Chapter 331: Lou Hang VS Amane Temple Pu Kong Da

Although without the cooperation of the Eight Fiends Xuanhuo Array, Xuanhuojian’s experience can hardly reach the Ultimate.

However, even so, Lou Hang is quite satisfied.

In this way, his Xuanyuan Sword had the power of flames again.

After a good test, Lou Hang threw Xuanyuanjian back to Zhang Xiaofan with satisfaction!

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Zhang Xiaofan was even more able to feel the erosion of Heishui Profound Snake’s own right away a lot!

Then, Zhang Xiaofan’s heart moved slightly.

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, the power of the Black Water Profound Snake poured into the sword, and he swung it heavily at the distance!

The sky-shaking sword aura that was as dark as ink appeared!

Destroying the decay, there is nothing in this mirrored space that can stop Zhang Xiaofan’s sword aura!

The strength of this sword aura is shocking!

“This Black Water Profound power is really strong, it’s only part of it, this power is so terrifying!”

Seeing that the sword qi cut everything off as if it was devastating, and quickly disappeared into the distance, Dao Xuan’s heart was secretly shaken.

“Not bad, when you can fully master the power of the Black Water Black Snake, there are only a handful of monks in the world who can fight you!” Lou Hang also nodded, and said in agreement.

“All this, thanks to Lord Luo for his help!

Feeling the power he has now, Zhang Xiaofan was also surprised and happy, and at the same time, said to Lou Hang.

“By the way, there is one more thing, you must remember clearly!!

At this moment, Lou Hang suddenly thought of something, and stared at Zhang Xiaofan seriously!

Lord Luo” please say: Zhang Xiaofan has also become more serious, nodded and asked.

“The Black Water Mysterious Snake is now sealed in your body. To some extent, you and the Black Water Mysterious Snake are almost one body.”

If “The Black Water Profound Snake breaks the seal and leaves, or is taken away by someone else, you will die!

Lou Hang also told Zhang Xiaofan about the restrictions of Jinchūriki seriously!

“Don’t worry, Lord Luo, I will remember!”

Of course Zhang Xiaofan takes his life and death very seriously, and nodded heavily!

“Okay, let’s do it, the future training is up to you!”

After teaching Zhang Xiaofan how to control the power of the black water mysterious snake, Lou Hang felt that he had already done what he had to do, and nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, a group of three people left the mirror space!

“My luck with the Blue Cloud Gate!” After leaving the mirror space, Daoxuan looked at Lou Hang with emotion and joy!

It’s not just Lou Hang who became the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen because of his own wooing.

Now, even Zhang Xiaofan is so powerful!?

The Black Water Profound Snake is a force beyond the power of human power.

If you really wait for Master Zhang Xiaofan to have all the power of the Black Water Profound Snake, can anyone in this world be Zhang Xiaofan’s opponent?

This is another top powerhouse in the world!

“Master Luo, I will go back to Dazhu Peak for the time being!”

After walking out of the mirrored space, Zhang Xiaofan saluted Lou Hang and Daoxuan respectively, and then turned back to Dazhu Peak!

“Elder Luo, I suddenly discovered that there is no need to go to Amane Temple and Fenxiang Valley for help!

Looking at Lou Hang, Daoxuan suddenly spoke and said with emotion!

Yes, Qingyunmen’s Zhuxian Sword Formation will not be mentioned for the time being.

Lou Hang’s strength, can he defeat the Black Water Profound Snake? Such ability is simply terrifying!

And Zhang Xiaofan’s power should not be underestimated!

Coupled with that Xuanhuojian can summon the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon.

Even in the face of the combined attacks of the Demon Dao sects such as the Ghost King Sect, the Wandu Sect, and the Longevity Hall, Daoxuan felt for a while that the Qingyun Sect might not be unstoppable!

“So what? Is the head in the mood already inflated?” Lou Hang asked with a faint smile after hearing this.

Lou Hang’s words make Daoxuantang’s door speechless!

In fact, the head of Dao Xuan himself knew that his words were indeed a little bloated.

None of the several sects of the Demon Dao are easy to deal with, it is necessary to join hands to attack, and to prepare as much as possible!

After chatting with Lou Hang with emotion, Daoxuan also turned and went back to his room to rest.

It was not too late at first, but now, it is already late at night!

After returning to his room to rest, Lou Hang continued to practice well.

In the early morning of the next day, Lou Hang stood up, and immediately left Qingyunmen, heading towards Amane Temple!

If the sword flies, the speed is naturally fast, and nothing happened along the way, so I arrived at Amane Temple smoothly!

After expressing his identity and purpose, the monk of Amane Temple also invited Lou Hang in!

I have seen “Abbot Puhong! Come to” Amane Temple, Lou Hang salutes Puhong!

“Elder Luo is polite, the youngest person is the elder of Qingyunmen. Elder Luo can’t help but feel that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward waves!”

Master Puhong still seemed to be kind, and he replied with a bow and said with emotion.

Qingyunmen and Amane Temple are both Masamichi sect, and Lou Hang’s status is not low.

