Chapter 340: The Law of Opening the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury in Advance

The purpose of Lou Hang is not to kill people.

Therefore, I heard that the ghost king expressed his willingness to hand over the second volume of the heavenly scriptures, and the coldness in Lou Hang Xuanyuanjian was relieved.

The cold air was put away, and the ghost king followed to release his own cultivation base, and melted all the ice that had condensed on the disciples of the ghost king sect!

Breaking out of the ice, these disciples were all frostbitten, and the look in Lou Hang’s eyes was filled with fear.

The other party really didn’t brag, his power alone is indeed able to suppress everyone present!

Looking around, the world within a radius of tens of miles has been sealed by ice, how long is this?

The endless cold air is even more frightening!

“How can this sword be in your hand?”

Seeing that the disciple of the Ghost King Zong was only frostbited, but not life-threatening, the Ghost King breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at Xuanyuan in Lou Hang’s hand in amazement.

“What you said is a little funny, this Xuanyuan sword itself is mine. Before, it was just lent to Zhang Xiaofan!” Lou Hang replied.

“It turns out that this divine sword is also his weapon!?” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, the ghost king’s heart was secretly shocked!

Through the battle just now, the ghost king can feel that Lou Hang’s cultivation is actually slightly worse than his own.

However, his magical powers, his magic weapons are much stronger than his own.

“This is the second volume of the Book of Heaven!”

Now that he had conceded, the Ghost King had no intention of turning back. He raised his hand and took out the second volume of the heavenly script and sent it to Lou Hang.

Thank you “!” You’re welcome, Lou Hang reached out and took the book.

13 Tianshu Jingjing has arrived…. Lou Hang didn’t mean to say much, turned around and constructed a magic portal to Heyang City.

“Wait, there are five books of the heavenly book, have you collected all four?”

Watching Lou Hang turn around and leave, without thinking of marveling at the power of his magic portal, the ghost king suddenly asked.

“Not bad!” Lou Hang nodded with a pause.

“Next, your goal is the last volume of the heavenly book in the Treasury of the Emperor of Heaven?” The Ghost King asked afterwards.

“Yes, Ghost King, do you have any clues to provide? For example, open the Heavenly Emperor Treasure in advance?” Lou Hang turned around curiously.

“No!” Ghost King shook his head.

This answer made Lou Hang roll his eyes secretly. Didn’t you talk about it?

“With Lord Luo’s current cultivation base, the world is already unique. If you successfully collect the five volumes of the heavenly book, this world will be yours from now on! Lord Luo don’t need to worry, let’s wait for the heavenly emperor’s treasure house to open!”

Regarding the words of the ghost king, Lou Hang raised his eyebrows slightly!

He persuaded himself to wait for the Emperor’s Treasure to open by himself? Could it be that he knows anything?

However, it doesn’t look like the ghost king said too much, Lou Hang just nodded slightly, and after giving a response, he continued to turn and leave!

“Lou Hang!” However, another shout sounded.

Lou Hang sighed silently in his heart and turned around. I saw Baguio’s beautiful eyes staring at her tightly.

“Girl Baguio!” Lou Hang said.

“When can we see you again?” Baguio stared at Lou Hang and asked.

Of course Lou Hang understands what this sentence means.

In the modern era, it’s almost like a beautiful lady asking you to watch a movie in the middle of the night, remember to bring your ID card?

“Let’s do it, maybe, there will be no chance to meet again in the future!”

Thinking that I have half a year or so, I have to leave this world. Whether I can meet again in the future is really hard to say.

After making this sentence, Lou Hang turned and left.

The circular magic portal instantly turned into countless sparks and spread out.

“Let’s go, took a look at his daughter. The ghost king wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t know how to comfort him. In the end, he could only say one thing to Baguio.

Immediately, the people of the Ghost King Sect continued to flee far away!

Since then, Zhuxian World’s largest battle of righteous demons has come to an end.

And Lou Hang? I arrived in Heyang City, looking for the whereabouts of Zhou Yixian!

With a movement, Lou Hang went straight to the center of Heyang City, and then closed his eyes.

The power of the primordial spirit turned into a divine mind, and it was completely spread!

In terms of perception, spiritual search is more practical than Observation Haki.

Therefore, use Lou Hang to search with Shenmin.

In this way, Divine Mind quickly swept through the streets and alleys of Heyang City.

It’s also fortunate that the current Lou Hang is already a master of primordial spirit, otherwise, it would be impossible to simply rely on the power of divine mind to search for the target all the way!

So, after spending a cup of tea time, Lou Hang can feel the familiar breath of Zhou Yixian!

Immediately, he walked towards where Zhou Yixian was!

“Ding, get a heavenly book*1!”

“Brother Hang is awesome, the power of one person has suppressed the entire Ghost King Sect!

“Don’t tell me, the strength of this ghost king is a bit terrifying! At least it is a lot stronger than Poison God and Shangguan Ce!”

“Yes, even our Hang brothers must use Xuanyuan Sword to deal with him, even though we are defeated, it is an honor!”

