016 Release, establish dominion

In those unbelievable eyes.

All that is hidden is excitement.

Norton has already dedicated everything he has to Lin Feng.

Norton’s return to him is also quite real.

“Norton, this is what you deserve, go and lead your clan.

“Continue to divide the land on the periphery of the farm and build your camp.”

“This self-governing territory must be very aggressive.

Needless to say, Norton knew it.

Its territory is diligently established to protect the farm.

Lin Feng gave him such an order.

If that’s really not a good thing.

lead his warriors.

After explaining the purpose of what Norton told him.

The soldiers were also full of joy.

And began to follow 630 Lin Feng’s words.

They built their own existence on the periphery.

With the help of slaves, the alien city wall was also built soon.

Although it doesn’t seem to be the precision of the SWAT.

But it can withstand some dangerous attacks.

The Qinggang people are indeed very envious.

Norton can lead his own clan.

Build their own territory on the outskirts of the farm.

However, he now serves as a very small subgroup.

Nowhere has the power and greater loyalty than Norton.

So I can silently put this idea in my heart,

I will mention it to Lin Feng when I have a chance.

Maybe of course it’s a good thing.

And at the same time.

Lin Feng fully loaded the mutation points into.

Among several other undeveloped fruits.

“Its tree.

“Threatening, scary”

“A vine-like branch that can cover any city wall and large organism. 22

“Slowly corrode it and make it fully a part of itself. 99

“At the same time, a strong torso has unparalleled primacy. 1

It can block any attack and enhance the defensive properties of any building.

“Planting at will, planting will grow.

“Solution Fruit”

6″ can be used as fuel and has extremely (cifd) strong combustion properties. 99

“One blunder can efficiently burn for about three hours.

This makes Lin Feng quite satisfied,

It would be a good thing to have plants like this to fortify your farm’s defenses.

But this also made Lin Feng fall into a state of headache.

All alienation rhyme seeds have strong defensive properties.

And Luo Sheng fruit and bomb pot are now full of warehouses.

It is to check your own exchange points and mutation points.

Good guy, has already reached the number of more than 10,000 people.

This is the precious wealth obtained by killing the brown sugar clan at that time.

If that’s the case, then change something to upgrade the farm’s modern technology.

In exchange for several personnel carriers and armored vehicles.

With a little modification, it can be replaced with a solution fruit.

Immediately afterwards, ten personnel carriers and ten armored vehicles were placed side by side on the periphery of Lin Feng’s command room.

The slaves and guards also came around at night, looking at these weapons with astonishment.

At the same time, in order to increase the slave guard, and even the quality of life of all ethnic groups.

Lin Feng exchanged 100 sets of stainless steel temporary housing.

It costs 120 exchange points in total,

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