284 Desperate! The fleet is approaching! Bai Lingyun is moving! (1) Please subscribe

After the approval of the three proposals, this time the floating island owner meeting officially ended.

Although the Floating Island Master Conference has ended, the far-reaching impact brought by this Floating Island Master Conference has just begun.

The East is naturally boiling, and this Floating Island Master Conference is called the beginning of the Eastern Order.

“Starting from this Floating Island Master Conference, the East will begin to take off completely.”

“This is the first time since the discovery of the floating island world that the whole world follows the rules of the East.”

have a look

The West, once again a gloomy fiasco.

Countless Westerners took to the streets to protest, and a large number of media used sensational headlines to describe this Floating Island Master Conference.

For example, it is said that this Floating Island Master Conference is the beginning of the decline of the West.

Many Westerners feel uncomfortable and hopeless about this.

They have become accustomed to the priority of the West, how can they accept such an ending!

“This is already a provocation for the Orientals, a war, and a war must be waged to let these Orientals know who is the master of this world!”

“That’s right, the Orientals are trying to subvert the order of the entire world by themselves. This is provoking the entire world. Did they forget that the floating island world is not everything!”

“A surgical strike must be done on the East to wipe it off the map of the world!”

A large number of Westerners are calling 530 on the Internet.

at the same time.

The top brass of Western Mutual Aid has gathered.

“Damn it, Damn it!

“Have these oriental people forgotten how they screamed under our cannons more than 200 years ago?”

“I propose to use all weapons against the East!”

“Yes, Dongfang is provoking all our countries, everyone, it’s time for them to know who the master of this world is!”


The high level of the mutual aid association was also very noisy.

After seeing the passage of the two proposals from the East, the top executives of these mutual aid associations have become furious one by one!

The two proposals from the East, aimed at them in such a way, made the senior members of these mutual aid associations furious one by one!

Like ordinary people in the West.

A large number of high-level mutual aid associations are proposing to launch a war on Earth.

The importance of the floating island world is self-evident, but the Earth Star is equally important. This is the home of everyone.

Moreover, according to the inherent rules of the floating island world, any baby born in the floating island world cannot become the new floating island owner.

In their opinion, even if Dongfang has an absolute advantage in the floating island world, they can still make a comeback when they are so determined to target them now.

That is to start a war from the earth star and strike the east!

“After a proposal is passed, although it will take effect immediately, there is still a one-month observation period. During the observation period, if it is found that the operation of this proposal has had a bad impact on the entire floating island world, it can be withdrawn. Proposal.99

“We must force the Orientals to withdraw their proposal! Even with the threat of war!

“That’s right, the newcomers have already entered the floating island world, and the newcomers cannot suffer heavy losses, and in two days, the “welcome gift” cannot be tripled!

Some more sensible mutual aid association executives made an analysis.

The high-level positions of these mutual aid associations themselves are incomparably high in the West. After more than a hundred years of development in the floating island world, these high-level mutual aid associations can be said to be close to all aspects of the West.

More than a hundred years ago, their influence was not trivial, and they were some of the most powerful chaebols and chaebols in the West.

Like Lin Fengfeng, who started from scratch and rushed all the way to the top is not rare, but very few.


After the top management of the mutual aid association made a decision, soon, Clero, who was also furious, passed the proposal of the mutual aid association executives.

Immediately after.

On the second day after the Floating Island Master Conference ended, several Western fleets that had been lurking around the east suddenly appeared.

These fleets are naturally not the ones that existed before the Floating Island World. After more than a hundred years have passed, those brain teams have long since retired.

It was built continuously after the floating island world appeared.

After the emergence of the floating (cifd) island world, the development of all people is dominated by the floating island world.

But the fleet on Earth did not fall.

In the hands of the Western Mutual Aid Association, they controlled more than a dozen fleets from several countries.

These fleets have the most advanced weapons, and each fleet has a huge number of warships.

Soon, five fleets appeared at the same time, with the sound of the approaching east!

Moreover, this time, when the five fleets appeared, the West did not hide it, but let some Western media report it.

So, soon.

The whole world knows.

The five fleets in the west are approaching the east in a mighty manner!

Great, “Finally, it’s time to let these Orientals know how powerful our armada is.”

“One fleet can destroy a small country, five fleets, with our long-range missiles, give the East a surgical bombing.”

“Let the East disappear from the world map!

On the Internet, after seeing the five fleets, a large number of Westerners started to scream.

Meanwhile, the East.

On the floating island, Lin Feng also got the news.

“Lin Feng, the Westerners have dispatched a fleet, what should we do? This time the West is serious, and the ground troops are also gathering on a large scale. If you are not careful, it may turn into a full-scale war.”

Jiang Zhiwei sent a message.

Lin Feng’s gaze turned to the holographic screen, the images released by the Western media.

On the holographic screen, the five fleets in the west were mighty, with many warships, and there were a large number of fighter jets in the sky.

“Bai Ling.”

After watching for a few seconds, Lin Feng shouted.


Bai Ling is here.

“Go, I’ll leave this to you.

Lin Feng said lightly.

“Yes, Master.”

Bai Lingdao.

After finishing speaking, she left the floating island with a large amount of water element elves and headed to Earth Star.

Lin Feng’s eyes stayed on the five fleets.

Do these guys still think it’s more than a hundred years ago?

No one can deny the power of hot weapons.


Not to mention the elemental elves, even the power users, they have all developed to level 11 power users.

An 11th-level water multiplication ability user is enough to set off a small-scale tsunami.

As this goes on, the power user, the future will continue to be the key to determining the outcome of the war.

The power user and the element elves are far from being comparable.

Even at the same level, they cannot be compared.

What’s more, this year, Bai Ling has risen to level 17!

These Westerners still want to use war as a threat, it is time to let them know that this era has changed!,

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