018 All Arranged

Lin Feng’s remarks made Norton instantly interested.

He understands if it goes on like this.

It will soon become one of the most prosperous areas.

But there are also more crises that come with the same.

After thinking about this.

Norton once again expressed his concerns.

“Respected master, I can understand your mood. 93

“It is a very grand thing for a group of people to trade in this place, and there will definitely be “630”. 99

“But at the same time, we also need threats from these groups.

Norton said it at the same time.

His expression also became more serious.

He seemed to think about the things that made him feel scared and worried.

At the same time he decided to finish it all in one go.

“We… are just the most hardworking among the hard-to-want ethnic groups.”

“There are some bigger groups, and they are very strong.”

“Able to destroy the entire planet, but they didn’t show their true fangs.

After hearing this, Lin Feng only made a slight shout.

He had no idea at all about such a thing.

I don’t want to take this so-called danger to heart.

As long as his farm can continue to expand.

It will be a matter of minutes to exterminate all these groups.

“Okay, I’ve heard your nonsense, let’s go out and build now. 33

“I have designed the plan, you can take a look.

The slaves standing aside opened the scrolls in their hands.

The present lay is dependent on farms, and a gigantic city in the Dominion.

The above plans are all very reasonable.

At the same time, two trading areas, high and low, are also arranged.

The three looked at the drawings, and they all showed a look of satisfaction.

Only Norton frowned at the entertainment area.

It seems that some people don’t understand what this means.

“Sir, what is this place for? Is it for sleeping?”

“I always feel a little redundant, why don’t we change it to a staging area.

“If something happens, our soldiers can immediately persuade these dangerous places.

Norton’s remarks really made Lin Feng laugh.

It seems that in the concept of alien race, there is no meaning of rest.

“Ha, okay, you don’t understand this, I will entertain people to arrange it later,

“Now take your clan to build the city wall for me.”

Norton, who got his fate, nodded and got up and left.

And the elf clan Qinggang and clan have other uses.

“Qinggang Clan, I hope your melee combat skills can be handed over to the elves.

“They can only use some ranged weapons, if when their ammo runs out…”

“Then you will be attacked by the enemy sooner or later. This is your responsibility recently, and you don’t need to worry about the rest.”

The leaders of the two bureaus also nodded their heads one after another, which is called getting what they need.

They should all be able to become stronger in such a situation.

Lin Feng’s heart is also very calm.

Walking among the farms, the land that grows more and more fruitful.

And the tree of elves also began to grow at the fastest speed.

The last time I saw the Elf Tree, it wasn’t this big.

As a result, the trunk of the Elf Tree is almost a hundred meters wide.

Any area covered by the Elf Tree.

It exudes a peaceful atmosphere,

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