Chapter 335: The Goten Book Skill Increases Again

Long Guo live broadcast room, this time is especially happy!

Originally informed by Russian explorers, Lou Hang was surrounded by the entire Amane Temple. Everyone thought that Lou Hang was really playing off this time!

Unexpectedly, after a wave of operations, pretending to be Puhong who came through ten years later, Lou Hang was turned around by Lou Hang in a desperate situation!

After throwing out the first volume of the Book of Heaven, he immediately proved his identity.

For a while, the whole Longguo live broadcast room was very happy, and I even gave Lou Hang a big praise for his witty operation.

When we arrived at the Bleeding Hole, Lou Hang just used it as a springboard transit point.

In fact, Lou Hang at this time also silently gave himself a compliment.

The situation just now is indeed dangerous, let alone hands-on words, can I fight so many monks in Amane Temple.

Even if it takes ten thousand steps to say that if you really can fight, once you do it, you can expose your identity.

Fortunately, when I silently wrote the first volume of the heavenly scriptures, I deliberately wrote very slowly, creating opportunities for myself to continue to recite the heavenly scriptures on the wordless jade bi.

In this case, he will also obtain the heavenly book on the wordless jade bib!

The first volume, the fourth volume and the fifth volume of the heavenly scriptures, I can say that I have obtained them all.

Only the second volume of the Ghost King Sect and the third volume in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor are still missing!

In addition, the explorer like the informant of the Amane Temple, this account is temporarily written down.

After I finish my work and make room, I will settle this account for him!

An explorer from 13 other countries in a mere trivial amount is not worth thinking about too much.

Silently shook his head and pressed the matter down, Lou Hang’s mind was placed on the heavenly book he just got!

Since there is no one to bother in this blood hole, Lou Hang is not in a hurry to go to Fenxiang Valley.

Sit cross-legged and comprehend the heavenly book that you just got!

The recitation just now is just rote memorization, and it hasn’t had time to fully understand the contents of the heavenly scriptures on the wordless jade bi.

“Ding, get a heavenly book*1?”

In Lou Hang’s mind, he filled his own brain with the harvest situation, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly!

If the practice based on Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is regarded as a textbook, then the celestial book of the wordless jade that just got, this is another tutorial book!

I had a good sense of the content on the wordless jade bi, and Lou Hang confirmed these and the known content.

Suddenly, many places that were originally unintelligible suddenly became clear!

No nonsense, sit cross-legged and integrate the content of the wordless jade bi into your own practice.

Not only to feel Goten’s land, to understand the natural way of Taoism, but also to understand all aspects of one’s own mood.

Along with the practice, Lou Hang’s own strength rapidly improved.

And the primordial spirit in the spirit platform of the Purple Mansion became more and more condensed.

The original baby-sized primordial spirit now looks more mature and tougher!

Closing his eyes to practice, Lou Hang opened his eyes without knowing how long it took.

The eyes were full of vigor, and the faint light that seemed to be visible was blindfolded in his eyes!

In terms of cultivation level, Lou Hang turned out to have added another two hundred years or so.

And his own cultivation base can be regarded as having reached the stage of the Great Perfection of the Yuanshen Realm.

With only one last kick, you can cross and enter Taiqingjing.

Only the last kick is enough to enter the stage of practicing God and returning to the Void!

“So, this celestial book is worthy of the world’s top exercises, and it can be combined as a complete set. If all the five books of the celestial book are collected, it is really exciting!

After a good practice, it can be regarded as fusing the contents of the heavenly book on the wordless jade into his own training system, Lou Hang’s heart secretly sighed!

I don’t know how long he has been practicing, Lou Hang got up, once again constructed a magic portal, left the blood dripping hole, and flew in the direction of Fenxiang Valley.

The Fenxiang Valley is located in the northwest of the land of Shenzhou, guarded at the junction of Shiwan Mountain and Shenzhou.

It is also the first line of defense to resist the Yaozu from Shiwan Dashan from invading the land of Shenzhou.

Lou Hang came on behalf of Qingyunmen, and Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley, naturally greeted Lou Hang enthusiastically.

Then I heard Lou Hang came to ask for help. After reading the letter written by the head of Daoxuan, Yun Yilan also nodded.

It means that in the battle of righteous devil, Fenxiang Valley will naturally not stand idly by.

After that, the people who went to Qingyunmen to support were quickly formed!

Thank you, “Master Yungu, your work efficiency is very high!”

After Yun Yilan agreed, he immediately organized the manpower, Lou Hang spoke in praise.

“Time waits for no one. As early as seven days ago, I got news that the people from the four major sects of the Demon Dao were already gathering. As the head of Dao Xuan said, maybe this matter, the people in the Demon Dao are already heading to the Qingyunmen. On the way!”

Yun Yilan said.

Righteous and evil are not at the same time, even if they have not yet fought, as the Masamichi sect, it is naturally necessary to pay attention to the actions of the demon way.

As for the gathering of the four major sects of the Demon Road, it is impossible for Yun Yilan to see such a big movement!

