Chapter 23: Ding Chunqiu Who Was Dead

Tianshan Six Sun Palm is a set of palms with strong yang as the main force!

Not only has its own powerful means of fighting, but it can also resolve the life and death talisman!

As for Tianshan Zhemei Shou, it is known as a set of martial arts that can never be finished.

Because whether it is palm, fingering, boxing, swordsmanship, etc., many martial arts can be integrated into this set of martial arts by relying on personal understanding!

With the teaching of Tianshan Tong’s grandmother personally, with Lou Hang’s current internal skills, learning these two sets of melee martial arts, naturally, it will be twice the result with half the effort!

Tianshan child grandma feeds, this kind of opportunity is not so easy to get.

Therefore, Lou Hang also learned very hard!

“You kid, it’s pretty good. These two skills can fill your shortcomings. From now on, this world will be yours!”

Talking with Lou Hang, you came and I practiced, and practiced till late at night, Tongma nodded with satisfaction, and said in admiration to Lou Hang!

“It’s all the teachers who taught me well!” Lou Hang smiled and complimented!

“Okay, the master leads in, and the practice is personal. Take a good rest today, and there are still important things to do tomorrow!” Tomorrow is the day when the funeral officially begins!

“Uncle Uncle, take a good rest!” Lou Hang nodded slightly.

Lying quietly on his bed, Lou Hang thought about his current martial arts problem!

To be honest, after learning Tianshan Zhemei Hand and Liuyang Palm, I can be regarded as making up for a big shortcoming.

In today’s martial arts, perhaps only the sweeping monk can dominate himself.

If Tianshan Tongmao, he can entangle hundreds of tricks, right?

As for Murong Bo, Xiao Feng and his son? Top masters like Li Qiushui?

Lou Hang feels that his current martial arts is enough to compete with these people!

“It’s just that, in this world, after all, the initial world is nothing more. In the future explored world, the force value will be higher and higher. Therefore, if possible, we should try our best to increase the strength as much as possible!”

“I don’t know what world the next adventure will be!”

“In addition, I’m so dazzling this time. If I return to the real world, do I have to be wary of people from other countries attacking me?”

Lou Hang fell asleep deeply, confused and thoughtful.

By the next day, Lou Hang got up early, and Wang Yuyan gave a few martial arts secrets to Lou Hang’s hands!

The mourning hall has been built, and the disciples like Su Xinghe are all wearing linen and kneeling in front of the coffin!

“Uncle? What are you?” Lou Hang was surprised when he saw the child’s grandmother who was also kneeling in front of the coffin and was burning paper!

Generally, this position is reserved for the family members of the family, right?

“What? Are you trying to drive me away?” Tongma’s eyes were red, and after looking at Lou Hang, he asked!

“My nephew dare not!” Lou Hang sighed secretly in his heart, and replied immediately!

Hearing Lou Hang’s answer, Tong Grandma was satisfied, and continued to lower his head, burning paper money and paper money.

“Oh, it seems that today’s funeral can’t be calmed down!” Seeing Tong’s grandma occupying the position of a female family member, thinking that Li Qiushui should come later, Lou Hang sighed secretly in his heart!

However, if Li Qiushui is really here and the two are fighting, Lou Hang is still willing to stand on Tongma’s side!

It’s not because Tongma made her own martial arts, but because Wuyazi!

Originally Wuyazi and Li Qiushui lived very well in Langhuan Fudi, but in the end, why was Wuyazi’s legs broken and became a living dead?

And Li Qiushui remarried to the Xixia Palace?

“You are here, Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin, lead the disciples in the temple to offer condolences!” Xue Muhua said loudly!

“Mr. Xue, mourning…” After saying hello to Xue Muhua, Abbot Xuanci took the disciples from Shaolin Temple and came over to express their condolences.

As the host of this funeral, Lou Hang naturally greeted him as the head of the Xiaoyao faction!

After a few greetings, Qiao Feng of the Beggars also personally led the two elders to come!

Xiaoyao sent out and sent out invitations widely. It seemed that the cards were very big. Therefore, the Beggars and Shaolin had to come to see in person and learn about the specific situation of the Xiaoyao faction!

“Dali Duan, the king of Zhennan led the four ministers to come!” Following that, Xue Muhua shouted again.

Duan Zhengchun said that his sons have joined the Xiaoyao Sect. Naturally, this event of the Xiaoyao Sect should also come to join him!

Although there are not many people who come, the people who come are not light, and Qiao Feng is silently thinking about it!

Looking at the people invited by the Xiaoyao Sect, it seems that they are all with better reputations in the martial arts.

In this way, this Xiaoyao dispatched to the world is not a bad thing for the martial arts!

“Astral Sect, traitor Ding Chunqiu is here to express condolences…” Following that, Xue Muhua shouted with hatred in her voice!

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked out!

Ding Chunqiu? Didn’t you expect that even a notorious person like Ding Chunqiu was invited?

However, what did God Doctor Xue say just now?

Ding Chunqiu is a traitor to the Xiaoyao faction?

It turns out that this Ding Chunqiu also came from Xiaoyao?

“Hey hey, that old guy is dead if he is dead, you guys are so grand, what do you want to do?”

Ding Chunqiu looks like a fairy tale, holding a goose feather fan in his hand, looks good posture, and speaks out loudly.

“He really dared to come!” Lou Hang narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and murderous intent flashed. *

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