332 The scenery is unique! The ray monster! (1) Please subscribe

At this time, Tian Ji was bright.

The time is also set at six o’clock and the “welcome gift” has not yet arrived.

Lin Feng rose to 40 floors this time. Although he took a half-month break, he couldn’t decide anything for half a month.

Therefore, this wave of “welcome gifts” must be very ferocious.

Lin Feng has already made all the preparations.

Not to mention the police, there are tens of billions of life energy stored at any time.

Now that the floating island is bigger, the tree of life needs more life energy to go around in order to support the life barrier.

Think about it, the life barrier currently supported by the Tree of Life covers the entire floating island, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. Even if there are no monsters attacking, it will consume a lot of life energy.

too big.

Even if the tree of life has reached level 18 now, it is still somewhat difficult.

After reaching the 40th floor this time, the growth value obtained by the tree of life every day will further increase, and it will soon reach the 19th level.

The further back you go, the longer it takes to upgrade the tree of life.

However, after leveling up, the tree of life becomes more prosperous.

The current tree of life is already 10,000 meters high, and the diameter of the trunk is close to that of brown rice. It is a veritable giant.

The life energy absorbed by the tree of life itself is terrible enough. The accompanying forest on the back of the floating island further intensifies the absorption of life energy by the tree of life.

After rising to the 40th floor, the life energy absorbed by the tree of life every day has increased a lot again, and has reached more than 200 million!

More than 200 million life energy every day!

This is very scary!

“what is this?”

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that after rising to the 40th floor, there was one more thing on the control panel of the floating island.

“Floating Island Horizon?

Lin Feng saw the description of this thing.

Floating Island Vision.

Out of curiosity, Lin Feng clicked on the interface.

– Click to open, a holographic three-dimensional figure will release the hook.

This three-dimensional figure looks like a pyramid, layer by layer.

Lin Feng watched for a while, and suddenly understood what it was.

This is a microcosm of the entire floating island world.

It can be seen that in the three-dimensional pyramid, there are floating islands, densely packed and numerous.

When Lin Feng reached the top of the three-dimensional pyramid, he also had a whole new vision.

His eyes seemed to be infinitely raised, and he could see the layers of floating islands in the floating island world!

It’s like being at a high place, looking down on all living beings!

“This is the Floating Island Horizon “Qi!”

Lin Feng immediately understood the function of the Whale Floating Island’s horizon.

I also understood the rules of this floating island horizon and lying down.

Only after reaching the 40th floor, a floating island horizon will appear.

Through the floating island horizon, you can see an overview of all the floating islands below you.

If you want to see a specific floating island, you can’t do it, just look at it roughly.

In addition, if you want to see what is above you, you need to raise your head and you can see it, and you can also see it roughly.

This view is very interesting.

Lin Feng is located on the highest floor of the entire floating island world. When you see all the floating islands, you are naturally looking down.

Now, he is the only one who has a floating island vision.

Looking through the floating island world, there is a flavor, it can be said that the scenery is unique!

For a long time, only Lin Fengji could see this kind of scenery.

Even if it is a deserted floating island in autumn, it will not take too short time to rise to the 40th floor.

It also takes a lot of time to have Lin Feng’s help.

It takes a lot of time to construct a complete ecosystem.

In addition, the deserted floating island does not have element elves. Without element elves, it is necessary to independently build a complete ecosystem.

That is more difficult.

The first thing you need is a larger floating island. The floating island is not big enough, and it is almost impossible.

However, for them, it was enough for the time being.

Their floating island is now on the 33rd floor, not too low.

Just hold on, and take it slow.


They don’t need to worry about their lifespan. With the life energy that Lin Feng’s tree of life absorbs every day, Lin Feng can guarantee that his women will also have an incomparably long life.

Soon, it’s 8 o’clock.

The rhythm of the black fog area is on time.

This time, the black fog area is even bigger.

The area bordering the Lin Feng floating island is 500 kilometers long.

In such a large black fog area, the pressure on the defense line is also very large.

Do not say.

If it is a police floating island, just the mobilization of troops is a big problem.

Therefore, reaching the 40th floor is really not something that ordinary floating island owners can do.

For Lin Feng, there is absolutely no problem with nature.

On Lin Feng’s floating island, there are space gates everywhere, and all the girls can fly, not too slow, and there is no problem at all.

“I don’t know what kind of monster it will be.”

Lin Feng thought.

Soon, he knew.

In the black fog area, a brand new monster came out.

This new monster looks a little weird.

They are also crawling monsters, and the reason why they are weird is because their eyes are in the middle of their heads!

In the middle of the head, there is a huge eye, and on both sides of this big eye, there are a lot of small eyes, which looks quite infiltrating.

It gives a vivid and creepy feeling.

“Ray monster!

Lin Feng quickly saw the information of this monster.

It’s a ray monster!

Strength 41!

This kind of monster is very aggressive. The trembling rays in their huge eyes (the king’s) are called destruction rays. The attack power of this type of rays is super fierce, and the attack distance is very long.

Their huge eye is indeed a weak point, but the small eye around the big eye can also emit rays to protect the big eye.

As soon as this ray monster came out, I saw that several rough ray monsters came out at the same time, and the big eye emitted rays at the same time.

These rays instantly crossed a distance of 10 kilometers and landed on the first city wall.

Now the density of rocks on Lin Feng’s city wall is terrifyingly large.

Fist-sized rocks weigh up to several tons!

Although it is not comparable to the rocks on white dwarfs, the density is also terrible.


When these rays continued to fall on the city wall, Lin Feng saw that in the continuous attack of the rays, those rocks, as if they had been burned, were being decomposed and continuously peeled off!

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