“Did the people from the four major sects gathered together as early as seven days ago? It seems that my cultivation in the Bleeding Hole took too much time?

After hearing Yun Yilan’s words, Lou Hang understood in his heart!

It’s no wonder that in this practice, one’s own cultivation base has increased by two hundred years.

When I got the first volume of the heavenly book last time, I learned and practiced myself, and the increase in skill was only about a hundred years!

Without further ado, even Fenxiang Valley attaches such importance to it, of course it will not be possible to slow down the flight.

Led by Shangguan Strategy, the second master of Fenxiang Valley, hundreds of elite disciples in Fenxiang Valley dispatched, and followed Lou Hang, heading towards Qingyunmen!

He wanted to rescue the Nine Tails fox from the mysterious fire altar in Fenxiang Valley.

But now, it doesn’t seem to be the time.

Therefore, Lou Hang thought for a moment, and still thought it would wait until the end of the Blue Cloud Gate war.

During the flight of the imperial weapon, the people in Fenxiang Valley joined Lou Hang. More than a hundred people flew by the imperial device in the air. It looked like a meteor shower.

Many people on the ground looked up and saw such a majestic scene. They all knelt down and worshipped the people flying with these imperial weapons, shouting the gods in their mouths.

The imperial weapon flies in the sky, the green water of Aoyama is under the feet, and the white cloud dog is beside him.

Not far away, a large swath of white clouds happened to drift by in the wind.

Lou Hang and the people in Fenxiang Valley passed directly through the clouds.

However, Lou Hang suddenly felt that his own cultivation had become a lot thicker, and it was very difficult to operate.

This situation caused Lou Hang’s heart to move slightly and felt something was wrong.

“Oh, this white cloud is not a white cloud, but a piece of poisonous smoke!

At this moment, Fenxiang Valley’s Shangguan Ce suddenly screamed!

Then, all the disciples of Fenxiang Valley made their moves, and the techniques of the Fenxiang Jade Book ran, and the hot flame erupted, burning all the poisonous smoke that looked like a white cloud!

However, at this time, everyone has been poisoned after all.

It’s okay for those with a higher cultivation base like Lou Hang. Other disciples with a low cultivation base already find it extremely difficult to operate, and even the flying of the imperial weapon can hardly be maintained!

In desperation, Shangguance could only let everyone land on a mountain below, and then set up a defensive formation!

Since I was ambushed by poisonous smoke in mid-air, villain(s) must be around!

Sure enough, as if to confirm the idea of ​​Shangguan Ce, after a while, a group of people quickly appeared.

The dismal green costumes look like the ones in the magic way, and they almost have the words “I’m a bad person” tattooed on the face.

“Hey hey, big fish, this is really a super big fish!”

The first figure came out and stared at Shangguance with a smile.

“The head of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, the poison god!” Looking at the figure who walked out, Shangguan Ce’s expression was so gloomy that it almost dripped water!

“Yes, our four major sects have become a siege to Qingyunmen. It was expected that the so-called Masamichi would come to support, but I didn’t expect that we would have caught such a super fish like Fenxiang Valley!”

On Poison God’s face, 837 showed a triumphant smile and said.

Although in terms of numbers, Wandumen is not more than Fenxianggu.

However, the trap was set up long ago, and everyone in Fenxiang Valley was poisoned.This situation is different!

This “poison, powerful!”

The cultivation base in Lou Hang’s body surged, trying to get rid of the poison in the body, but found that these poisons were like bone maggots, and it was extremely difficult to get rid of them.

Even though I’m like this, looking at the disciples of Fenxianggu, many people have already fallen to the ground, obviously no longer capable of fighting!

The people of Wandumen besieged but did not attack, and did not rush to take action.

Obviously, they are all waiting for the poisoning state to be the most serious before taking action.

Of course Shangguan Ce also understood Poison God’s plan, and the technique of Burning Fragrant Jade Book became operational.

The scorching and overbearing firepower forcibly suppressed the poison in the body and rushed towards the poison god.

He wanted to take advantage of the current state of poisoning that has not deepened, and quickly take down the poisonous god!

It’s just that, as the head of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, with a high cultivation base, how can the Poison God be taken down so easily?

Fighting with Shangguance, even when Shangguance was not paying attention, a Seven Tails centipede took a bite on Shangguance’s body!

“This poison is a bit scary. The main effect is on the cultivation base, which makes it difficult to mobilize the cultivation base!”

After spending some time trying to get rid of the toxins in the body, with little effect, Lou Hang shook his head secretly!

Well, since these cultivation bases of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao can’t be mobilized, then use other abilities!

Binoculars condensed slightly, Lou Hang instantly entered the Isosuke mode!

The Chakra of the Tailed Beast is completely different from the power system of this world, and is not affected by the state of poisoning.

Besides, it is me who is poisoned, what does it have to do with caress? Its Chakra supply is not affected by it!

Taking a deep breath, Lou Hang followed his hands to seal the seal and performed the Summoning technique.

The puppets of the Uchiha tribe and Kaido puppets, follow Summoning!.

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