257 Siren Tina! Great progress in the second year! (3) Please subscribe


On this day, the first siren was born.

After the Kraken was born, she walked out of the sea. In the sea, she was able to walk in front of Lin Feng step by step as if she was walking on the steps, then lowered her head and said respectfully.

All the water on her body is also fading quickly, and in a short period of time, there is not a drop of water on her body.

Even on the hair, all the water disappeared.

You must know that the current siren is only level 1.

When the mermaid is at level 1, there is no way to do this. After surfacing, the water on her body can quickly disappear.

This is also the ability of the sea monsters.

“Do you have a name?”

Lin Feng asked.

“Please give me your name.”

The Siren’s voice was very sweet, and the seductiveness on that face was comparable to that of the Morning Mist Banshees.

“Just call you Tina!

In this way, Lin Feng named the first siren.

“Thank you master.”

Tina was very happy, said.

Due to Lin Feng’s floating island, the current ocean area of ​​”May 10″ is already quite large, and the level of the second ocean spring has also increased quite quickly.

The speed at which the sirens were born is not slow.

Soon, the speed of the birth of the sirens reached about 10 per day.

As the first Kraken, Tina’s strength rose very quickly.

With the Kraken, the ocean is even more lively.

The Krakens are very lively beings, Lin Feng can always see them jumping out of the sea, then blending into the sea and disappearing.

So, after Lin Feng woke up every morning, there was one more thing.

Every morning, Lin Feng will go through the space gate and go to the foggy forest first to welcome the birth of a new banshee.

Then go to the fountain of the ocean and take the little Loli mermaids out one by one.

In this process, it is indispensable to be swallowed by these little Loli mermaids.

Now, Lin Feng has one more thing, and that is to welcome the birth of the sirens.

Well, these things don’t actually take much time.

When Lin Feng is not on the floating island, he will find time later to meet the newly born banshees, mermaids, sirens, and flower fairies.

Although Lin Feng has not risen again for more than a year, the development of his own floating island has not fallen.

The fusion of the floating island is also in progress, and the area of ​​the floating island is still growing rapidly.

The number of lives on the entire floating island is also increasing.

According to the current size of the floating island, these millions of lives are still empty.

This year, Lin Feng’s floating island has an area of ​​nearly 6 million square kilometers.

Such a large floating island, if it were on Earth, could accommodate more than one billion people.

Well, it’s a billion, no problem at all.

Some kingdoms on the planet Earth, although large in size, many places are desolate and inhabited.

All the land on Lin Feng’s floating island is extremely fertile and can naturally accommodate more people.

Each life on Lin Feng floating island has an upper limit, and it is impossible to grow infinitely. continuously increasing.

In short, Lin Feng’s own floating island is becoming more and more prosperous!

After his life reached tree level 15, Lin Feng stayed on his floating island for a few days before continuing to work.

Now, his floating island is so prosperous, and there are so many girls on the floating island.

That’s even less the case for the West to dominate.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the West will really mess with the rules of the East, completely defeat the East, and even target Lin Feng, it will be bad.


The decision of the floating island world must be in the hands of Lin Feng!

Therefore, Lin Feng was busy again.

In the second half of the year, the “welcome ceremony” of all the families is still in progress.

These “welcome gifts” last a very long time.

Until the end of the year is approaching, the “welcome ceremony” of the families supported by Lin Feng has finally ended.

After this wave of “Welcome Ceremony” ended, the Golden List floating island masters in the entire East have generally become stronger.

Chi and Tang are still on the 28th floor and have not risen to 29. Lin Feng plans to let them rise to 29 next year.

But Song Xiang and other clans have all risen to the 28th floor.

Now, there are more than twenty floating island owners on the Golden List in the East, including Lin Feng, who have reached the 28th floor!

It can be said.

In terms of the number of floating islands, it has already surpassed the West!

In the area of ​​the floating island, due to the rapid rise, the obtained coordinates of the dark floating island are many, and it also rises rapidly.

In this way, in the last month of the year, Lin Feng is not in a hurry.

This month, most work on all floating islands also ceased.



After the three districts were asked and merged, the second year’s “annual examination” came.

In this wave of “annual exams”, Lin Feng is still the busiest, supporting many floating islands.

After this wave of “annual exams”, in the early morning of the next day, the third gold list after the three districts was asked and merged was finally refreshed!

This time the gold list is refreshed, and there are also many people who pay attention.

Throughout the process, the discussion was equally overwhelming.

In this excitement, the time came to 9 o’clock in the evening, and the gold list was completely refreshed.

“Final result: East 44, 599 votes; West 56, 356 votes!

After the gold list was refreshed this time, the changes were greater than last year.

Dongfang has 4 more families on the gold list. These 4 families are all supported by Lin Feng.

The number of people is not the biggest change, the biggest change is the number of votes…

The number of votes in the East this year is only one vote away, and the bet can reach 600 votes!

Compared with last year, there are more than 30 votes.

It’s a huge improvement!

The number of votes required for two-thirds of the votes is only a dozen or so votes away.

Of course, if the votes of Li Shengping and He Yong were removed, it would be even worse!

In terms of the specific ranking changes, Chi moved up one place again and came to the fifth place on the gold list!

Well, the previous Chi was the fifth place on the Western Gold List, but this time, he finally came to the fifth place again.

The same is the fifth, but, Chi Xiang is the fifth this time, and the weight must be heavier, because this is the fifth gold list in the three districts!

Tang Xiang also advanced one place this time, from the original 8th to the 7th place in one fell swoop, surpassing the floating island owner who was originally the third in the Western Gold List.

Another change is that Song and Fu, supported by Lin Feng, finally broke into the top 10.

As soon as Song Xiang broke into the top 10, he came to the ninth place!

Biography, it came to the 10th place!

That is to say.

Among the top 10, there are now 7 of them, all of them from the East!

Points occupy 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10!

There are only 3 floating island owners on the Western Golden List!

That is to say, the top three of the original Western gold list are still in the top 10 now!

The changes in the top 10 have added a full 17 votes to Dongfang this time!

Well, Fu Chong came to the 10th place, and the number of votes changed from the original 9 to 10, which is one more vote.

Earn like 6 more votes.

Chi Xiang and Tang Xiang each have 5 more votes, adding up to 17 votes!

After 10, the changes are also great.

11, and now he has become the fourth floating island owner on the Western Gold List.

However, starting from the 12th, all of them have become 53,000 people in the east.

12 is earned.

The 13th is Zhao Xiang.

14th is Lee.

All the way to the 18th, they are all the floating island masters among the ten families supported by Lin Feng!

The changes of these top ten families have added a total of 5 votes to the East.

Well, Zhao Jia and Zhao were originally in the range of 11-20. This time, although they advanced a few places, the number of votes did not change.

When he reached the 19th place, he became the 6th floating island owner on the original Western Gold List.

The 20th and 21st… become Li Shengping and He Yong!

In other words, this time, Li Shengping was squeezed to the 20th place directly from the 11th place last year…

He Yong, was really squeezed to the 21st place, directly squeezed out of the top 20!

In addition, the 10 major families that Lin Feng supports newly have basically changed, there are 9 families, and the rankings have come to a new respect, adding a full 9 votes.

In addition to the 4 new families on the list, this time, Dongfang has added a full 35 votes!,

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