334 doubles again! New high! (1) Please subscribe

It took about half a month for the tree of life to give birth to all the destruction elves.

The current tree of life, which breeds a spirit of destruction, naturally does not take half a day for so long.

Basically, dozens of them can be bred in a day.

In the past two weeks, the “welcome gift” on the 40th floor is also ~ a steady stream.

Because it rose too fast, the “welcome gift” on the 40th floor was extraordinarily fierce, and the number of each wave of “welcome gift” exceeded ten thousand.


Much more ferocious than the “welcome” on the 39th floor.

Moreover, the welcome gifts in front of them are all cross-layer monsters.

However, the monsters in the back are not as difficult as the ray monsters.

The tricky thing about ray monsters is that they can damage city walls from a distance.

In addition, it can also threaten the target on the city wall. The second point, for Lin Feng, is nothing, because the girls are extremely flexible.

In this way, after a few days, Lin Feng’s tree of life finally reached level 19.

At level 19, the life energy that can be absorbed every day increases again.

In addition, the current tree of life can also breed the fruit of life that can increase the lifespan of 1200 years by eating one.

Although the tree of life goes up, it will take more time, but as long as it keeps upgrading, and new fruits of life can be nurtured, there is no need to worry about Lin Feng’s lifespan.

At present, Lin Feng has not used the fruit of life bred by the tree of life. The other fruits alone have greatly extended his lifespan, reaching several hundred years old.

Once you start using the Fruit of Life, Lin Feng’s lifespan will increase.

For the current Lin Feng, there is no need to use the fruit of life. He is still very young now. After this year, Lin Feng has not yet reached the age of 60.

At the age of 60, if it was before time-travel, he should be taking care of his retirement.

However, for the current Lin Feng, the wonderful life can be said to have just begun.

The 19th-level tree of life further increases the upper limit of elemental spirits.

From the original 2000 to the current 5000!

In other words, the number of each element elves can be increased by 3000 again.

More than doubled.

Lin Feng gave birth to the tree of life.

After this wave of increase, the total number of element elves will reach 60,000.

The number has also risen.

Lin Feng has already prepared enough various crystals so that after the tree of life is upgraded, new elemental spirits can be bred.

However, since the number of element elves added in this wave is too large, it is a direct result that even if Lin Feng is fully prepared, it is impossible to raise all the element elves to level 20 or above.

The newly added element elves can generally be upgraded to level 15.

The further up you go, the more crystals you spend.

But the number is also the key, who made the number of elemental elves in this wave directly doubled.

Fortunately, the crystals prepared by Lin Feng are basically above the strength of 35, and the elemental energy contained in these crystals is also terrifying.

In this way, the elemental spirits are increasing at a rate of more than 100 per day.

The “welcome ceremony” on the 40th floor is also continuing.

Until the end of the year, the “welcome ceremony” has not ended.

The floating island calendar is 122 years old.

This year, the number of floating island owners in the East hit a new high, and the number of newly added floating island owners exceeded 4 million!

The reason why it is so high is because the newcomers entering the floating island world from the east have also reached a new high.

When Lin Feng entered the floating island world, the newcomers from Dongfang who entered the floating island world were nothing but rough.

This time, the newcomers who entered the floating island world from the east exceeded 200 million!

This means that 18 years ago, that is, the 104th year of the floating island calendar, that year, the number of newborn babies exceeded 200 million!

200 million a year!

This is unprecedented data!

And the reason why the number of newborn babies began to explode that year is simple.

In the 100th year of the floating island calendar, the three districts were merged, and the east occupied the advantage, but not two-thirds.

…for flowers

In fact, since this time, the fertility rate in the East has been rising continuously.

But it hasn’t exploded yet.

In the 103rd year of the floating island calendar, the number of votes from the East exceeded two-thirds!

Occupy an absolute advantage, can be said to be a big victory.

In this case, the Orientals are full of hope one by one.

No need to remind.

All the oriental people began to try their best to create human beings.

After all, as long as you have more offspring, then your offspring will have the probability of becoming the official floating island owner!

As long as one of his descendants has an official floating island owner, that family will have a better life!


In this case, in the 103rd year of the floating island calendar, the entire East is desperately creating people.

As a result, in the 104th year of the floating island calendar, there was a baby boom in Dongfang Yun.

Then, after 18 years, which is now the 122nd year of the floating island calendar, these babies have grown up, and at the age of 18, they can enter the floating island world.

Naturally, a wave of new floating island owners has grown.

After the first month, the people who became the official floating island owners also ushered in a wave of great growth.

“Wow, we have so many official floating island owners this year~”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect it to break four million.”

“It’s all about giving birth. It’s all thanks to Lin Feng. If it wasn’t for the big victory 18 years ago, people wouldn’t dare to give birth like this!

“It seems that the official floating island owners in the West and another district will add up to two hundred thousand this year, right?

“Westerners have to cry more than they are popular~”

Cry to death “They’re sewn, these guys have been superior for too long, it’s time to let these guys have a hard time.”

“Aah, I almost became the official floating island owner. I hate it. I have decided to get married at the age of 20. I will try my best to have a baby, and I will definitely give birth to an official floating island owner. 93

“I want to give birth too.”


On the Internet in the East, after the data was released, did it spark a wave of heated discussions?

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