Therefore, the diplomacy between these two Masamichi schools, at least on the surface, is still very harmonious!

In this way, after the two parties had greeted each other, they cut into the subject, and the abbot of Puhong asked Lou Hang about his coming this time.

Lou Hang roughly described how several Demon Dao sects teamed up to attack Masamichi, and also took out a letter from the head of Daoxuan and gave it to Master Pu Hong!

Taking the letterhead with both hands, Puhong looked at it and frowned slowly.


After reading it, Master Pu Kuang folded his palms together, and announced a Buddha’s name in his mouth, saying: “Actually, the news of the demon way is about to move recently, I also know about the Amane Temple, but, I didn’t expect that several sects have joined forces. ?

“If this is the case, I naturally can’t stand by at Amane Temple!!

When these words were spoken, Master Puhong even agreed!

“So, on behalf of Qingyunmen, I would like to thank the master for his righteousness and help!” Lou Hang said after hearing this.

“There is no need to thank the Qingyunmen. It is actually to help us Amane Temple. Otherwise, if the Qingyunmen is destroyed, how can I Amane Temple alone!?”

After shaking his head, Abbot Puhong followed.

Not to mention, it is the abbot of Amane Temple, Puhong’s remarks are still very comfortable!

“Elder Luo came from afar, if you don’t dislike it, try the food of my Amane Temple!

After talking about the business, Puhong followed!

“Okay!” Lou Hang nodded, and didn’t mean to refuse.

At noon, Master Puhong personally accompanied him and gave Lou Hang a simple but not simple fast food. It was a good treat for Lou Hang!

“Elder Luo seems to be young, but fifty years old?”

At the dinner table, Pu Kong, one of the four god-tier monks, suddenly spoke and asked Lou Hang!

The path of practice has the effect of prolonging life and prolonging life. Therefore, if you have a little achievement in general practice, the speed of appearance and aging seems to be delayed a lot!

“Well, in a few years, I will be thirty years old!” Lou Hang replied!

As soon as this remark came out, the monks in Amane Temple were secretly surprised once again.

Immediately he looked at each other, and his face showed a look of astonishment!

I thought that Lou Hang’s age was approaching fifty, but he didn’t expect that he would not even be thirty?

So young, but became the elder of Qingyunmen?

“Amitabha, as far as I know, the Qingyunmen all the first peaks have been practiced for more than two to three hundred years.”

“And the disciples, many of them are over a hundred years old, but Elder Luo is less than 30 years old, but he became the elder of Qingyunmen.

“Presumably, Elder Luo’s Taoist cultivation has reached a very advanced level, right?” Pu Kong followed, asking Lou Hang in amazement!

“Deep? If I nod, I look too arrogant. If I am humble, I look too hypocritical. I don’t know how to answer this!” Lou Hang said, and answered Pukong.

“I always long for Qingyunmen’s Taoism. If Luo Sect doesn’t mind, it’s better to discuss one or two?” Pu Space said, taking advantage of the trend to make a battle.

“Junior Brother, Lord Luo is a guest from afar, what do you mean!” Hearing this, the master Pu Kuang next to him gave his junior brother a look!

Among the four god-tier monks, Pukong Junior Brother has the most popular temperament.

I originally thought that I had become more calm in practicing Buddhism over the years, but I didn’t expect that when I first met, I would ask the elders of Qingyunmen to do it?

People who don’t know still think that Amane Temple is a bully when people are young!

“Brother the abbot, just learn from each other, don’t worry, I won’t hurt him!”

Hearing this, Pu Kong looked at the abbot and said.

“Alright, it’s just to learn from each other, I won’t hurt Master Pukong!” Lou Hang also nodded, and said (for the money).

Say that you won’t hurt yourself as soon as you speak?

So, do you think you will win if you have eaten it?

Well, just use the other way to give back to the body!

“Oh? It seems that Elder Luo is very confident in his Taoist cultivation. Okay, if that’s the case, then see the real chapter under his hand!” Listening to Lou Hang, Pu Kong became a little angry, staring at him. Lou Hang shouted.

“So, if I answer you with your words, you can’t take it anymore?”

Seeing Pukong’s face with a visibly angry look, Lou Hang secretly murmured in his heart!

It’s good, “If that’s the case, let’s do it!” Lou Hang also nodded, looking young and energetic!

Although Zhang Xiaofan has also practiced the Great Brahma Prajna, his cultivation is not deep enough after all, so he can’t see much.

Taking this opportunity to get a good experience of the Great Brahma Prajna of Amane Temple is also a good choice!

If you have a clearer concept of the Great Brahma Prajna, next time you secretly come to Amane Temple to observe the wordless jade bi, you also know how strong the monks in Amane Temple are?

With a movement, Lou Hang and Pukong came to a square outside Amane Temple.

Many monks gathered to watch the battle!

It’s not just Lou Hang who is curious to see the true power of the Great Brahma Prajna of Amane Temple.

In fact, these monks are also curious about what kind of capabilities a young elder Lou Hang has!

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