monsters!

With this portal always open, Amane Temple and Qingyunmen are directly connected, even if they are completely connected.

Whether you are attacking Amane Temple or Qingyun Gate, you can organize an effective defense!

Just when Amane Temple and Qingyunmen were discussing how to fight against the army of monsters, the beast god was indeed holding the mind to sweep the world. After a good rest, he was triggered from the ghost king sect again, and the goal was directed at Amane Temple. side!

After detecting the movement of the monster army, Qingyunmen can be said to have come out of the nest and came to Amane Temple through the portal!

All the disciples of Qingyunmen have experienced the magic of this magic portal, and they are secretly amazed in their hearts!

As expected to be Elder Luo, this cultivation technique is simply amazing!

On the side of Amane Temple, the monks of Amane Temple are at the forefront as the first line of defense!

In the back, the disciples of Qingyunmen, each prepared a magic weapon and Taoism for long-range attacks!

The two sects are completely united, and the defenses laid down are like iron barrels!

It’s not that some disciples were sent to support Qingyunmen before.

This time, with the help of the portal, the people of Qingyunmen and Amane Temple are completely united.

Under the rigorous formation, some disciples also went to inquire about the news.

The movement of the monster beast army is very clear, and everyone also understands that the monster beast army is getting closer and closer.

Baili, eighty li, sixty li…

With only twenty or thirty miles left in the end, the dense army of monster beasts that everyone can clearly see is spreading toward this side like a tide!

“Huh? The people from Qingyunmen actually came here to defend?”

Before coming to the Amane Temple, the monster army was ready to go. The beast god looked at the defensive lineup here, with a look of stunned expression on his face.

“Well, we really didn’t see the people from Qingyunmen rushing out of the mountain, how did they come here!?”

Hearing that, Yun Yilan next to the beast god also said differently!

The monster army is also staring at the movement of Qingyunmen and Amane Temple.

But, Qingyunmen came out in full force, and could actually hide the eyeliner? This is impossible, isn’t it!?

“It’s okay, the matter is at this point. It is no longer meaningful to investigate how the Qingyun Gate appeared.

In short, they are all here!

Staring at the Amane Temple in front of me, and also at the completely united lineup of Amane Temple and Qingyunmen, the beast god did not speak, but he was thinking secretly in his heart, thinking about how to attack!

At this time, the high-levels of Amane Temple and Qingyunmen were all staring at the endless army of monsters and beasts with a solemn mind!

Although it has long been known that this monster army is powerful, but the almost infinite number is really shocking.

Each of the monsters looked like humans and non-humans, beasts and non-beasts, with almost no sane eyes, mainly in the colors of killing and violence.

At first glance, it is a very cruel monster!




















Taking this opportunity, Lou Hang grabbed Zhang Xiaofan and drew back!

Everything happened, but between the light of calcium carbide.

From Lou Hang’s appearance to the moment when he grabbed Zhang Xiaofan and backed away, it took less than a second!

The people of Amane Temple and Qingyunmen who had been demoralized nearby, saw Lou Hang rescued the people as soon as they took action, and all of them were energetic!

Sure enough, Elder Lou Hang’s strength is equally unfathomable!

Zhang Xiaofan was defeated by one move in a second, but he could stun the beast god and rescue Zhang Xiaofan in the blink of an eye?

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