241 Three District Court! Addicted to card BUG? I cried! (3.4) Please subscribe

Hearing Laixie’s words, Lin Feng nodded: “Hey, you lost.

Lacey played with the corners of her clothes with her hands: “Lin, tomorrow, I want to invite you to dinner on my floating island, is that okay?”

Have a meal?

Is this ready to fool around with a meal?

Lin Feng made a bet with her, but he didn’t actually take it to heart. He had the intention of teasing her, not to mention that she brought the hook by herself.

If she defaults on her debts.. Lin Feng definitely can’t force her.

Lin Feng pondered for a while and agreed: “Okay!»

Lacey’s expression was naturally dry: “Thank you! By the way, the West already knows that we are returning, and now the news of the West has been completely blocked for us, and we can’t get the situation of the West now.

Lin Feng had expected this.

As soon as the gold list is refreshed, the return of Chi Xiang will definitely be revealed.

After the West knows that Chi Xiang has returned, it will definitely block the news of the West.

However, after today, there are still two days left, that is, on the morning of the third day of the new year, the gold list after the merger of the three districts will be hooked.

In three days, the West can’t do much.

The task of the pool has been successfully completed.

The West is now blocking all news of Chi, and it doesn’t make much sense.

Lacey left.

Lin Feng is preparing for the New Year together with the fairies and banshees.

This year’s Chinese New Year, Lin Feng’s floating island, is still very lively.

In fact, there are many families who invite Lin Feng to celebrate the New Year together. However, there is only one Lin Feng, and it is impossible to go to one family and not to another family.

Moreover, every New Year, Lin Feng basically accompanies the girls on the floating island.

They were always the floating island of Lin Feng, the key to being able to continue to prosper, facing high-strength monsters, and still being able to keep rising.

Lin Feng naturally wants to accompany them for the New Year.

After nightfall, the floating island is very lively.

On the whole floating island, the optocoupler represented by the spirit of nature floats, and it looks like the light of a mess of fireflies, which is extraordinarily interesting.

This night was full of laughter.

On the Internet, it is still quite lively.

Although the gold list of the three districts is about to be merged in three days, the floating island owners of the gold list in the east are not too worried.

When asked about the three districts, the Eastern Golden List Floating Island Masters were quite confident.

Do not

Not having confidence in themselves.

Instead, he has confidence in Lin Feng.

It seemed that with Lin Feng in front, they would not have to worry about anything.

There are many people who can’t sleep this night.

For example, some westerners.

Chi, your return will not only make the West lose a powerful golden floating island, in addition, Westerners may also realize that most of the previous information about the West was revealed to the East by Chi.

this evening.

On the floating island, the number one on the Western Gold List, in a palace, it was brightly lit.

“It’s too risky to rush to the 29th floor now! Taking advantage of the rest period to rise to the 28th floor, after 7 days, we may face at least a quarter of losses. If we rush to the 29th floor, we may face losses. Up to more than half!”

We “must surpass Lin Feng to get the first place, and the pool returns, and only ranks fourth. This shows that the Orientals are not as weak as we thought. The special police is Lin Feng, and the first position must not be lost. !99

“In my opinion, it is worthwhile to exchange half of the loss for a first place. As long as we get the first place, this year, we may change a lot of things!

In this palace, many people are arguing fiercely.

The point of contention is simple.

That is.

The floating island that ranks first in the Western Gold List, do you want to risk rushing to the 29th floor!

This floating island, using the card bug before, rose to the 28th floor, and has already planned to lose more than a quarter of it after 7 days.

Originally, these people felt that the 28th floor was quite secure.

But this time Chi’s return, although it made Westerners quite angry, it also gave Westerners a new understanding of the strength of the East.

Chi Xiang ranked fifth in the west, but after returning to the east, he did not make the top three!

Even, there may be some reluctance to rank fourth.

According to the investigation of Westerners in the East, they naturally understand Tang.

Seeing that Tang and Jiang Zhiwei were so powerful with the help of Lin Feng, Westerners also reassessed Lin Feng’s strength.

Then I feel…

On the 28th floor, if you want to surpass Lin Feng and get the first place, it is not safe.


Rising to the 28th floor, it is almost certain that it is 100% unstoppable!

