252 Pool surrender! Heavy losses! (3.4) Subscribe

“I’m going, Westerners are fighting hard.”

“Haha, he’s in a hurry, he’s in a hurry.”

“What are you afraid of, we already have an absolute advantage, and the advantage will only get bigger and bigger in the future.”

“Don’t be careless. We were able to turn the tables this time, thanks to the three of Lin Feng. On the gold list, our numbers are still behind.

“There’s nothing to worry about, as long as Lin Feng and the three of them keep occupying the top three, our votes will always be higher than one-third.”

It is impossible for the East not to notice such a big movement in the West.

Immediately, there was some discussion on the Eastern Internet.

“Sure enough, the West started to fight back. 99

“Well, it looks like they shouldn’t dare to lie down.

“You have to be more careful.”

In the chat group of Dongfang Jinbang floating island owners, the Jinbang floating island owners also discussed this matter.

Westerners really don’t dare to cheat.

These guys were a bit unscrupulous before because they “503” felt that they had enough power users.

Once they were beaten by Lin Feng, these guys naturally wouldn’t dare to do it again.

This world will always be like this.

As long as your fist is big enough, people will continue to fear you, and will follow the rules.


What are the rules?

When your fist isn’t big enough, your threats, in the eyes of the police, are just the anger of a three-year-old child, not worth mentioning.

Even when you said Bao’s threatening words, Ren Yuxu would laugh, thinking that you were a little funny.

“Lin, grandpa heard about the event at the conference.”

The next day, on Lacey’s floating island, after completing a mysterious exchange with Lacey, Lacey blushed.

Lin Feng looked at her.

At that meeting, Lacey naturally also participated.

“Lin, we are still 99 votes short of two-thirds, if we can go further, even if we advance one, we can get 5 more votes, and if we can advance 2 places, we can get 10 more votes. 9

Lacey counted the votes.

99 votes, it seems not many.

But in the current situation has been set, still need to use some force.

Mainly Lin Feng and Leng Qing Qiujiang Zhiwei, no matter how powerful they are, the number of votes cannot be more.

Therefore, the number of votes can only be increased by relying on other gold-list floating island owners.

After the 10th place, you must go up 10 places, and you can get 1 more vote in your hand.

11th and 20th, there is no area, only 9 votes.

21 and 30 also had no district police, and both had only 8 votes.

On the contrary, it is the top 10, and for every 1, you can get 5 more votes.

Therefore, on the one hand, Lin Feng wants to further increase the number of Dongfang on the gold list.

The current number is still behind the West.

On the other hand, Lin Feng wants to make more Golden List floating island owners into the top 10, so that the original top 10 can also go further.

That is, the pool is like Tang Xiaohe.

The images of Chuanxiang, Song, Zhuanxiang, and Zhaoxiang behind Tang are ranked 15th, 16th, 17th, and 19th. Each person needs more than 5-19 people, and they can enter the top ten.

Lin Feng’s plan is to make Chi Xiang and Tang Xiang go further within three years, and at the same time, let at least two of Fu Xiang’s families enter the top ten!

In this way, you can get at least 40 more votes!

For the rest, it depends on the family supported this time!

in addition.

In fact, Lin Feng did not count the tickets in the hands of Li Shengping and He Yong.

Because these two factors are unstable, Lin Feng doesn’t want to be threatened by them.

Therefore, Lin Feng’s goal this time is actually 117 votes!

In three years, let Dongfang get 117 more votes!

Seeing that Lin Feng was looking at herself, Laixie said again: “Grandpa said that it will be difficult to get two-thirds of the votes within three years. We, ourselves, definitely can’t go further.”

Lin Feng said “um”.

Just relying on the pool, it is really difficult to go further in three years.

Laixie said: “So, Grandpa said, I also want to get your full support, we can also give up 50% of the shares, plus myself… Lin Feng, so you should be at ease with us?! 99


Chi Xiang is also willing to give out 50% of the shares in exchange for Lin Feng’s comprehensive support!

Lin Feng pondered for a while and agreed.

However, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that Lexi seemed to have forgotten something.

“Lacey, you lost the bet last time.

Lin Feng reminded.


Lacey remembered.

“Lin, what do you want? I’ll give you everything.”

“Not all, and…


Another day passed, and Lin Feng had an hour-long discussion with Chi.

Then, the documents were signed.

This time, Chi Xiang also took out 50% of the shares, which is equivalent to Lin Feng handing in the investment certificate in exchange for Lin Feng’s full support.

In this way, Chi Xiang is also equivalent to completely surrendering to Lin Feng’s side.

After Chi Guishun, Lin Feng was naturally able to carry out his plan better.

Now, the plan has started.

However, tomorrow morning, there is one more thing.

That’s “Welcome”.

Leng Qingqiu, Jiang Zhiwei, Tang, and Chi’s floating islands will all come to the “Welcome” at the same time,

Also, these “welcomes” can be a little slam.

Lin Feng made preparations early.

Manpower is allocated.

The next morning, on the deserted floating island, tens of thousands of banshees and 50 elemental elves were welcomed.

On Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island, there are more banshees and elemental elves.

This time, Lin Feng’s own floating island does not have a “welcome gift”, so people can also be divided into hooks.

In this way, the support dispatched by Lin Feng was in place.

Some other Floating Island Masters on the Eastern Golden List also requested support one after another, because they had also risen a bit sharply in order to make it to the list, and there were also a few Gold List Floating Island Masters who had a bug.

After 8 o’clock, the “welcome gift” came.

At the same time, there was also Li Shengping’s floating island, which was the first floating island in the west.

On the floating island of deserted boots and Jiang Zhiwei, the welcome ceremony is indeed a bit fierce.

However, under the attack of the banshee and the elemental elves, plus the hundreds of thousands of ability users that Leng Qingqiu owns, blocking it is not a problem.

There was no problem with Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island.

Don’s floating island is also no problem.

As for Lacey’s floating island, because there is no space gate, Lin Feng used a privilege to help Laixie’s floating island to predict the direction and type of the monster’s arrival in advance.


In this way, in the morning alone, all the “welcome gifts” have been resolved.

The “welcome gift” on Lin Feng’s side has been resolved.

The floating island, which was originally the number one on the Western Gold List, was in a hurry.

Since they didn’t make it into the top three, they didn’t have the privilege to predict the direction and type of monsters coming.

As a result, they could only be on four defenses.

When the 5.3 monsters came from one side, several other Fang Lu’s people moved over, and it took a lot of time.

Not surprisingly.

The “welcome gift” of the BUG card twice is not an ordinary fierce.

Moreover, it also came to dry cross-layer monsters, that is, monsters with a strength of 30.

The fighting on this floating island lasted from day to night.

Even if Deluoji exchanged benefits and received the support of a large number of ability users, he still could not stop it, and the entire floating island had completely fallen.

A lot of plants were destroyed.

It is said that it was the second day and it is not over yet.

As a result, the next morning, another wave of “welcome gifts” came.

This time.

Everyone is crying!

In the end, after several days, all the monsters were finally eliminated.

However, the loss of the entire floating island is already huge, more than half of the loss!

More than 20,000 psychics have died!

It’s a huge loss.

The shareholders of this floating island all turned green!,

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