322 Perfect the floating island! Step down! (1) Subscribe

“Master, the seeds in the North District have been planted.”

On Lin Feng’s floating island, large-scale planting is still in progress.

This time, after the area of ​​the floating island exceeded the dilemma of 10,000 square kilometers, there was a large amount of blank space on Lin Feng’s floating island.

Lin Feng also re-planned the entire floating island.

Now, due to the increase of S-rank and above seeds, the newly planted plants on Lin Feng’s floating island will be S-rank or above as soon as they grow and mature.

Lin Feng also did not grow all ordinary plants.

It also divided a large number of areas, expanding the flower field where the flower fairy was born, the foggy forest, and some other flame grass, ice crystal grass and the like.

The area of ​​the foggy forest will remain at about 10% of the total area of ​​the entire floating island.

The flower field where the flower fairy was born covers an area of ​​more than one million square kilometers.

With such a large area of ​​flower fields, the final number of flower fairies can exceed one million.

Of course, it’s not over a million yet.

The flower fairy and the banshee did not reach the maximum number.

Moreover, because the Lin Feng floating island is constantly getting bigger, their number has never been able to reach the maximum value, and will continue to increase.

Every day, new flower fairies and banshees are born.

In the ocean, the number of mermaids and sirens is also increasing.

In terms of terrain, Lin Feng’s floating island has various terrains.

Among them, the highest mountain, the height has reached several brown rice.

This mountain is on the north side of the floating island.

Under the arrangement of Lin Feng, the earth element elves raised it to form a plateau.

On the floating island, a large number of rivers originate there.

Now, the climate on the floating islands also tends to be perfect.

Every day, there is rain on the floating island, but this kind of rain is not the whole floating island.

When it rains on the entire floating island, it rains uniformly across the floating island world.

Now the rain in the local area of ​​Lin Feng floating island is the rain formed naturally after the whole ecological circle is perfected.

It is like the east on the earth star, it is raining in one city, but it is sunny in another city next to it.

After the ecological circle is perfected, Lin Feng’s floating island, in different areas, also has a large area of ​​weather.

At present, the control of the entire climate is not completely natural, and the water element spirit is also regulating the climate of the entire floating island.

Climate, air temperature, humidity, temperature, wind, light, etc., the element elves will adjust to form a more favorable environment for the entire floating island.

More than 100 years ago, in some science fictions, in the division of civilization levels, if human beings can freely control the climate, it means that civilization has reached a new level.

Now, on Earth, there is still a way to control the climate at will, but on Lin Feng’s floating island, Lin Feng has been able to control the climate change of the entire floating island through the element elves.

His floating island does not have too many technological products, and is completely developing in a fantasy kingdom.

Not only the climate, but through the element elves, Lin Feng can make the entire floating island change the terrain completely according to his own wishes.

Mountains, rivers, plateaus, plains, sea.

These can be changed at will on Lin Feng’s floating island.

Wherever he wants to find mountains, he can find them.

Wherever you want a river to appear, you can hook the river.

Of course, Lin Feng did not interfere completely. For example, in the newly born area, after Lin Feng asked Miao Miao and the others to fish some mountains, rivers would naturally develop in these mountains.

In this process, some corrections need to be made.

In short, Lin Feng’s floating island began to develop in a more and more perfect direction.

In this way, time flies.

Soon, some articles began to appear on the Internet in the East one after another.

These articles were made by the group of people who immigrated to the Eagle Country and asked other guys who wanted to return to the East.

These guys are doing smart.

They were not in a hurry.

Do not start with a large dose.

But at the beginning, I bought some influential big Vs and alike, spoke for them, talked about the contribution of the past overseas immigrants to the East and so on.

Then, he talked about how difficult it is for oriental immigrants to live overseas.

The offensive of the fishing reels lasted for several months and continued to deepen.

“…” Lin Feng, those guys are dancing again. “Qi.”

This abnormal situation was soon discovered by Jiang Zhiwei.

After a little investigation, Jiang Zhiwei knew who was behind these things.

“Zhiwei, you can just deal with it.”

After Lin Feng found out, he didn’t care at all, said.

Now, these things, there is no need for Lin Feng to worry about anything.

In fact, what these guys are doing doesn’t have much effect.

Now, many ordinary people in the East (Li Nuohao) are more concerned about this kind of thing than Lin Feng, for fear that the top management of the East will bring people from outside into the village.

Therefore, after Jiang Zhiwei went to make arrangements, soon, the fishing reels began to target these people.

“Overseas immigrants hundreds of years ago did make some contributions, but that was hundreds of years ago, after the floating island world was hooked up. Over the past 100 years, these immigrants who immigrated overseas really didn’t make any contributions.”

“That’s right, those who want to return have already returned more than ten years ago, before the three districts asked. These guys want to return now, don’t you think it’s too late?”

Typical “The grass on the wall, you rot in the West, the police come back.”

The eyes of the masses were bright, and the fishing reels were a little guided, and the group of fishing reels that immigrated to the Eagle Country were trying to set off were easily trampled on.

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