319 Listen to the huge floating island of 10,000 square kilometers! (2) Please subscribe

After taking down this dark floating island, Lin Feng found a much smaller dark floating island in this space.

In this way, this time, Lin Feng successfully harvested double the happiness.

With double happiness, Lin Feng left here.

After leaving, Lin Feng began to ask questions.

This time, the fusion time is not as long as usual.

It would take a very long time for such a large dark floating island to fully melt.

In addition, in the fusion, it has no effect on the associated forest on the back of Lin Feng’s floating island.

But the existence of the associated forest also makes this fusion take longer.

Fortunately, the presence of earth element elves can speed up the process of fusion and cancel each other out, so the problem is not too big.

In this way, Lin Feng’s floating island began a round of great fusion.

This process does not require Lin Feng to interfere too much.

With the earth element elves around, and Lin Feng had already communicated with Miao Miao and the others before, Lin Feng didn’t have much to do.

After the fusion this time, Lin Feng’s floating island area doubled for sure.

After all, the dark floating island of Rongjian is about the same size as Lin Feng’s own floating island.

In such a fusion, other floating islands in the east are also developing steadily and at a high speed.

On the other hand, the West was in a dark place, and began to show some chaos.

So, finally, the end of the year has come.

Due to the massive losses of Western power users, many floating islands in the West suffered a lot of losses during the “annual examination” this year, and several floating islands with good comprehensive strength were completely levelled. .

Lin Feng didn’t target these guys anymore.

Of course, the monitoring of these guys is still going on.

Let these guys slowly decline.

This world has now gradually entered the era of the East.

In many fields, Dongfang has regained its dominance.

SWAT is the bargaining power.

Although the floating island world is the main one, and everything in the floating island world dominates, in the conventional field, there are still some exchanges and interworking between the East and the West.

For example, some industrial products.

The history of this world is somewhat similar to that before Lin Feng crossed.

Due to the backwardness of the East for a period of time, there is no bargaining power on the products.

It can only sell some low-end products in the West, and due to the large number of enterprises, (cifd) leads to fierce competition, not only the price of portraits, but also their own prices, resulting in profits being seized by the West.

But now, that has begun to turn around.

in addition.

Due to the reduction of the floating islands in the west, the east has mastered the absolute bargaining power on the most important fruit related to life energy.

All kinds of fruits from the floating island world are just what everyone needs now!

The new year is here.

This year, Lin Feng did not continue to target the West.

Instead, continue to improve the rules of the floating island world.

This time, Lin Feng further refined some rules to make the operation of the entire floating island world more reasonable.

At the same time, in the floating island world, Lin Feng used the floating island calendar, which is a calendar determined according to the time of the floating island world.

The Floating Island Calendar has no effect on the Earth Star, and is only enabled in the Floating Island World.

This year is the 111th year of the floating island calendar.

That huge dark floating island that is difficult to ten thousand square kilometers, until the end of this year, following the complete fusion.

After the fusion was completed, Lin Feng continued to ask another one.

In this way, the floating island calendar has been around for 112 years.

At the end of the 112th year of the floating island calendar, finally, another dark floating island was completed.

Then, Lin Feng also began to read the large number of dark floating islands that he had accumulated during this period.

At the beginning of the 113th year of the floating island calendar, Lin Feng finished asking the larger dark floating island in his hand.

The area of ​​the entire floating island has finally broken through the dilemma of ten thousand square kilometers!

A dilemma of thousands of square kilometers!

This area is not so big!

On the Earth Star, there is no country that is comparable in size to Lin Feng’s floating island.

“Master, it’s really big~”

At the top of the tree of life a few brown rice high, Mengmeng looked around and stunned.

Mengmeng is Lin Feng’s first elemental elf.

When she was born, Lin Feng’s floating island was still the lowest level floating island.

That is, a floating island of one square kilometer.

The length and width are one kilometer.

but now.

Compared with the original, the area of ​​Lin Feng’s floating island has expanded by a thousand times!

Mengmeng watched Lin Feng’s floating island grow bigger little by little.

For Mengmeng, Lin Feng’s floating island is also hers!

Seeing the floating island become so big, Mengmeng is naturally very happy.

“Floating Island Number: 19.887

Floating Island Master: Lin Feng

Floating Island Police: Level 10 (35th Floor)

Floating island area: 2019W square kilometers (diameter 5050 kilometers)

Floating Island Residents: 13.56 million

Merit: 101.5 billion

Ranking: Refer to the Island Owner Ranking”

Lin Feng glanced at his floating island.

The area of ​​the floating island is 20.19 million square kilometers, and the diameter reaches 5,050 kilometers.

If you look up infinitely, you can see that Lin Feng’s floating island is a huge disk with a diameter of more than five kilometers!

The outer periphery of this huge disk is a circle of ocean.

The width of the ocean has reached more than 800 kilometers at its widest point and 300 kilometers at its narrowest point.

Well, this ocean is not regular, it’s too regular, and it’s not very beautiful.

Due to the rapid expansion of this wave of floating islands, the ocean is still somewhat lacking in seawater.

The area of ​​the entire ocean is about seven million square kilometers, which is about one-third of the total area of ​​Lin Feng’s floating island.

The number of residents of the floating island has already made a qualitative leap.

Due to the continuous increase of the spirit of nature, the number of residents of the floating island has reached more than 10,000.

13.56 million!

Most of them are the spirits of nature.

Now, the first batch of natural spirits that were born have been able to possess elemental bodies.

There are so many spirits of nature, which also means that Lin Feng’s floating island has a large number of S-rank and above plants!

The number of S-rank plants has exceeded ten thousand!

With so many S-class plants, the annual output is also amazing!

After the expansion of the area of ​​Lin Feng floating island this time, after further planting expansion, the plants above S grade on Lin Feng floating island will continue to increase.

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