If it rises to the 29th floor, the floating island that ranks first in the Western Gold List is 1000% unstoppable.

At that time, monsters can only be consumed by means of huge floating islands.

The loss to be faced is horrific.

At least half the loss, maybe even more.

The focus of debate among Westerners is whether to pay so much to get the first place.

Well, now in the 7-day rest period, you can still continue to get stuck.

That is to say, there is no “welcome gift” even after the rise, and the “welcome gift” will come after 7 days.

The loss is a matter of 7 days, but the gold list after the merger of the three districts will be refreshed in three days!

In the end, these people quarreled and chose to vote to decide!

“Lin Feng’s threat is too great. In the first year, the Orientals must be stepped down so that they will never be able to turn over. I support the rise to the 29th floor!”

“Yes, Lin Feng is growing too fast, he can’t step on it in the first year, and they have a very good chance of turning over later!”

“I also support ~ the loss can be made up…”


These people chose to continue the BUG card and rose to the 29th floor!

As for the loss after 7 days…. After 7 days, anyway, the gold list after the merger of the three districts has been refreshed, and the loss will not affect this year’s ranking!

And as long as they have the absolute upper hand and take advantage of this year, they can formulate rules that are not conducive to the East and completely step on the East!

As a result, on the last night after 100 years of rhyme in the floating island world, the floating island, the number one in the Western Gold List, began to rise again.

This is a bug that has been stuck twice, because tomorrow morning, the “welcome gift” will still not come.

But 7 days later, the two “welcome gifts” will come together 100%, and the taste will be quite sour!

“Old Li, you have thought about it, it’s too risky to rush to the 27th floor now, you can’t keep the “welcome gift” seven days later!

On Li Shengping’s floating island, He Yong’s voice sounded.

He Yong is persuading Li Shengping not to risk rushing to the 27th floor.

Li Shengping is crazy!

This guy actually thought that he would use the 7-day rest period to catch bugs, and he had to go up two floors at a time.

From 25, rush directly to the 27th floor!

Of course, you can only go up one level a day, and it takes two days to go up!

“If you can’t keep it, you can’t keep it. At that time, the rankings have already come out. After the three districts’ gold list is refreshed, I will transplant the important plants first. There is no way for other plants. One year is enough. I made up for the loss! 3)

Li Shengping seemed to have made up his mind.

“No matter what, I must surpass Jiang Zhiwei! Moreover, the higher my ranking, Lin Feng will come and beg me!”

Li Shengping’s eyes were full of madness.

This guy is also a personal follower.

The plan is similar to that of the Westerners. No matter what goes up, wait for the gold list in the three districts to refresh, and then transfer the important plants. At that time, if the floating island cannot be kept, it can also rely on the huge floating island to consume monsters.

It can always be used up, that is, the loss is a bit big.

But in Li Shengping’s view, this loss is worth it!

This guy, in He Yong’s view, has been stimulated to the point that his spirit is not normal, so after He Yong persuaded for a long time, after finding that no matter how persuaded it was useless, he also gave up Xiao.

So, this evening, Li Shengping’s floating island also began to rise.

Moreover, this guy will go up two floors at a time!

Lin Feng does not know the situation of the West and Li Shengping.

This evening, Lin Feng had a very pleasant time.

The next morning, Lin Feng got up early.

The new year is here.

In the early morning of this day, many people found that the ranking list had become blank.

Whether it is the gold list or the rookie list, it has become blank!

“Aha? What happened, the leaderboard disappeared?!

“It should have disappeared after asking and drying in the three districts, and it should reappear in the morning the day after tomorrow.”

“Fortunately, I took a screenshot. The last Golden List of the East is still commemorative.”

“I hope that when it reappears, all the names of Dongfang will be on the leaderboard.”

“Ha, that shouldn’t be realistic, but we should be able to get the upper hand.”

On the seam, the fact that the leaderboard became blank has attracted a lot of discussion.

At the same time, all the floating island owners received the same message on their island owner watches.

That is.

The three districts officially asked and merged!

And the ranking list of the three districts will be refreshed on the morning of the third day of the new year!

The data for its reference is the data of each ranking list in the last three districts.

That is, the East, West, another district, the last gold list, the data of the rookie list!

That is to say.

If anyone wants to do the final sprint in these three days….

