Chapter 101: I’m Back

“First of all, King Nie was tired of the disputes between the rivers and lakes and martial arts, so he took his wife, Yan Ying, to live in seclusion, no longer worrying about the rivers and lakes!”

“It’s a pity, although King Nie said a generation of Hero(es), but he didn’t understand his own woman!”

“Women, there is more or less vanity in their hearts, just like men are more or less beautiful, this is the factory setting of heaven and cannot be changed!”

“And what about Yan Ying? Her vanity is heavier than most women!”

“At the beginning, she married King Nie because she liked his fame, and she could become the wife of the famous North Blue Crazy Sword in the rivers and lakes, and be admired by others, instead of wanting to be a peasant woman with him!”

Lou Hang opened his mouth, and talked about the affairs of Nie Feng’s family like a few treasures!

From a duel between Xiong Ba and King Nie, King Nie was killed by Fire Qilin!

Then, because of the criticism of the mud bodhisattva, how did he become a disciple of the tyrant!

Then to the second criticism of the mud bodhisattva, how did the male tyrant use Kong Ci to divide the affairs of the two people?

I told Nie Feng about the 15th and the 10th!

It turns out that “it turns out that the master specially gave Kong Ci a marriage at the beginning, and the purpose was actually.”

Nie Feng heard the words and learned the truth of the matter, and the whole person was stupid!

It turns out that for so many years, I have been acknowledging the thief as his father!

It turns out that because of Kong Ci’s death, the three senior brothers were divided, and everything was deliberately done by Xiongba?

“Now you know? Do you still regard him as a master? However, Xiongba has been secretly making arrangements for you!”

Broken waves next to him, it was also the first time Lou Hang had heard about Nie Feng’s situation systematically, and immediately said to Nie Feng!

“I, I’m a little confused…” Nie Feng shook his head, only feeling like a cloud of mud in his mind.

Suddenly learning the truth about this made him a little hard to accept.

“Right, Nie Feng…”

At the end of the conversation, Lou Hang seemed to think of something and said: “Your mother, Yan Ying, is not dead”!”

“Really? Where is she now?” Hearing what Lou Hang said, Nie Feng widened his eyes and asked hurriedly!

“When she jumped off the Buddha, by chance, she was rescued by Jianzong’s broken army, so she became a broken army woman.

“What then? Po Jun went east to win, in order to learn Absolute Wushen Killing Wolf, Yan Ying was given to Jue Wushen!”

“Now, she should be a godless wife, and gave you a half-brother!” Lou Hang followed!

“This, this…” Hearing his mother’s past, Nie Feng’s expression suddenly became very complicated!

Originally, Nie Feng felt very happy that his mother was not dead yet.

However, my mother’s experience really makes people unhappy anyway!

Own father Nie Renwang, domineering, breaking the army, and then absolutely no god

As a woman, but had four men before and after?

In such a situation, it is placed in many places, and the soaking cage does not know how many times it has been soaked, right?

I have already said everything that should be said.Next, what kind of choice Nie Feng will make depends on his own. Lou Hang did not speak any more!

Thank you “!” So, after a long silence, Nie Feng stood up and respectfully saluted Lou Hang.

One is the Xueyindao and Aohan Six Jue from the family.

Although Duanlang gave it to him, Duanlang said that Lou Hang found it and let Duanlang pass it on to him!

In addition, I deliberately told myself so many important news, Nie Feng’s heart is very grateful!

“Nie Feng, where are you going?”

Seeing Nie Feng’s thanks, it was actually to say goodbye, Duan Lang couldn’t help but ask!

“I am going to visit Dongying!” Upon hearing this, Nie Feng said seriously!

No matter what kind of woman her mother is, she is her own mother, right?

Since she is not dead, of course the most windy is to meet her well!

“Actually, if you are doing it for your mother, don’t rush to Dongying!” It’s just that, listening to what Nie Feng said, Lou Hang said.

“How do you say?” Upon hearing this, Nie Feng looked at Lou Hang with questioning eyes.

“Jue Wushen has long been ambitious to enter the Central Plains. Now the hero is defeated by me and escaped. The whole world will be a group of dragons without a leader, and the Central Plains martial arts is in chaos. If no surprises, Jue Wushen will soon come to the Central Plains!

Although Lou Hang is a speculation, but what he said is confident!

Indeed, judging from Jue Wushen’s ambitions for Zhongyuan, Zhongyuan is now in a scattered sand because of the World Congress. Will he be able to sit still?

This is impossible!

“Okay, then I will listen to Lord Luo, and wait for that Absolute Wushen to arrive in Zhongyuan!” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Nie Feng believed him and nodded heavily!

The chat is over, everyone is still hungry at this time.

Now that I have walked out of Lingyun Cave, the dry food I brought in before is of course too lazy to eat.

The three of Lou Hang found the nearest town and entered a restaurant.

“Treasurer, this table is on my account!”

As the three of Lou Hang ate almost, suddenly, a young man not far from the side spoke.

Hearing that, several people from Lou Hang followed the prestige and looked at the talking young man!

He looked like he was about twenty years old, dressed in gorgeous clothes and a golden crown, and looked like a rich man.

I still hold a sword in my hand, the sword is in the sheath, I don’t know what to do, but the sheath is still inlaid with gems, which looks rich and powerful!

“I will worship the Young Master of Jianshanzhuang, Aotian!” The young man arched his hands to Lou Hang and said hello with a haughty expression!

“Waijian Villa? Is this a peerless sword about to be born?”

Seeing this young man and listening to him report his family, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly.

On the other side, in an unknown cave, the hero sits cross-legged, running the true essence in his body, rolling and flowing.

After a long time (Mano is good), Xiongba regained his power and stood up, spitting out a long suffocating breath in his mouth!

Since the battle with Lou Hang, the disciple of the Juggernaut, he has been injured.

I managed to endure the injury and fled here. After recuperating for a month, the injury has finally recovered!


After these days of recuperation, although the injury has recovered and even his own skill has improved, every time he thinks of the twenty-three strokes, the hero has no confidence to fight with it!

Once the terrible swordsmanship is unfolded, he can’t do anything, he can only be slaughtered.

How can I resist this kind of swordsmanship?

“Hehehe, Xiongba? The gang leader of the dignified World Club, but now, he can only look like a mouse, hiding in this special corner and sighing!

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded.

Then, a figure wearing an ice sculpture mask appeared in the cave. Farming,

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