002 The upcoming test!

“Report to the master, two miles ahead, we found dozens of tall aliens with primitive weapons!”

Lin Feng took over the guard’s telescope.

Look in the direction he is pointing.

Sure enough, those few aliens were all scarred by Zheng, and they were extremely tired.

As if it had just been through a war.

Lin Feng judged through intuition that they were not enemies.

It is a low-level existence similar to a slave, thinking again and again.

Lin Feng decided to send his own bodyguard.

Bring all those injured aliens into the farm.

These aliens do not have the slightest power to parry.

After being escorted by Lin Feng’s guards – after he came in.

Their expressions have also become extremely dry!

You can tell from their looks that they are afraid.

But they didn’t dare to resist, after all, they had weapons in their hands.

Compared with the weapons of Lin Feng’s guards, it is simply not a grade.

The average height of these aliens is around two meters.

With a strong body and a head like a melon seed, it looks quite funny.

The guards stepped forward and confiscated their weapons.

One of the guys who has the ability to resist.

Suddenly got up, but fell to the ground due to uneven force.

“Save our patriarch… he’s dying. 99

As the voice fell, the guy immediately fell to the ground and went to school.

Lin stepped forward to check the situation of their patriarch.

Not as this guy said.

It’s just a short-term coma caused by simple de-strength.

Proper rest will allow you to recover.

At this point, the sentry guards reported again.

In those alien races, the same place appeared again and again in the place that had just come.

They are just a little better equipped.

People also look good-natured.

Lin Feng’s guards are armed with rifles.

These aliens who can hold primitive weapons are not proportional at all, and they can’t hurt him in the slightest!

In an instant, Lin Feng thought of a surefire plan.

Lord Nott looked in front of him but suddenly hooked into the city wall.

I don’t quite understand

Two days ago this place was nothing but a barren and silent dead place…

How to fill in such a building suddenly?

“Gangsu… Those escapees just entered here, right?

Nott’s icy words made the soldiers beside him instantly silent.

••••• Ask for flowers……..

“I saw it with my own eyes, my lord! They were rescued by a weaker race!”

The warrior’s message made Nott even more humiliated.

For any race can live from his hands… leave!

Or escape his bondage!

Within a radius, all the tribes knew Nott’s name.

Avoid it, but this inexplicable ethnic group comes with a rhyme.

But he dared to steal people from under his eyes.

Isn’t this obviously courting death?

“Rush for me! Step on this place and enslave their clansmen!”

“But… my lord, we didn’t carry enough troops…”

The soldier wanted to say something else.

But Nott picked up the knife and fell, and split the warrior in half.

have come to such a critical juncture.

He dared to disturb the morale of the army, just relying on us.

You can still kill them without leaving behind!

“Rush it all for me! The retreater who rang again, the price and the end are exactly the same as him.”

Nott’s subordinates were miserable.

Did you think this would be another bloody fight?

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