That is useless!

Because the data of these three days will not be referenced at all!

In addition, according to this rule, the card BUG, ​​in fact, can only be carded once!

That is, after the end of the annual exam, the night before the gold list is refreshed, you can get stuck with a bug.

…… ask for flowers »

At most, it can only go up one level.

One night, there is no way to go up multiple layers, one night, only one floor.

Therefore, if the West wants to raise a crazy card bug by putting a garbage floating island, it cannot be done.

After the three districts were merged, for the time being, it did not have much impact on the various floating island owners.

Everyone’s floating island is still in place, and there will be no changes.

Which floor should it be on, or which floor should it be, the tide of monsters that should come will still come.

Some of the changes that are too significant are not currently available, and some other changes are expected to appear after the ranking list is refreshed after the three districts have been asked and merged.

People who like to mix island master Lun Peng quickly find that Lun Peng has changed.

The island owners of the three districts have been wrong, and they have already asked for a wave.

In the past, there was only a section for the island owner of the East, and there were no sections for the island owners of the other two districts.

Now, there is one more section.

That is, the other two areas of the board.

That is to say, the theory has already been asked and merged in advance.

At present, the floating island owners of the three districts can only speak in their respective island owner forums, but they can see the posts on other forums.

However, on the seam, there is an additional public communication area.

That is, the forum where all floating island owners can speak.


The public communication area became lively.

The new posts above keep vibrating.

There are various languages.

“Haha, the three districts finally asked and agreed. Western monkeys, feel the oppression from the east!”


Some Orientals rushed in one after another, and in the other two districts, a large number of people also poured in and started a scolding battle in the public communication area.

In a time of great excitement.

Someone is crying!

“how so?”

On Li Shengping’s floating island, Li Shengping, who had not slept all night, was dumbfounded when he saw the news of the three districts asking and merging!

Not only dumbfounded, but also crying!

This guy…

I went up to the 26th floor last night, but I didn’t come to the “welcome gift” this morning.

Card BUG success!

This guy is preparing to continue to rise to the 27th floor tonight. As a result, the gold rankings of the three districts are actually based on the data of the last gold rankings!

That is to say.

Last night, he rose in vain!

Because the last gold list of the East was refreshed yesterday morning!

From the time after the golden list was refreshed yesterday morning, all the achievements of the floating island masters will only be counted in the second year, that is, next year’s golden list, and will have no impact on the golden list that has already been hooked!

Isn’t this a white rise?

Fortunately, only one floor can be raised in one night, and Li Shengping has only been raised to the 26th floor.


Even if he reached the 26th floor, he couldn’t hold it 100%.

If it’s useful after reaching the 26th floor, it’s okay, but now, it’s useless when it’s raised to the 26th floor…

Still 100% unstoppable.

Even if the monsters can be consumed to death by virtue of the huge floating island in the end, the loss will not be small!

Lost in vain!

Li Shengping collapsed!


This guy really cried this time.

Also crying, there are Westerners, those who voted last night to let the floating island, the first in the Western Gold List, continue to get stuck on the BUG and rise to the 29th floor.

“how so?

As soon as the news of the three districts’ merger came out, these people were all stunned.

They are all ready to suffer heavy losses, just want to catch a bug and surpass Lin Feng.

After going up one night, they had already risen to the 29th floor.

The results of it.

Actually refer to the results of the last gold list!

In other words, it is useless for them to rise to the 29th floor now, because there is no reference to the current data at all!

Now, these guys are completely in love.

Card BUG is really enjoyable.

But often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes!

“Hurry up, transplant the plants, there are still 6 days, we can still transplant all the S-class plants!

After the collapse for a long time, these Westerners began to arrange transplanting plants in a hurry.

Because, after 6 days, even if this floating island ranks first in the gold list in the West, it will not be able to hold 1000%, and the loss it will face, I don’t know how big it will be!

Moreover, they can only lose in vain now.

Although they all collapsed, they could only smash their teeth into their stomachs. Who made them addicted to card bugs?

PS: I wrote it before, the three districts were asked and merged in 100 years, but in 100 years, the gold list of each district will be refreshed for the last time.

The gold list after the three districts were merged was refreshed three days later.

I saw some friends in the comment area asking, I guess they jumped to see, so explain~

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