315 Into the abyss! Complete despair! (2) Please subscribe

At the headquarters of the Mutual Aid Association, more news of the explosion of the nuclear arsenal kept coming.

All of a sudden, the headquarters of the mutual aid association became panicked again.

Under the successive blows of Lin Feng’s multiple methods, even Clero was panicked!

Satellites first.

Then there are millions of supernatural beings.

And then there’s the nuclear arsenal!

Lin Feng’s set of group questions can be said to have completely stunned the West.

These senior members of the mutual aid association who have been at the top for a long time are also out of proportion!

On the contrary, Lin Feng kept receiving reports from the element elves.

After the elemental elves worked hard, this time, all the tasks were completed quite successfully.

It can be said that after this time, the West will no longer pose any threat to the East militarily!

The military threat is gone, coupled with the complete collapse of the floating island world, the decline of the West is already inevitable!

No one can turn it around!

Even the West is still in a leading position in many fields of science and technology.

However, this leading position is not so important now.

It is only a matter of time before the East catches up.

“How is the situation on the front line, are you fighting to dry it?

“I don’t know, probably not yet.”

Eastern Network.

at this time.

Not many people knew about the situation.

Many people are still following various news and want to know the latest battle situation.

Since Lin Feng’s first shot was a means of thunder, it took less than an hour from the start of the storm to the completion of the Western nuclear arsenal.

Therefore, all the Easterners now do not know that this war has ended before it has even begun!

The West has been defeated!

Seeing that Lin Feng was able to get it done so quickly, it was mainly because Lin Feng was too well prepared.

For the past ten years, Lin Feng has been preparing for these guys to counterattack.

With the strength in Lin Feng’s hands, it took nearly ten years of preparation, and the West’s slower defeat was an insult to the element elves!

Since Dongfang’s satellites have not been affected, Dongfang is still able to use all the satellites in space.

And the abnormal situation in the West was quickly posted by some Westerners on the Floating Island Lord.

Those who can speak on the floating island masters are naturally the floating island masters.

Even if the West was severely suppressed, the number of existing floating island owners would still be innumerable.

Many ordinary floating island owners didn’t know what happened, and they asked questions about why the satellite network and positioning failed, and heard some loud noises.

That is, the news of the explosion of the nuclear arsenal.

Since the text that is currently wrapped around the Lun can only be in the Eastern language, and the Easterners can also browse the Lun Sea in the West, and these news are quickly transmitted back to the East.

Many Orientals guessed that something must have happened, but no one knew what happened, and many people were constantly curious there.

“It’s over, it’s over!”

At the headquarters of the mutual aid association, a senior executive of the mutual aid association murmured.

Now, everything is summed up.

The western satellites have all lost contact, and none of them can be connected.

The ability user lost nearly 80%, and the ordinary combat troops sent to the east were completely wiped out.

All nuclear arsenals have suffered devastating blows, and there are hardly any nuclear weapons left.

The military power of the West has suffered an incomparably huge blow!

In the vast sea in the West, there are still more than ten fleets.

Among these fleets, there are also warships or submarines that carry nuclear weapons.

However, the number of nuclear weapons on these fleets is not large, and if all of them are launched, they will be able to bring some blows to the East.

The key is…

Without the satellites, the long-range missiles on these fleets were also affected.

It is not easy to find the East.

Modern navigation technology is seriously dependent on the speed of satellites in the sky.

Without satellites, you are blind.

In addition, these fleets did not dare to approach the East at all.

The five fleets that were destroyed last time, is the lesson still small?

That is to say, after these fleets learned their lesson, they all turned into tortoises, hiding in the vast sea, daring not to show their faces at all.

Lin Feng has no interest in finding them either.

Otherwise, this time, Lin Feng doesn’t mind sprouting water elemental spirits and sweeping these fleets down!

At the headquarters of the mutual aid association, after a flurry of hooting, the top executives of the mutual aid association who barked the most fiercely also went out one by one.

They screamed the most before because they still had nuclear weapons.


There are no nuclear weapons anymore.

Their last bit of capital is gone.

What do you call it?

It’s not that no one is screaming, sending all the fleet up….


It was immediately rejected by others.

Are you kidding me, you lost five fleets a few years ago, and now you’re sending the fleet away, isn’t it for food?


The West is not monolithic, and there are still many countries in the world.

After the West has suffered such a terrible blow, some small countries may be ready to move and have other ideas.

For example, running to hold Dongfang’s thigh socket.

It’s 100 percent.

In addition, in some areas with important energy sources, the West also needs to send some fleets to suppress them to avoid any mistakes.

Although after the appearance of the floating island world, the focus of all development has shifted from the floating island world, but the Western competition for some important resources on Earth, such as energy, is still very strong.

It’s just that, with this wave of Western losses, the high-level members of the mutual aid association have been completely desperate one by one!

Now they have no cards in their hands to play anymore.

The floating island world cannot compete with the East.

He couldn’t beat Dongfang again on Earth Star. If he couldn’t beat Dongfang, he wouldn’t be beaten into the abyss by Lin Feng’s group of boxing punches. All means of threatening Dongfang had been abolished.

How does this play?

PS: Let me tell you, the latest chapters are all timed, and some friends can see the timed ones in advance… It is possible to read a dozen chapters in advance, but they will disappear in the next few days. It’s not that they haven’t been updated, it’s you Did you see it in advance..?

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