255 Desperate! The second year! Status! (3) Please subscribe

“Don’t worry everyone, by the end of this year, we can have more than 100,000 tenth-level ability users. Next year, it will be a time for a showdown!”

When the three districts were asked and merged, the first year’s Golden List transcripts came, and a high-level talk of Luoji was held at a general meeting of the Western Mutual Aid Association.

Ordinary people in the West are really anxious.

These high-level western leaders who hold the golden list of floating islands and stand at the top of the pyramid are also anxious.

But they are more composure.

“It’s better to make ordinary people anxious, so that they can continue to use genotype 1 drugs more actively. 99

Another high street.

The other senior executives nodded.

Under the deliberate rendering of the mutual aid association, more and more people are now offering to use type 1 genetic medicine.

This kind of genetic medicine is a medicine that can make an ordinary person become a level 10 ability user gene within two years.

The success rate of use is very low.

The previous Western Golden List floating islands could not be applied on a large scale at all.

Because so many people can’t be found.

After all, this thing only has a 10% success rate, and even if it succeeds, the remaining lifespan is only a dozen years.

510 Ordinary people are not stupid, except for some desperate, or in urgent need of money, otherwise, no one will use it voluntarily.

Even deception is difficult because the success rate is too low to be applied on a large scale.

However, under the current circumstances, there are many people who voluntarily use this genetic medicine.

Last year, millions of able-bodied Westerners signed up.

The high-level members of these mutual aid associations are naturally eager to do so.

Therefore, after the first year’s gold list results came out, they did not comfort the people in the West.

On the contrary, it further exaggerated the tense atmosphere and exaggerated the threat from the East, so that more Westerners could sign up to use the || type of genetic medicine.

The Mutual Aid Society has also gone full steam ahead, producing the kind of potion with a hugely flawed gene.

This kind of thing, if it is normal, there is no way to use it on a large scale, but in this special period, the mutual aid association has received a large number of “guinea pigs”.

Because there are too many volunteers, at the end of this year, they are even sure to obtain more than 100,000 level 10 power users!

Although the lifespan of these 10th-level ability users is only ten years, but in their opinion, more than ten years is enough!

As for the price for the birth of these 100,000 level 10 ability users… that is the lives of more than one million ordinary people.

These guys are desperate to win!

“Song Xiang and the others are catching up.”

On Li Shengping’s floating island, one year later, the ranking of Li Shengping and He Yong’s floating island has not changed.


Seeing that Song Xiang and other major families had chased after them, He Yong was also a little panicked.

Because, He Yong felt that if things continued like this, Song Xiang might surpass himself this year.

Moreover, once Song surpassed him, the major families behind Song would also surpass him one after another.

Squeeze He Yong back a few places in a row!

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

He Yong is a little regretful now that he should not have always been on the same team with Li Shengping.

It’s too late for him to talk to Lin Feng and reconcile now.

Lin Feng will definitely not believe him!

On this point, He Yong was not mistaken.

Lin Feng really wouldn’t believe him.

Even when Lin Feng counted Dongfang’s votes, all of He Yong’s and Li Shengping’s votes were excluded.

As for Li Shengping’s little friends, that is, several floating island owners of die-hard Li Shengping, after this time the three districts were questioned and merged, the entire army was wiped out.

None of them made it to the Gold List in the three districts.

“Song Lao, this month you (cifd) will rise to the 27th floor.

After the beginning of the new year, Lin Feng started the arrangement non-stop.

The focus of this year, on the one hand, is the further improvement of Chi Xiang and Tang Xiang.

For every 1 place in the top 10, there will be 5 more votes, and this vote is very important.

For every 10 existing Golden List floating island owners, one more vote will be added.

Therefore, the police see that the number of votes required by two-thirds of the votes is only a few dozen votes away.

But these dozens of votes also need to be used and arranged well.

So, like Chi and Tang, Lin Feng is going to make them go a step further this year, adding about 10-20 more votes.

But that’s not enough either.

There needs to be more golden floating islands to enter the top 10!

This is naturally the big families of Song Xiang, Fu, Zhuan Xiang, and Zhao.

Under Lin Feng’s arrangement, at the end of last year, several big families had rushed to the 26th floor.

The “Welcome Ceremony” will end this month.

Although the number of layers on the floating island is not everything, the number of layers in the floating island world also occupies a considerable proportion.

The advantage of rushing to the floor like this is that you can get more military exploits and dark floating islands.

The area of ​​the dark floating islands of these big families is currently more than one million square kilometers. However, if they continue to rush down like this, in the last year of the “Three-Year Plan”, their dark floating islands surface The accumulation should be able to exceed two million square kilometers.

An area of ​​two hundred thousand square kilometers.

As long as you can get into 10, that’s enough!

As for plants, don’t worry, Lin Feng has already given them a lot of plant seeds, and they can also be transplanted from other floating islands.

Well, because there are too many plant seeds, Lin Feng has already planted a lot of seeds on some floating islands that he invested in. These seeds have grown up after several years of growth.

It can be directly transplanted, and the effect is better.

So, under Lin Feng’s arrangement, the top ten families began to rise again.

After ascending, Lin Feng came to the floating island of these families to deal with the “welcome gift”.

Now, every time Lin Feng arrives, the most outstanding women of the younger generation among the top ten families will come to accompany him.

The same is true of the top ten shock clans newly supported by Lin Feng.

These families want to strengthen the connection with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not refuse, if he refused, it would make these families a little uneasy.

When the status reaches a certain level, these things are unavoidable and not objectionable, so Lin Feng just let it go.

These clans all know the sense of proportion. They are like the most outstanding women of the younger generation in the clan. Naturally, they also admire Lin Feng very much, and there is no coercive nature at all.

After all, the charm of Lin Feng is here, and in these families, I don’t know how many little girls dream of Lin Feng every day.

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