007 Try the power of the explosive fruit

At this time, Lin Feng was studying other secrets about the Elf Tree.

At the periphery of the farm, gunshots resounded like bursting beans.

Other races may have felt the power from the Elven Tree.

It is also a matter of time before an attack is launched towards this place.

It’s all within Lin Feng’s calculations, so he’s not in a hurry.

“Respected master, the alien race is having a violent conflict with other races!”

“Fight and retreat, but they did not suffer any casualties. 93

The little guard quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Raised his head, his eyes were very anxious.

Apparently, the scene outside frightened him.

Get all the guards ready for battle, it’s a tough fight.

Nott was using his rifle quickly at this time.

Accurately kill every jumper who wants to attack them!

“Brothers shoot and shoot, they can kill one and kill another.”

“These Red Mantis Clan have long been our enemies for many years, and it’s time for revenge today!

“Destroy them all with the honor of our masters. 39

As the most capable leader of the tribe.

Nott’s words, encouragement are very useful to the warriors of the Clan!

The firearms they use don’t care about accuracy at all.

Just pull the trigger and let the bullet fly.

However, there are too many warriors for the Red Locust.

Like a tidal wave, Knott’s side was overwhelming.

Even if the firearms attack can suppress many enemies.

However, the advantage in quantity still forced Nott to lead his own people.

Retreat within a safe distance.

“Our esteemed master has also come.

Until Lin Feng came out with more guards.

Nott’s anxious heart continued to have a bottom.

In addition to the guards, Lin Feng also brought some fresh Luo Xian fruit and green fruit, which made Nott a little puzzled!

Like a tide of red ants, they don’t even know what casualties are.

They stepped on the corpses of their companions and attacked again quickly.

The brown sugar warriors are only about one meter tall, which is nothing to fear.

But a rough one, 10,000 such warriors are standing in front of you.

Maybe you don’t think so, the situation is still quite outrageous.

“Guardians, it’s time for your precision shooting. 93

“Nott, let your people come over.”

Lin Feng picked up the fruit and cut the skin of the fruit with a knife.

…for flowers ·

The pungent aroma instantly bursts and rhymes.

Nott thought it was for food.

But then Lin Feng threw the fruit directly at the Red Mantis Poison.

The blue fruit is in the sky.

After drawing a long and perfect parabola.

It fell into the red mantis group that was marching forward.


After a loud noise, sixty or seventy red ant warriors were overturned in the open air.


It was smashed into slag and scattered on the ground.

The Red Wax warriors in the back still charged forward regardless.

Not even did not know what language to use to describe the spectacle he had seen.

“Nott, do my way and get your people moving. 11

Nott, who had never thought about it, picked up the blue fruit and cut it open.

Then he reluctantly moved towards the huge group in front of him.

Other alien warriors who have bottomed out have followed suit!

Immediately after that, explosions sounded one after another.

The red ant clan’s front line was completely disrupted by the explosion.

The damage of the explosion made the Red Mang Clan aware of the danger.

Just when the second wave of explosive fruit was about to be thrown.

It was as if they had received some orders.

Are they all retreating backwards?

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