301 Tribute! Strike again! (2) Please subscribe

“Could it be that the East is above the 32nd floor? How is it possible!”

“How can this happen, we have tried our best, why are we still in the 11th?”

“What’s going on in these floating islands in the east?

The headquarters of the mutual aid association and the senior members of the mutual aid association were all stunned.

The result of this gold list made their counterattack a big joke!

It has accumulated strength for three years and continued to develop.

The result is still at number 11!

It means that these three years of hard work have been in vain!

In addition, regarding the top ten golden floating islands in the East, the senior management of these mutual aid associations could not understand it at all.

They used so much energy to rush to the 32nd floor.

They are completely unimaginable.

In the east, there are actually 10 floating islands, all above the 32nd floor?

In their opinion, the top ten floating islands in the east are on the 31st floor, and it is impossible to keep all the top ten “May 47”.

Their floating islands are already quite large in size, and the plants are not bad. At this time, the number of layers of floating islands is very important.

“It must be Lin Feng! Lin Feng helped them! 19

“Damn it, why is there a person like Lin Feng in the East?”

“A Lin Feng, why is it so difficult?”

In the end, Western Mutual Aid will attribute the reason why the top ten floating islands in the East are so powerful to Lin Feng.

This conclusion is correct.

Some senior members of the mutual aid association have faintly felt that Lin Feng is so defiant, they may not be able to surpass him.

However, they will not admit defeat like this.

“This year, we can’t go up to the 33rd floor. We can’t hold it when we go up to the 33rd floor. We will postpone it for a year. Lin Feng doesn’t seem to be targeting us in the end. It should be stabilized by our people. Lin Feng sent another 10 beautiful beauties.”

In the high-level meeting of the mutual aid association, Clero said with a sullen face.

“Okay, as long as Lin Feng doesn’t target us, we will continue to exert our strength. Last year’s military achievements rose very quickly. There are several large dark floating islands, and we can go to get the source. 99

The senior management of the Western Mutual Aid Association quickly reached a consensus.

That is, taking advantage of the current level 11 ability user, there are still a few years of life, and continue to develop the floating island.

However, this year, they are not going to continue to rise, but are going to accumulate strength, and at the same time develop the plants on the floating island and increase the area of ​​the floating island.

Then, keep accumulating more 11th-level power users!

Lin Feng knew the situation of these guys very well.

Lin Feng also knew that these guys, accumulating so many level 11 ability users, were not just for the sake of rising.

In another three to four years, the number of Level 11 power users in the West may exceed one million.

At that time, the lifespan of the first batch of 11th-level ability users will only be less than a year.

The latter 11th-level ability users also have a limited lifespan.

Once the time comes, if the West still has a way to bring the votes back to one-third, these guys in the West may be ready to use these millions of 11th-level power users and more 10th-level power users to do things !

An 11th-level ability user, if used on the earth star, the combat power displayed is terrible.

One man can destroy a small army.

Millions of 11th-level ability users, think about it, you will know how powerful it is.

For Lin Feng, he is not afraid of these power users at all. He also needs time to accumulate more power. At the same time, the element elves can also secretly grasp more situations in the West.

Once the West is really ready to act, Lin Feng will definitely strike first and catch the West by surprise!

In 107, the West held another beauty pageant.

Then, these guys from the West sent Lin Feng 10 top-quality western beauties.

Moreover, the west also released some rumors to let the people in the east know that the beauty pageant in the west is to “pay tribute” to Lin Feng


The purpose of the West doing this is not to attack Lin Feng’s prestige, rather, it is still to paralyze Lin and the East.

Because the West does this, it is equivalent to the ancient “tribute”, which naturally makes many Orientals excited.

“Haha, nothing like this has happened in hundreds of years.”

“I didn’t expect these guys to bow their heads. In order to make Lin Feng stop targeting them, he even came up with the idea of ​​presenting beautiful women! 33

“Yeah, I’ve always wondered why the West held beauty pageants, it turned out to be to present beauty to Lin Feng, although I was extremely envious and envious, but it was really fun to watch!

“Don’t be paralyzed by the West, I feel they have a conspiracy.”

On the Internet, many Orientals are also talking about it.

Many people feel very happy when they see that in order not to be targeted, the West has to bow their heads and do such things as offering beauty.

After all, because of the backwardness of one or two hundred years, the East in the past was always passive when facing the West.

But now.

The West has been suppressed like this.

But some people think that the West may be paralyzing the East.

After meeting with representatives of Westerners, Lin Feng still put these 10 blond beauties selected by the West this year on Xiaohan’s floating island.

These 10 beauties are all 18 years old, 10 last year, and 19 years old this year.

Lin Feng did not touch them, nor did he say let them go, and just kept them on Xiaohan’s floating island.

This year, Lin Feng continued to develop his own floating island and support the development of the Oriental Floating Island.

Every month, people over the age of 15 get the Awakening Potion and then the Awakening Power.

The number of power users in the East is constantly increasing.

Of course, it takes a lot of time for these young power users to grow up.

But with the passage of time, it is only a matter of time before the entire East enters the era of universal power.

Seeing that Zhao’s floating island did not continue to rise on the 32nd floor, but focused on improving the area and plants of the floating island, Lin Feng did not let the other floating islands in the top ten rise.

Awakening potions are still being produced, and improved genetic potions are also being produced.

In this way, soon, the second half of the year came.

The “welcome ceremony” on the 35th floor was over, and Lin Feng rose to the 5.336th floor.

After one or two years of continuous “welcome gifts”, Lin Feng’s military exploits will break through billions!

At that time, you can exchange for a huge floating island that is difficult to ten thousand square kilometers!

In this way, after the end of the year, in the new year, the gold list will be refreshed again.

The top of the Western Mutual Aid Association soon found out.. The Floating Island, still at number 11, motionless!

Another floating island that was finally charged to 15, still motionless!

Although they did not rise again today, but this year, the area of ​​Zhao’s floating island has increased a lot, and there are more high-level plants, but there is still no movement.

This made the senior officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association suffer one by one.

The blow is not over yet.

Because next year will continue!

“Next year, next year we will come again! 99

Several senior members of the mutual aid association did not believe in evil and decided to fight again next year.

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