Chapter 301: The truth is like this!?

“Someone is following me!?”

Listening to what Lou Hang said, Zhang Xiaofan turned around and looked behind him!

A figure walked out from behind him.

“Teacher, Madam” Zhang Xiaofan saw Su Ru coming out, lowered his head, like a child who did something wrong!

When he walked to Zhang Xiaofan and patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder, Su Ru didn’t say much.

But his eyes looked at Lou Hang, with a look of caution in his eyes: “This little brother can detect me, it seems that my cultivation level is not low.”

“It’s just that, with your cultivation base, why sneak into the back mountain of my Dazhu Peak?”

“In addition, you asked my disciple to come to Houshan to look for you in the middle of the night, why?”

“Since it’s here, just listen to it by the side? If you think I’m wrong, can you drive me away?” Lou Hang’s expression was calm, and he said to Su Ru.

Looking at Lou Hang’s appearance, he doesn’t seem to be a man in the magic way, and he can communicate well.

Therefore, Su Ru didn’t say much.

She really wanted to know what the mysterious person in front of her and Zhang Xiaofan wanted to talk about.

At the same time, I was also a little curious, what was it that made Zhang Xiaofan secretly come to see this mysterious man in the middle of the night without telling his couple?

“Okay, let’s continue to talk about the topics we talked about in the afternoon!”

I really didn’t have any malice, so I was not afraid of the shadow leaning, and after saying hello to Su Ru, immediately, Lou Hang looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

“You said before that you know who the murderer in my Caomiao Village is, now you can tell me!?

Although Su Ru was beside him, Zhang Xiaofan felt very uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t care too much about the truth about the tragedy in Caomiao Village, and asked Lou Hang directly!

Su Ru, who was next to him, heard this, his face also changed, and he was suddenly stunned.

It’s no wonder that Xiaofan can’t stand his home. It turns out that this person wants to talk to Zhang Xiaofan about the truth in Caomiao Village?

It’s just that Qingyunmen has tracked down the murderer for so long and found nothing.

Can he actually know the young man in front of him?

“Actually, the murderer of the Caomiao Village tragedy was no one else, but Master Puzhi of Amane Temple!

Lou Hang didn’t mean to sell it, and first announced the final answer!

“Master Puzhi, this, this is impossible, you lie to me!”

I don’t know what happened and why. Suddenly Lou Hang said that the murderer was Master Puzhi. Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and didn’t want to believe it.

After all, in Zhang Xiaofan’s heart, he always regarded Master Puzhi as his master.

I also respect and miss him very much in my heart.

Now, suddenly someone tells himself that the murderer is Master Puzhi, how can Zhang Xiaofan believe it!?

“This little brother, are you trying to provoke the battle between Qingyunmen and Amane Temple!?” Su Ru, who was next to him, said with a deep face when he heard the words.

I just feel that Lou Hang’s method of instigating discord is not clever!

“Don’t worry, let me show you the causes and consequences of the whole thing for a long time.?” Lou Hang said, his expression still calm.

The reaction of Zhang Xiaofan and Su Ru can be said to be expected!

“Okay, let’s talk about it!” Seeing Lou Hang’s expression, Su Ru temporarily suppressed the desire to do something in her heart, and nodded!

Zhang Xiaofan also looked at Lou Hang seriously, and there were 10,000 people who didn’t want to believe in his heart. In his memory, the kind-looking, kind-hearted Puzhi Master was actually the murderer of the Caomiao Village tragedy?

However, Lou Hang in front of him has no grievances or grudges against himself, and there is no intersection, and there is no reason to deceive himself, right?


After clearing his throat, Lou Hang’s gaze fell on Zhang Xiaofan, and said: “The source of all this, you have to start with the blood-devouring bead on you, Xiaofan, Xiaofan, take a look at the blood-devouring bead? ”

It was another word that broke the news that he was carrying a blood-devouring bead.

Zhang Xiaofan hesitated for a moment, and then took out the Blood Devouring Orb that he had secretly hidden for many years.

“This bead is the rumored blood-devouring bead? It is rumored that the treasure of the black-hearted old man!?” Looking at Zhang Xiaofan’s blood-devouring bead, Su Ru’s face changed again.

Wei Su

Although he didn’t know him, Su Ru had heard of the old man’s name and the name of the blood-devouring bead.

Originally Lou Hang said that the murderer of the Caomiao Village tragedy was Master Puzhi. Su Ru didn’t believe it, thinking that Lou Hang was deliberately provoking the battle between Amane Temple and Qingyunmen.


The person in front of you may even be a person in the magic way!

However, Lou Hang pointed out the Blood Devouring Bead in a word, and Su Ming made nothing, maybe he really thought wrong!

If the person in front of him is a Demon Dao, with Xiaofan’s humble Dao, he would have taken it away a long time ago, so why wait until now?

Moreover, after going up the mountain for so many years, Xiao Fan’s body has been hiding the Blood Devouring Orb.

I don’t even know such a thing.

It seems that there is indeed a deep secret hidden in Xiao Fan’s body!

Thinking of this, Su Ru’s eyes cast a deep look at Zhang Xiaofan.

Lou Hang ignored the thoughts of Su Ru next to him, and then said: “Back then, this blood-devouring bead was accidentally obtained by Master Puzhi, so he kept this bead by his side in order to use his own Dharma. , To resolve the hostility in it!”

