Chapter 303: Yes, Xuanyuan Sword Strengthening +3

Originally, Lou Hang wanted to directly ask Zhang Xiaofan for the blood bead.

He also gave a good introduction to Xuanyuan Sword.

But I didn’t expect that I just said that no one but myself can afford Xuanyuan Sword.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaofan picked up Xuanyuanjian.

Such a scene really makes Lou Hang feel a little embarrassed!

“Master Luo, your sword is really powerful. I can feel that this Xuanyuan sword indeed possesses very powerful power!!

Holding Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, a feeling of comprehension rose from his heart, and Zhang Xiaofan felt the power of Xuanyuan Sword!

“My sword, ordinary people can’t pick it up, only people with a truly kind and noble heart can pick it up, and whoever can pick it up can use its power!” Lou Hang followed!

“Really? Do you mind if I give it a try!?

Zhang Xiaofan also felt very surprised by such a magical sword.

Therefore, I also want to give it a try.

This feeling even made Zhang Xiaofan’s sadness fade a lot for the time being!

“Yes, whatever you want!” Lou Hang nodded and said, without meaning to sound!

Then, Zhang Xiaofan took the Xuanyuan Sword and walked out of the house, and waved it at a short distance.

Shock Fruit’s ability was activated, and a large white light surged on Xuanyuan Sword.

Then, a big rock not far away was directly shattered!

“Sure enough!” Such a sword shattered a large rock, Zhang Xiaofan said in amazement!

But, seeing this scene, Lou Hang’s mouth twitched slightly.

The power of Shock Fruit just shattered a big rock, which made him so amazed?

If he saw that the power from himself and Whitebeard was enough for a landslide and a tsunami, how would he sigh?

The power of this Shock Fruit can increase your own strength, so as your cultivation level improves, even if it shatters a mountain behind, it is not a problem!”

Zhang Xiaofan’s amazed look made Lou Hang feel a little bit unable to stand it, and then he reminded him.

Lou Hang’s words made the audience in the live broadcast room very happy.

It seems that it’s not just that I feel that Zhang Xiaofan’s power has insulted Shock Fruit, even Lou Hang thinks so!

The dignified Shock Fruit just shattered a big rock, he was so happy?

It’s like a nuclear bomb destroyed a small house, are all complacent?

Is this so complacent?

“Really? This Xuanyuan sword is really amazing!”

However, with Zhang Xiaofan’s temperament, it is obvious that he can’t realize the true meaning of Lou Hang’s words. He still acts as Lou Hang to continue to explain to himself the power of Xuanyuanjian, and he exclaims in awe.

Lou Hang’s mouth twitched slightly and stopped talking.

Forget it, as long as you are happy!

After trying Shock Fruit’s ability, Zhang Xiaofan raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and pointed at the distant mountain.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan activated the power of the Frost Treasure Box!

The chill, which is hard to describe in words, burst out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, visible to the naked eye, the mountains in the distance quickly began to condense.

Moreover, the speed of this condensation is very fast!

“Hiss… Now, Zhang Xiaofan was really taken aback, and hurriedly took Xuanyuan Sword back!

However, just for a while, one of the distant peaks was completely frozen.

“This, this Xuanyuan Sword, is too, terrible!”

Looking down at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Zhang Xiaofan was really frightened.

In such a while, the top of a mountain is frozen?

If you come to Dazhu Peak like this, it won’t be long before the entire Dazhu Peak will be frozen, right?

This is really a shocking power!

The power that just shattered a big rock is really nothing compared to such a power!

This is “right, this kind of reaction is normal!”

Seeing the power of the Frost Treasure Box completely frightened Zhang Xiaofan, Lou Hang nodded in satisfaction.

This reaction is in line with Xuanyuanjian’s quality!


The top of a mountain was frozen, and the temperature in the air naturally dropped a lot, and then, Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan both saw a few sword lights across the night sky and shot towards the frozen mountain!

“This is Moriyama’s disciple. I found this sight. Let’s hide away!”

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. He didn’t want to cause trouble. His first reaction was to go back to the house with Lou Hang, pretending that everything had nothing to do with him.

This made Lou Hang’s mouth slightly raised, but Zhang Xiaofan had such a side to his surprise.

It’s almost like a guy who was naughty when he was a child, and then immediately hid!

Lord Luo, “You Xuanyuan Sword is indeed a Divine Sword, it’s too powerful!”

After returning to his house, Zhang Xiaofan calmed down his shock and said to Lou Hang sincerely!

Yes, he is a low-minded person, holding this sword, he can actually exert such a powerful force.

Zhang Xiaofan knew in his heart that this Xuanyuan Sword was really powerful.

While talking, Zhang Xiaofan grabbed the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and moved towards the Blood Devouring Orb!

Sure enough, this blood-devouring orb immediately turned into a red light spot, which was absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword!

After that, the third groove of Xuanyuanjian was filled with Blood Devouring Beads.

Holding it in his hand, Zhang Xiaofan also immediately felt Xuanyuanjian’s ability, and he added another one.