“However, my brother Hang is better, and can start a school with just one volume of the heavenly book. Now, my brother has collected four volumes!”

“It’s still the last volume, so I’m completely collected, and I want to see what it looks like if all the five books of the heavens are collected!”

“Furthermore, every time you get the heavenly book, Brother Hang will realize that your cultivation level will be improved to a certain extent. I don’t know what will happen if the second volume of the heavenly book is obtained?”

“Don’t be too busy complimenting you, I’m actually even more curious about who is the strongest player that day?”

“Yes, when chatting with Ghost King, Brother Hang said that he was the second in the world, who was the first in the world?”

“Dao Xuan?”

“Impossible, no matter how strong Dao Xuan is, he will be about the same as the ghost king? He can’t defeat my Hang brother!”

“Yes, my Hang brother’s strength itself is not bad, after cultivating immortals in this world, the strength has soared by a lot!”

“Could it be just my humble words from Hang’s brother?”

“I always feel that things are not that simple!”

“Huh? It seems that this little Baguio girl is really interesting to our Hang brother!”

“Go, go, don’t you want such a beautiful woman to be delivered to your door?

“You diao silks, don’t use your ideas to see my husband. My husband is really a loving and righteous person. If you can’t bring happiness to others, you won’t provoke other girls!”

“Husband, my husband loves me the most, so dedicated to me, I really am the happiest woman in the world!”

“Okay, Brother Hang is here in Heyang City, ready to find Zhou Yixian to find a way to enter the treasure house of the Emperor!”

The Long Guo live broadcast room is still very lively.

Naturally, these audiences are extremely happy when they get the book of heaven.

And Baguio’s feelings for Lou Hang also made many viewers feel that Lou Hang is serious about feelings.

Of course, what Lou Hang said is that he is the second best player in the world, which makes many audiences say different things!

With Lou Hang’s strength, is it only second in the world? Who is the first one that day?

Let’s not say how lively the live broadcast is.

On the other side, Lou Hang’s mind has locked Zhou Yixian, and he has come to Zhou Yixian’s side.

I saw Zhou Yixian telling a fortune to a rich middle-aged man.

Judging from the appearance of this man wearing silk and satin, it is obvious that he has a very wealthy family.

After being fooled by Zhou Yixian, he immediately took out a lot of money and asked Zhou Yixian to resolve the blood and light disaster for himself!

After a flicker, the middle-aged man finally left in shock.

But Zhou Yixian smiled and put away a few golden beans.

“Master Luo!” After putting away the golden beans, I saw the fairy Lou Hang on Monday, with a slightly embarrassed expression!

It was indeed embarrassing to be seen by the people of Qingyunmen in such a greedy scene of money.

Especially Lou Hang still knows his identity, which is even more embarrassing.

“Senior, now, I have four volumes of heavenly books in hand!” Without much nonsense, Lou Hang said to Zhou Yixian!

“Ah, congratulations!” Hearing this, Zhou Yixian nodded and said.

Immediately, it was like a reaction, staring at Lou Hang with wide-eyed eyes: “You, what did you say? You, have you gathered four books from the heavens?”

“Yes, the first volume of the heavenly book I got 870 in the dripping hole, the second volume of the heavenly book I just got from the ghost kingzong, the fourth volume of the heavenly book I got the wordless jade bi of Amane Temple, the fifth volume of the heavenly book is Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!”

Lou Hang nodded, and counted the four books of heaven he had obtained!

“This, this has just been two months ago!” After listening to Lou Hang taking an inventory for himself, Zhou Yixian still looked at him in disbelief!

When they met in Heyang City two months ago, Lou Hang was about to collect the other three books.

It’s only been two months, he has already gathered?

This is unbelievable. How many people have not seen a volume of heavenly books in their entire lives, and he has collected them so easily?

Why is the gap between these people so big?

“Senior, can you talk about how the Emperor Treasury should be opened that day?” Lou Hang continued to speak, and asked Zhou Yixian.

“Well, since Lord Luo, you have successfully collected the heavenly books, I naturally follow the agreement and tell you the news about how to open the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven!” Hearing this, Zhou Yixian sighed.

“It’s just that this method hurts the heavens a bit too much, I hope Lord Luo, you never do it!” After a moment of silence, Zhou Yixian followed.

“What is the way to open the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury in advance, please tell me!” Lou Hang asked with a solemn expression, staring at Zhou Yixian.

In fact, this method must be difficult, which Lou Hang has known for a long time.

Otherwise, why didn’t anyone in the original book use this method to open the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury in advance?

Moreover, last Monday, Xian Mingming said it all, but stopped at a critical time. Isn’t it too difficult, so I didn’t tell myself?

The so-called wait until I have collected the four volumes of the heavenly books, is it just to procrastinate, right?

Presumably, I can really collect the four volumes of the heavenly scriptures, which Zhou Xian did not expect.

“Hey… after a long sigh, and after looking at Lou Hang earnestly, Zhou Yixian said:

In fact, there is only one way to open the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven in advance, and that is,

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