“By the way, Master Puzhi, as a senior monk of the Amane Temple, he naturally studied Dafan Prajna. Later, he discovered that the Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao of Qingyunmen seemed to have a lot in common with Dafan Prajna. He once came to Qingyunmen and asked for it. Have you lived through Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao?

At the end, Lou Hang looked at Su Ru and asked!

“There is indeed this, and I just heard that Master Puzhi once wanted to exchange the Dafan Prajna for the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, but this matter was rejected by the master teacher!” Su Ru nodded.

“Master Puzhi was fascinated by the study of the exercises. When he was rejected back then, he was naturally disappointed in his heart. After he got off the Qingyunmen, he rested near Caomiao Village. By chance, he met Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan, right! ?”

This sentence was finally addressed to Zhang Xiaofan!

“That’s it!” Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

“The problem was that night.”

“At that time, a black-clothed masked man attacked Master Pu Zhi, and the opponent’s target was the Blood Devouring Bead!”

“Moreover, the black-clothed masked man makes the Divine Sword Yulei really fast!”

“This is impossible!”

Su Ru exploded again. The Divine Sword Defending Thunder True Art was the Qingyunmen’s Zhenshan thaumaturgy, but not everyone could learn it.

This trick will definitely be the core figure of Qingyunmen.

And can attack Master Puzhi? Isn’t that the strength of the first Qingyunmen Seven Vessels?

“Don’t rush to deny it, listen to me and finish it? Are you deciding whether to believe it?”

Looking at Su, Lou Hang said!

“It’s me who lost my mind, little brother continues to say!”

Although I think Lou Hang’s words are a bit impossible, his words are indeed shocking and attract people’s attention, so Su Ru can’t help but want to continue listening!

“At that time, although Master Puzhi successfully defeated the man in black, he was also fatally injured, knowing that his life will not be long!”

“At that time, Master Puzhi looked at Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan, thinking about accepting one of them as his disciple, and then let the disciple worship into the Qingyunmen, so it is the Dafan Prajna and Taiji Xuanqing Dao that are of the same root. Gongfa!

“Lin Jingyu’s qualifications are very good, and he will definitely be valued by his teacher when he enters the Qingyun Gate, so there is a risk of exposure.”

“So, in the end, Master Puzhi accepted you as a disciple and preached your great Brahma Prajna, do you know why?”

At the end, Lou Hang looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said!

“Because I have mediocre qualifications!” Zhang Xiaofan replied, lowering his head!

Su Ru was shocked again when this remark came out.

Before apprenticeship, Zhang Xiaofan actually apprenticed to Master Puzhi, even with a big Brahma Prajna?

If it were not for Zhang Xiaofan’s personal confession today, Su Ru would never have thought of it!

“But how can we ensure that Zhang Xiaofan will worship Qingyunmen?”

“In normal times, Buddhism can suppress the hostility of the blood-devouring beads, but the body is seriously injured, and the Dharma is not enough to suppress it. The hostile spirit of the blood-devouring beads affects the character of Master Puzhi, giving him a terrible idea.

“That is, slaughter the entire Caomiao Village, leaving only the two orphans Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu, so that Qingyunmen can be forced to accept them both!”

“There is also Lin Jingyu’s outstanding talents, which attracts the attention of teachers. Therefore, no one pays too much attention to Zhang Xiaofan.

“This is the truth of the matter!

“No, it won’t, it can’t be like this.

At the beginning, Puzhi was the murderer, and Zhang Xiaofan didn’t believe it.

However, after hearing Lou Hang talk about the causes and consequences of this matter, Zhang Xiaofan was stupid.

The original disbelief in my heart has also become shaken!

“This, the truth of this Caomiao Village is actually like this!?” Su Ru beside him also widened his eyes, unbelievable!

However, Lou Hang’s analysis is very eloquent, and it’s all right!

More importantly, Puzhi went to Qingyunmen to ask for Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao,

He met Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu in Caomiao Village,

The Blood Devouring Orb is now in Zhang Xiaozhao’s) Fan’s hands,

Also, he asked Zhang Xiaofan to approve of his teacher, and he passed on his great Brahma Prajna,

These things have all been confirmed to be true!

If it was at that time, Master Puzhi was really affected by the blood-devouring orb, and would make such evil actions, it would not be impossible.

After all, Su Ru also knew the terrible magical tools!

“If you don’t believe it, the whole thing can be verified!” At this moment, Lou Hang followed!

“Verify, how to verify?” Su Ru asked after hearing this!

“In the beginning, Master Puzhi was actually not dead, and when he recovered his mind, he knew that he had made a big mistake.”

“Therefore, with one last breath, I went back to Amane Temple, found the top of Amane Temple, cried out the sins I had committed, and then passed away.”

“If you send someone directly to Amane Temple for inquiries, I guess the people at Amane Temple will not open their eyes and talk nonsense!”

Lou Hang followed!

In the original work, Amane Temple waited for many years, and finally came to Qingyunmen and revealed the truth.

Therefore, if Qingyunmen took the initiative to ask, Amane Temple should not hide it.

“Now, Su Ru also believed Lou Hang’s words!

Can Qingyunmen go to Amane Temple to verify, his words can’t be a lie, right?

The truth of the tragedy in Caomiao Village was like this!?

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