275 Desperate West, Discuss the Rules (2) Please subscribe

“765 votes!”

On the floating island, Lin Feng smiled.

This time, the number of votes from the East is more than two-thirds!

Two thirds, but 66.~666%.

Now, the vote in the East has reached 80-%.

No, more than 80% of the gap, because there is a decimal point after it.

As long as there are more than two-thirds of the votes, everything can already be decided.

Even more alert to 80% of the votes!

“We actually got so many votes!”

Opposite Lin Feng, Lexi was a little surprised when she saw the result!

Really, this time the progress of the East is terrible.

Moreover, this time the number of the East also occupies an absolute advantage.

Last year, there were only 44 people in the East on the gold list, which means that less wins more.

This year, the number of Oriental floating island owners on the gold list has reached 52, and correspondingly, there are only 48 left in the West!

Among these 48, there are a few more from another district.

Of course, another district is almost tied to the West.

Even if they are tied together, the East has already occupied an absolute advantage!

No matter the number of people, or the number of votes!

It can be said that this year, it is indeed a big victory!

To be able to achieve such a result, on the one hand, Lin Feng fully supported a large number of families this year. After all, his own strength is the key.

On the other hand, it must benefit from the wave of the West being overshadowed by Lin Feng.

When it’s cloudy, it’s cloudy.

Who made these guys dishonest.

If it weren’t for the dark element spirits sent by Lin Feng, who had been quietly monitoring the movements of the West, if the West really succeeded, the one who cried now would become the floating island owner of the East.

Lin Feng’s principle is that people don’t offend me, and I don’t offend others.

If people offend me, they will pay back a hundredfold!

If there is no Yin wave, Lin Feng is also sure to get more than two-thirds of the votes, but the advantage is not as big as it is now.

80% of the votes!

With this number of votes, even Lexi was speechless.

Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei also did not expect that Dongfang’s advantage would be so great this year.

When their hearts are naturally very happy~

“Have a celebration party tonight.”

Lin Feng said.

Soon, he disclosed the news in the group of the Floating Island Lords Alliance, preparing to hold a celebration banquet this evening.

The location is on the floating island of Tang Statue.

On the Internet, because of the absolute lead in the number of votes this time, the whole of the East is also rejoicing.

Correspondingly, a large number of Westerners fell into despair.

Although many Westerners still cannot accept it, their most powerful floating island only ranks 11th.

However, the fact is in front of us, and it is useless if we cannot accept it.

They can’t decide anything.

“Oh my God, we’re done!

“The East now dominates! Our end is coming! 99

All over the West, a cloud of gloom and gloom.

A large number of Westerners feel that the future is bleak.

There are also Westerners who still do not understand why, after the West was in the lead in the past one or two hundred years ago, it would actually lose to the East in the three districts.

It’s okay to lose to the East, but in the past three years, the entire West has been desperate, and the number of power users in the West has exploded.


Still can’t beat the East!

The mood of these Westerners can be said to be quite bad.

Before the appearance of the floating island world, these guys relied on their overall leadership in technology and national strength, and were used to looking down at the entire world from a high place.

No matter what, it is the West first.

Many of the rules of the whole world are also made by the West.

After the Floating Island World was hooked, although the world pattern changed greatly and became the main floating island world, in the past 100 years, everyone has been doing their best to develop the Floating Island World.

The West is also leading!

However, now, this kind of leadership of the West is gone!

After this time on the Golden List, Dongfang completely dominated!

For many Westerners, it can be said that the end is coming.

It feels like it’s getting dark all day!

Many Westerners are desperate!

More desperate than the Westerners, there is the Western Mutual Aid Association!

At the headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Association, all the senior members of the Mutual Aid Association looked extremely ugly.

In the hall of the headquarters with a can of many people, no one was in the mood to speak.

Everyone’s mood was extremely depressed.

In stark contrast to the jubilation of the whole East.

And in their opinion, this kind of jubilation originally belonged to them!

·For flowers·

The floating island of Tang Statue was already lively.

The celebration party started in the afternoon.

The gold list is refreshed on the last day of each year, and the next day is the New Year.

Lin Feng is going to hold a celebration party from the afternoon to the evening. After nightfall, he will return to his floating island to spend the New Year with the girls.

Now the East can achieve such a result, all the girls are very credited.

Without their strong support, it is impossible for Lin to make the top 10 floating island masters in the east this year!

30 floors.

These families have no way to gain a firm foothold on the 30th floor by themselves.

If you want to gain a firm foothold, you will have to develop at least a few years of detours.

“Leader, now that we have an absolute advantage, is it time to hold the Floating Island Lord Conference?”

At the banquet, Lin Feng became the focus, and many people surrounded him.

It was Tang Lao who spoke.

Lin Feng nodded: “Well, it’s time to convene.”

As the number one on the gold list, every year, Lin Feng can directly hold the Floating Island Master Conference once every year without voting.

At each floating island master meeting, one to three proposals can be passed.

The year before last and last year, Lin Feng did not hold the meeting.

the reason is simple.

With no more than two-thirds of the votes, no matter what the East proposes, the West cannot vote for it.

In this case, Lin Feng will not be boring.

This year, the number of votes in the East has reached 80%, so naturally it can be held.

After the floating island master meeting is held, it is time to discuss the improvement of the rules.

This can is inside drama!

It is also the reason why the East and the West want to get two-thirds of the votes.

When perfecting the rules, as long as one’s own side has the majority of votes, it is natural that you can snatch something that is beneficial to you, while targeting Western rules.

The exact rules need to be discussed.


Lin Feng called some old people, that is, old people like Tang Lao and Chi Chen who lived for hundreds of years, and discussed it.

These old people have rich life experience, and all of them are once big figures. They have lived for so long and have much more experience than ordinary people.

Is Lin Feng going to listen to their opinions before making a decision for himself?

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