“This blood-devouring orb gives Xuanyuan Sword the blood-sucking healing effect!

After feeling it, Zhang Xiaofan followed.

“Sucking blood to heal?” Lou Hang looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

“It’s during the battle, you can absorb the blood around you, draw the vitality contained in the blood, so as to feed back the owner and heal the injury!”

Zhang Xiaofan followed and explained, and handed the Xuanyuan sword back to Lou Hang, saying: “You divine sword is really powerful. You can use the divine sword to suppress the magic weapon of the magic way. You can use the power of the blood-devouring bead, but you don’t have to worry about being eaten by the blood. Beads corrode the mind.”

“Perhaps, it is the most suitable choice to absorb the Blood Devouring Orb to Xuanyuan Sword!”

“In game terms, handle Xuanyuan Sword, now has the special effect of blood sucking added, right?”

Listening to Zhang Xiaofan’s words, Lou Hang secretly said in his heart that he also understood the new functions that Xuanyuan Sword had added.

For such a function, Lou Hang is also quite satisfied.

With this effect, if you are fighting for a long time in the future, you will have the ability to last, right?

Especially on the large battlefield, some of your own injuries are no longer a problem?

“Damn, that’s great, Brother Hang, YYDS!”

“This is just the first day of expedition in the world, and I have gained something!”

“Ding, Xuanyuan Sword strengthens by +1, and the blood-sucking function is added!”

“Upstairs, you were wrong, it should be, Ding, Xuanyuanjian strengthens +3, and has blood-sucking function!”

…For flowers…

“This Xiaofan is still very good, and he dedicated the Blood Devouring Bead to Brother Hang!”

“Then need to say? Helped him find the murderer who destroyed the entire village. With such a fortune-telling ability, he wanted a blood-devouring bead as the gold of hexagrams. Isn’t it fair?”

In the Long Country live broadcast room, after seeing Xuanyuan Sword inlaid with blood-devouring beads, Zhang Xiaofan also talked about the additional effects of the inlaid blood-devouring beads. Many viewers in the live broadcast room were also very excited.

As long as Lou Hang has gained something, the audience of Long Country will feel happy.

Whether it is the gains of living alone in Lou Hang, or the gains of being able to enhance the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, Lou Hang is now tied to the national fortune of the entire Dragon Kingdom, isn’t it?

Let’s not say what kind of thoughts the viewers in the live broadcast room have.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan handing Xuanyuanjian back to himself, Lou Hang was also moved in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he had embedded the Blood Devouring Orb into Xuanyuan Sword so simply!

“Xiao Fan, since you can afford this Xuanyuan sword, it means that you have some fate with it. Let me lend you this sword for the time being!”


After a moment of silence, Lou Hang didn’t mean to reach out to take Xuanyuanjian, but said to Zhang Xiaofan!

“Ah? Lend this Xuanyuan sword to me? What about yourself?” Zhang Xiaofan looked at Lou Hang in amazement.

“I want this, just icing on the cake, without it, I am still a peerless sword myself.”

“However, if it is in your hands, it can greatly increase your strength!” Lou Hang said to Zhang Xiaofan!

“But, but… how powerful Xuanyuanjian is, Zhang Xiaofan knows.

Now, Lou Hang actually said that he wanted to lend it to himself temporarily, which made Zhang Xiaofan a little stunned.

Wanting is wanting, but it’s not very embarrassing.

“Your Blood Devouring Orb should be regarded as rent. Let Xuanyuan Sword be rented to you for a year now!”

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan’s appearance, why doesn’t Lou Hang understand his thoughts? Then he said.

“Then, thank Master Luo, when do you want Xuanyuanjian,

Nodded, Zhang Xiaofan also accepted Xuanyuanjian.

“Whenever I want it, stretch out my hand and it will come back!” Lou Hang smiled and said afterwards!

With these words, Zhang Xiaofan nodded more assuredly.

Lou Hang continued to lie down and rest, while Zhang Xiaofan held Xuanyuanjian in his hand, feeling extremely novel.

With this Xuanyuan Sword, he really has incomparable power, right?

“No matter how powerful the weapon is, it’s just an aid after all. I hope you don’t rely too much on Xuanyuan Sword!” Lou Hang said, followed by a reminder.

“Master Luo, I understand. After all, you lent this sword to me. I will return it to you in a year. Therefore, I will focus on my practice!” Nodding heavily, Zhang Xiaofan replied.

“In addition, although your aptitude is mediocre, it is not particularly bad. The reason why your practice has not progressed smoothly over the years is because you have also practiced the Great Brahma Prajna!”

Qualifications “Mediocre, and half of the energy is allocated to practice other exercises, your cultivation is slow, it is reasonable!”

“However, if you continue to practice, the path is right.

“The Great Brahma Prajna and the Taiji Xuanqing Dao are indeed the same root. In the future, your cultivation speed will increase faster and faster!”

Lou Hang lay down and spoke to Zhang Xiaofan like a chatter. Inch,

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