Chapter 343: Five Volumes of the Book of Heaven

“Damn, open it, my Hang brother successfully opened the magic portal!

“Hahaha, my Hang brother, YYDS! Who said that if the Emperor’s Treasury is not opened, my Hang brother can’t get in!?”

“Yes, although this magic portal is only the most basic magic in Kama Taj, it is really practical!”

“Don’t tell me, even the ninja system, the most basic Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, Body Replacement Technique, the Three Body Techniques, as long as they are well practiced, are also magical skills!”

“Here, here comes, the last book of heaven, here comes!”

“Ding, gather the five books of heaven, and trigger the suit effect?

“No, no, it’s not just a book of heaven, but also the medicine of the gods. After taking it, you can increase the lifespan of Ten Thousand Years!?”

“Yeah, this, this fairy medicine is the most valuable, right? Ten Thousand Years life span, this is no different from becoming a god, right?”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, the atmosphere at this time has reached its highest point.

Everyone watched Lou Hang open the magic portal, and they all knew that this was the portal to where.

And this also made many audiences feel very excited!

Let’s leave aside the excitement in the live broadcast room.

Lou Hang had already crossed the magic portal at this time and entered the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven!

The enclosed treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven was dark inside.

Lou Hang raised his hand, Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and then Xuan Huojian’s power was activated.

The entire Xuanyuan Sword was burning with a raging flame, and the light of the flame also reflected the Emperor’s treasure house very brightly!

Lou Hang walked in. Entered the deepest part of the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven.

There was no danger along the way.

Before it was opened, the treasure house of the emperor was dead, and it felt like exploring an uninhabited house alone!

There is no surprise, even if there are spirit beasts guarding the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven, it is outside, not inside.

Lou Hang successfully found the third book of heaven!

After obtaining the third volume of the heavenly book, Lou Hang continued to search for a circle and found the half bowl of fairy medicine and the mysterious spiritual stone!

Perhaps because Lou Hang came in early, the spiritual liquid of this fairy medicine is not full, only half of it!

Lou Hang picked it up, took a bite, smashed his mouth, how do you say?

The smell of this fairy medicine is not very good, but it is not unpleasant!

With this sip of fairy medicine, Lou Hang can clearly feel that the 36,000 pores all over his body are unfolded, very comfortable!

You’re welcome, Lou Hang opened his mouth and took another big gulp slowly!

Lou Hang took two big sips of the half bowl of spiritual liquid, and then drank half of it directly, leaving only about a half!

Lou Hang didn’t mean to drink all of it, and put down the half bowl of spiritual liquid!

As the saying goes, happiness cannot be enjoyed, power cannot be used!

In ten years, the Treasury of the Emperor of Heaven will be opened.

Lou Hang had some evil thoughts, and pointed like a sword. The sword light lingered at the fingertips, and then left a sentence next to the fairy medicine.

Shenxian “I drank the medicine and left you one last bite!”

After leaving such a sentence, Lou Hang grinned, dispersed the sword light in his hand, and took a look at the spirit stone next to it!

In the original work, it was only described that the three-eyed monkey swallowed the spirit stone, and the fairy medicine was taken. Is there any huge change in the specific three-eyed monkey, and it seems that there is nothing?

After thinking about it, it is a treasure in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven. In the original work, there are also yellow birds and black water mysterious snakes fighting each other. It should be of high value!

Just like the fairy medicine seems to have no change after drinking it, but it can increase the lifespan of Ten Thousand Years!

The benefits of this spirit stone should also be there, so you are welcome!

In this way, the heavenly book has been memorized, and the fairy medicine has been drunk almost half a bowl, and then took the spirit stone, Lou Hang’s trip is considered complete.

Turned around and returned from the magic portal to Qingyunmen!

After returning to Qingyunmen, Lou Hang sat cross-legged, and the five volumes of the heavenly books were collected. In his mind, the knowledge of these five volumes was connected by itself.

Lou Hang’s mind is completely immersed in cultivation!

One volume of the heavenly book can evolve the many magical spells of the Great Brahma Prajna, the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and even the Demon Sect!

Now that he has all five books from the heavens, he has obtained the world’s top cultivation technique, right?

The profound knowledge of cultivation made Lou Hang immersed in it!

My own practice has also started to move according to the description of the heavenly book, and the cultivation base has begun to improve bit by bit!

Heavenly Book “Hahaha, Hang Ge Niu B! All five volumes of Heavenly Book are collected!”

“Now, the gains of my Dragon Kingdom are indescribable! When Brother Hang comes back, my Dragon Kingdom’s five-volume celestial script can be implemented, right?”

“Xiuxian, Xiuxian, this is also the cultivation method that best suits my Dragon Kingdom style!”

“Wait, Brother Hang actually only drank half a bowl of fairy medicine? Why didn’t you drink it all?”

“Brother Hang, it really is YYDS! He is actually willing to keep a part of this kind of fairy medicine that can prolong life!”

