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328 solved!

“Quack quack~”

Outside the defense line, the sound of the banshees pulling their bowstrings kept ringing.

The monster kept falling to the ground.

Under the entire line of defense, you can also see the attacks of the elemental spirits such as dense lightning, flames, ice arrows, storms, rays composed of strong light and so on.

There, monsters are being killed continuously.

I saw a giant monster with a height of over 200 meters, incomparably huge, taking dozens of meters in one step, and was about to throw the incomparably huge stone in his hand into the city wall.

Suddenly, ten thousand rays of light appeared, and the giant monster did not react at all, and was pierced by ten thousand rays of light.

If you stand behind it and look at it at this time, you can see that behind it, a lot of light penetrates the hook, making it a luminous body.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be hard to imagine that a gentle light could have such a terrifying power.

Even the most powerful lasers of human beings do not have the power of one ten thousandth of these rays!

Of course, an attack like this can only be issued by a light elemental spirit above level 20. If it is a light elemental spirit of level 18, it can also use light to attack, but it cannot beat such a giant monster.

Light Elemental Spirits of level 20 or above can issue such an attack.


On the other side, the sky was so cold that there was a feeling that the sky was about to be frozen.

Here, is the battlefield of the ice element elves.

The attack from the ice elemental elf was equally terrifying. A large number of ice arrows were enough to pierce through a monster, and it could also smash that monster into a sieve.

They will also keep freezing areas.

Although the monsters can finally break the ice, it can also greatly delay the attacking rhythm of these monsters.

The terrifying storm created by the wind element elves has been continuing. In the storm, these monsters are unable to move an inch. The road from the black fog area to the city wall has become the longest. road.

The distance from the black fog area to the city wall has been expanded many times.

Now, this distance has become more than twenty kilometers Akatsuki.

No expansion.

If you don’t expand, the monsters will come too fast and will pile up.

Although the current tide of monsters is not very powerful for Lin Feng, Lin Feng has to continue to move up, so he can plan for the future.

His strength is indeed very strong, but he can’t waver.

If you lose yourself, it will be boring.

Of course, with Lin Feng’s current strength, it’s hard to beat himself up.

Even if these monsters broke through the city wall, I had forgotten that there is still a sea that is hundreds of kilometers wide.

In addition to the water system and flying monsters, when the police monsters enter the sea water, the speed will be greatly reduced, and the combat effectiveness will also be greatly reduced.

At that time, it will be the harvest time for mermaids and sirens.

As for the water-breeding monsters, it is the best to come. In the past five years, although the water on the floating island ocean has been abundant, it is still far from the upper limit.

That is, it is not full yet.

What’s more, Lin Feng’s floating island is still growing, and more water needs to be poured in, so that the ocean on the floating island can store more water.

Lin Feng has no rhyme

Now she shares the skills of all the elemental spirits, and with the continuous improvement of her physical fitness, his strength is already terrifyingly powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that now Lin Feng goes to the Earth star, even if someone uses a nuclear bomb to attack Lin Feng, he also dreams of killing Lin Feng.

It’s still difficult to hold on.

After all, the power of nuclear bombs is there.

But Lin Feng can leave directly through the space skills just before the nuclear bomb explodes. As long as he avoids the core, with Lin Feng’s strength, he will not be injured at all.

It’s not using space skills. With Lin Feng’s current physical fitness, his explosive speed is exceptionally astonishing. Lin Feng has tested it, and without using any abilities, just relying on his super physical quality, he can run at full speed. Hundreds of meters in a second!

This is not an exaggeration, you must know that Lin Feng’s current physical fitness is hundreds of times that of ordinary people!

And if Lin Feng used the skills, not to mention.

Now, give Lin Feng a strong enough knife, and he can kill tens of thousands of monsters by himself.

Of course, slashing with a knife is too slow, after all, the size of these monsters is here.

Lin Feng has also learned to incorporate abilities into weapons, such as turning his knives into flame knives and thunder knives, and the damage has also been greatly increased.

But there is also a problem, and that is the problem of body shape.

Some monsters have no weakness at all. After they are smashed into a sieve, these monsters will not die. To deal with these monsters, they must use a saturated attack to blow them into pieces and go around.

Lin Feng’s body shape, facing large monsters, if the weapon in his hand is too short, the damage is not enough.

It’s better to use the power attack directly.

In this way, under the coordinated operation of the elemental elves, this wave of monsters was completely eliminated in the afternoon.

The harvest is not bad, there are quite a few crystals.

After solving this wave of difficult monsters, the next day, the “welcome ceremony” continued.

It is still a cross-layer monster with a strength of 40, and the number of monster waves is still more than difficult.

This time, the “welcome ceremony” will probably last for half a year, or even a year.

After all, Lin Feng has risen 4 floors in one year this year!

In this way, until the end of the year, the “welcome ceremony” is still not over.

The other floating islands in the east have not risen in recent years, but are digesting.

Five years have passed, and deserted boots have basically been able to rely on their own strength to gain a firm foothold and track on the 33rd floor.

Mainly because it hasn’t risen for a long time, the tide of monsters on her floating island has also returned to normal.

Of course, in the face of the boss monster, Lin Fengyun still needs some banshees to help her deal with it.

This year, there was no major incident of SWAT.

A new year is here.

Lin Feng also ushered in a 7-day rest period. After letting the girls rest for 7 days, the “welcome gift” continued,

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