311 The storm is coming! (2) Please subscribe

“There is no sign of the launch of weapons in the east, so our satellite should not be shot down by any weapon in the east, maybe it is just a sudden failure,

Mutual Aid Headquarters, a senior technical staff, is still there to explain.

“No, this thing must be done by Dongfang, to be precise, it was done by Lin Feng, don’t have any illusions!

Cleo spoke up.

The top executives of other mutual aid societies looked at Clero.

Lielero said solemnly: “Now I can only have the worst plan, that is, these satellites have all been destroyed, and Dongfang is prepared this time! 9

“Clero, what should we do, should our power user be withdrawn? 99

A mutual aid society executive asked.

Now, several of their rough satellites have suddenly lost contact, and the remaining satellites are also constantly losing contact.

These satellites have been launched one after another by the West over the past 100 years.

“563” As for the Floating Island World, the satellites in space have already reached the end of their lifespan and have been eliminated.

Although all the center of gravity of the West has been on the floating island world for more than 100 years, it has not stopped launching satellites into the sky.

Now, there are several difficult satellites in the entire West over the Earth.

These satellites function differently.

For the West, nothing is more important than a cluster of military satellites and satellites used to weave a positioning grid.

But now, these satellites have all lost contact in a short period of time!

Without these satellites, the West would be powerless to launch a nuclear war.

How can a western intercontinental missile fly to the east without a satellite to provide a location?

Blind shoot?

Of course, the ties to the West are not broken yet.

Even though many satellite-dependent networks are affected, the connection between the floating island owners is not affected.

Now, the top management of the mutual aid association can learn about the situation ahead from the floating island owner on the front line.

at this time.

in the western region of the East.

Here, millions of power users in the West, and a large number of ordinary warriors who have assembled, have stopped.

They have received the news and know the anomaly ahead.

Among the large-scale interrogation troops, a large number of drones have set sail and flew towards the east.

In the sky, there are also people with the ability to fly to the east.

These drones are large drones that can fly hundreds of kilometers.

“Not right.”

In the sky, a wind system ability user was still hundreds of kilometers away from the storm, and he felt an abnormality.

If at this time, the satellites in the sky are still there, you can see that the air has become extremely violent in the place more than 100 kilometers away from the millions of power users in the west.

An unprecedented storm is sweeping over at an alarming speed!

The wind-breeding power user quickly flew towards the area of ​​the storm.

Before the wind fan power user arrives, those faster drones have already arrived.

The drones quickly flew to the front of the storm.

However, because the satellites lost contact, the videos captured by these drones could not be transmitted back hundreds of kilometers.

In fact, after the satellite lost contact, the control of these drones became a problem. Westerners can only set a cruising route for the drone, let the drone fly around and turn back, and then Then you can watch the videos or pictures taken by these drones.

Therefore, at this time, no Western power user saw the terrible picture taken by the drone.

I saw the billowing yellow sand rushing frantically at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour, still accelerating.

These yellow sands were only brought over by the storm.

To the naked eye, it was just a dust storm.

However, how can an ordinary sandstorm have such power?

On the ground of the storm, in addition to the yellow sand, there are many big stones rolling frantically.

As for the small stones, there are more.

Even the rocks were blown all over the floor!

More warning about other things.

This wind is already more terrifying than any typhoon.

If we use the wind level set by humans on Earth to describe it, the current storm is already wind level 20 or higher!

Moreover, the storm is still getting stronger.

Even terrifying wind whistles can be heard.

The sound of wind whistling is more frightening than the sound of landslides and tsunamis.

I saw that the drones just flew into the area of ​​​​the storm and fell one after another.

These drones that rely on air to fly are most afraid of this kind of storm.

After the drones fell, the Westerners behind them had not received any signals.

Without the satellite, the signal is not so easy to transmit at a distance of more than 100 kilometers.

The storm swept west frantically..

The speed is also accelerating.

With a distance of more than 100 kilometers, in just a few minutes, this storm was already very close to the army of millions of power users in the west.

At this moment.

The western wind power user who went to investigate the situation finally saw the terrible storm.

“This storm… bad!”

The expressions of all the wind fan abilities changed drastically.

“Stop for me!”

There are also those who have the ability to spread the wind, and they try to fight against the storm and intercept the storm.

However, this wind power user soon discovered that even if he was already a level 11 wind fan power user, it was a dream to stop such a storm.

The storm soon swept over.

This wind fan power user had to switch from offense to defense, trying to stabilize his body in the storm.

At this time, the wind element elf in the wind found him and manipulated the wind a little, and the wind tornado was activated around the wind fan power user.

It was seen that the wind element ability user was directly hit by the wind tornado, and instantly turned into countless fragments, mixed with the yellow sand, and continued to rush to the west.

It was almost the blink of an eye, so the wind fan power users in front were all killed.

Then, the storm continued to sweep away.

“What’s that sound?”

To the west, among the army of millions of power users, everyone has heard the sound of wind and wind.

The whistling of the wind at this time was too terrifying.

It’s like there are countless beasts roaring in front of you at the same time.

5.3 However, at present, these power users have not panicked.

because they are numerous.

Even a few million or even a few jars of ten thousand beasts can be killed effortlessly.

Compared with the monsters in the floating island world, the beasts on the earth are too weak and too weak.

However, soon, these power users saw the storm.

The flow of air itself is invisible.

But the yellow sand brought by this storm had too many gaps, so these people saw the rolling yellow sand that covered the sky and madly rushed tens of kilometers to the east.


An officer in front frowned.

“It came so fast.”

The officer’s face changed quickly.

Not only him, but all the other power users also changed their expressions.

Because it came too soon!

It was just twenty or thirty kilometers away, but in the blink of an eye, it was already less than ten kilometers away from here!

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