This “reflects my Hang brother’s equipment! Even if it has great benefits, it won’t be taken up by one person!”

“Yes, it is the ability of Brother Hang to plan the benefits of immortality to medicine, but in the end, it is my ability to leave a part for strangers in the future!”

“All right, even if it’s half a bowl, my Hang brother can increase his life span by 5,000 years, right? This is a huge gain!”

“What else is that spirit stone? Hang Ge never seemed to mention it!”

“Brother Hang has practiced cross-legged again. Now that the five volumes of the heavenly books are all gathered, I don’t know how many cultivation bases can be increased by Brother Hang!?”

“Yes, in the previous two volumes, the cultivation bases of one hundred years and two hundred years were obtained respectively?”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, seeing Lou Hang’s harvest in the Treasury of the Emperor of Heaven, I was very happy.

Especially Lou Hang’s move to leave about one-third of the fairy medicine at the end of the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury, which makes people admire Lou Hang’s skill even more.

This kind of instrument is not something that anyone can have!

Not to mention the audience’s thoughts in the live broadcast room.

Lou Hang sat cross-legged, completely immersed in the practice of the heavenly book!

All five volumes of the heavenly books have been collected, and all the knowledge in the heavenly books has been completely connected. Lou Hang’s mind is also completely immersed in cultivation!

This knowledge of cultivation makes people totally unable to feel the passage of time!

One day, two days, three days, ten days, half a month

During the period, I learned that Lou Hang had been in his room for half a month. Whether it was Zhang Xiaofan or Dao Xuan, they came to take a look in person!

However, seeing Lou Hang completely immersed in his own practice, he was very smart and did not disturb Lou Hang!

Even Daoxuan opened his mouth and forbid anyone to approach Lou Hang’s house!

Others can’t see it, Daoxuan can of course see it, Lou Hang is breaking through the Taiqing realm at this moment!

…For flowers…

If he is really successful, then he is now the second person in Qingyunmen to reach the cultivation base of the Taiqing realm, right?

In a blink of an eye, two full months have passed!

It is also thanks to Lou Hang’s current cultivation base that it has the effect of bigu, so the impact of eating or drinking, drinking or not is not very big!

And these two months have also made the eyes of Qingyunmen look at Lou Hang’s side!

Everyone understands that Lou Hang is breaking through the clear realm, which also makes the first seat of the other peak pulses secretly shocked!

Who among these people has not cultivated for hundreds of years?

However, none of them reached the cultivation base of the Taiqing Realm.

But what about Lou Hang? Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao has only been practicing for half a year, is it about to break through the Tai Qing realm?

Even if his original cultivation level is very high, this is too exaggerated, right?

Don’t say it, because of Lou Hang’s excitement, in recent days, the other Fengmai’s first seats have become a lot more active, hurry up and practice hard, this is what no one expected!

Similarly, it is not just Qingyunmen who is waiting here, but the viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room are also looking forward to it.

Wait and see what Lou Hang will be like when he finishes his training!

Although there has been no movement in these two months, the more this is the case, the more the viewers of the Dragon Kingdom are looking forward to it!

When I first obtained the heavenly book, I practiced for seven or eight days, which increased my cultivation base for a hundred years!

In the second time, he practiced for more than ten days, which increased his cultivation base by two hundred years.

This time, I have been practicing for two months. I wonder how much Lou Hang’s cultivation base can increase?

The most important thing is that when I was in the first world, I found the sweeping monk and learned the way of refining Qi Hua Shen. Lou Hang reached the point of refining Qi Hua God directly from the part of refining Qi!

Now, this breakthrough is from the point of refining Qi and transforming God to the point of practicing God and returning to the Void, right?

This is the real breakthrough in the realm!

Two months passed, and finally, Lou Hang’s practice came to an end.

Regarding cultivation, it can be considered as a complete understanding!

Now Lou Hang’s cultivation is no longer Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, but the content of the entire five books of the heavenly book!

As the practice ended, Lou Hang opened his eyes!

At this time, the soul of the Zifu Lingtai had already become the essence.

In the void, the endless source of vitality is poured into Lou Hang’s body, scouring every cell of Luo’s body!

This situation, Lou Hang has seen, it was in the original Daoxuan head!

In the void, the endless source of vitality infuses itself, which is also the sign of the first level of the Taiqing realm, the hole of the virtual realm:

“It’s done, I have entered the stage of practicing God and returning to the Void!” This practice made Lou Hang feel the difference from the inside to the outside!

The harvest is really great!

But from Lou Hang’s own personal point of view, the cultivation base has been upgraded from the original several hundred years to the present level.

Lifespan has also increased by about five thousand years. This increase in strength and lifespan is very rich!

As for the gains of spirit stones, blood devouring beads, and profound fire mirrors, I don’t need to talk about them!

“It’s a completely different realm! My current cultivation level has probably been improved to about 500 years, right?”

“Now, do I have a cultivation base of 1,500 years?”

Nodded silently, Lou Hang is still very satisfied with his current cultivation level!

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