340 Golden House Hidden Beauty! Ten years! (Please subscribe

“Agatha, it’s your turn.”

In a palace, a red-faced western beauty walked out, and another woman who was more beautiful than some western stars and the like walked in again.

“Why is he so awesome…

On the other side, a petite western beauty had a surprised look on her face, and she was a little scared because she had just arrived here.

A few hours later, she also entered the palace and met the legendary first person in the East.

Although there was some fear before, but when she saw the other party, her heart was thumping.

Then, she was pulled over…

In this palace, Lin Feng stayed for several days before leaving.

Here, it can be regarded as another gentle town.

Here, Lin Feng doesn’t have to worry so much, just take care of himself.

With his current physical quality, a Westerner is really not enough…

Whenever Lin Feng leaves, these western beauties will breathe a sigh of relief at first, but after a period of time, they will start to look forward to Lin Feng’s arrival.

They also hate their life on this floating island. There is a large area on this floating island for them to exercise, as well as the fruit of prolonging their lifespan, as well as a fitness place to keep them in shape.

Here, it is Lin Feng’s golden house to hide his beauty.

As the years go by, the West will send 10 of the most beautiful beauties who just turned 18 every year, and the number of beauties here is constantly increasing.

These beauties don’t have any purpose. In today’s West, how can they dare to make small tricks.

They were afraid that they would come up with some small tricks and make Lin Feng unhappy.

After all, the lessons learned are there.

It’s not that these guys didn’t want to get back on their feet and try to catch up.

It’s just that they occupied the right time and place, and they didn’t have the power to concentrate the entire West. Now, they have been suppressed to this extent, how can they catch up?

Not only is there no way to catch up, but their rankings are still declining.

In other words, the first place in the West, Ke’s Floating Island, is still within 30, but its ranking is also declining every year.

These guys, even if they have the heart to chase, are also powerless.

Can’t catch up at all.

Therefore, their current plan is to maintain the status quo. At least, they have enough fruit to eat.

Time passed year after year.

Lin Feng began to enjoy the longevity of life.

There is still a lot of fun in life.

Feeling that immortality is a form of torture, only when you are the only immortal.

When a large number of immortals emerge, and it is common to live for hundreds of years, and this kind of immortality is a kind of immortality that will not age and the energy of the body will not decay, this kind of immortality will become really interesting.

Otherwise, even if you live forever, what’s the point of maintaining the physical condition of seventy or eighty years old, and the wind will wet your shoes?

Lin Feng spends most of his time on his own floating island.

Build and plan the floating island, fight against the constant “welcome gift” every day, welcome the birth of a new girl, etc.

Dealing with things in the floating island will take some time, but not too much time.

Then it’s time to enjoy life with the girls.

Often, Lin Feng would also sneak to their floating island in Leng Qingqiu.

Every time, Lin Feng did not take any measures, but until now, no woman has conceived his child.

Nothing at all.

For the immortals, whether they have children or not is not a very important matter.

For short-term life, children are the continuation of life.

Because you are always going to die, it is also a comfort to think that when you die, your descendants can continue to live in this world.

However, for the immortal, the length of life itself is sufficient, and there is no need to prolong life, so this issue is naturally not so important.

They didn’t feel anything in the cold autumn.

As for Lexi, who has always been afraid of marriage, she is even more afraid of children.

At first, she thought about letting Lin Feng take measures, but later, after finding that she couldn’t get pregnant no matter how much she lost, she let Lin Feng go.

Every ten days, Lin Feng would also go to the floating island with a large number of Western beauties, and spend several days there.

Those few days can be said to be quite a few days, and Lin Feng will not deliberately restrain himself.

In this way, soon, ten years have passed.

The time has come to the 140th year of the floating island calendar.

In the past ten years, every year, the number of power users in the East has been increasing.

In the current East, the total number of power users has reached tens of thousands, close to the 100 million-level warning gap.

Of course, most of them are not very strong ability users.

However, powerful abilities are also emerging.

At present, the strongest power users are still Lin Feng’s women.

Leng Qingqiu has become a level 14 power user, and with the help of Lin Feng, she also has dual powers.

Jiang Zhiwei is also a level 14 ability user.

Among them, the most powerful one is Fu Hanyan, the super royal sister. Her supernatural talent itself is quite diligent. Her supernatural power level has reached level 16, which is 2 levels higher than Gap Leng Qing Boots and Jiang Zhiwei.

Of course, the strongest are always Lin Feng’s element elves.

The strength of the element elves has been continuously improved, and now, the five rough element elves are generally above level 20.

The strength of destroying the elemental spirits has also been completely improved.

These Destruction Elves, although each listened to Lin Feng’s words, were extremely obedient.

Shia also became Lin Feng’s woman.

However, they were exceptionally sturdy in battle, and their attacks could be said to control all monsters.

Whether it is fast, high defense, or some special force field.

In the hands of destroying the elemental spirits, none of them are (the king’s Zhao) opponents.

It is precisely because of the Destruction Spirit that Lin Feng has risen even more boldly.

Five Rough Destruction Spirits, plus Five Difficulties, Thunder and Fire Elemental Spirits, are extraordinarily powerful in attack. They alone can kill millions of monsters!

What’s more, in the past ten years, the number of banshees has reached two million!

In the past ten years, Lin Feng’s floating island has been constantly flooded with monsters every day.

Due to Lin Feng’s continuous rise, the duration of the “…” Welcome Gift” is also getting longer and longer.

In ten years, Lin Feng failed to reach the 50th floor.

But at the end of the 150th year of the floating island calendar, finally, the “welcome ceremony” on the 49th floor ended.

“You can go up to 50 floors.”

Lin Feng thought.

PS: The main text of this month will be finished. In the past few days, I will prepare a new book gap. I will inform you of the meeting. Thank you for being shocked!

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