232 Lacey’s Confidence! The Terrible Lin Feng! (1.2) Please subscribe

Lacey’s Floating Island, still ranked fifth on last year’s West’s Gold List.

Lin Feng Yun’s location is still in the middle of the floating island, in a huge group of castles.

In this group of castles, the castle in the middle is naturally the most important, and it is also the castle where Chixiang handles many affairs.

The place where Lacey usually lives is actually a castle in the north, which is her private castle.

“The area of ​​our floating island has now reached 2.15 million square kilometers. This area is several degrees larger than that of the European continent combined. At present, the transplanting of plants is still in progress.”

Lexi Lin Feng introduced it.

This floating island is really big.

If it weren’t for Lin Feng’s help, very few people in the entire Orient would be able to reach this area before the end of this year.

Leng Qingqiu should be able to achieve it by himself.

Jiang Zhiwei definitely can’t.

Li Shengping may not have achieved so much in terms of area.

have to say.

The resource reorganization that the West is currently conducting is indeed useful.

The resources of the floating islands in the two regions are concentrated in the development of the floating islands at the head.

The effect is very good.

Each has its own mode.

This set is sure to be very good in the short term.

However, the long-term consequence is that only the head is left.

Of course, in order to step on the East, the West itself wants short-term effects.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the floating island to have a look.

Lacey invited.

She took Lin Feng all the way to the upper part of the castle, where Lin saw a 300-meter-long airstrip!

Yes, it is the airstrip, and it is 300 meters long, right in the middle and upper part of the castle between the groups.

This shows how big the castle complex is.

At the end of the runway, a small white plane was parked there.

“It burns electricity, the speed is not very fast, and the battery life is not very long, but a turn on the floating island is enough.”

“Four nine zeros,” Lacie said.

Lin Feng nodded: “Okay.

The plane is not big.

The pilot was a middle-aged woman, and Lin Feng and Lexi were squeezed behind.

Then, the plane took off.

Lacey told Lin Feng to introduce the whole floating island.

This floating island is naturally square.

The length and width are almost 1460 kilometers, and the total area reaches 2.15 million square kilometers.

The population of the entire floating island is now only more than five million.

The reason for this is because, for you, Chi has transferred a large number of people without oriental blood to other floating islands.

Well, it can’t be expelled directly, because now that it’s expelled, it will be discovered by other people in the West.

There is no problem with this transfer.

More than five million people today are basically of oriental ancestry.

Chi Xiang brought a lot of people with him back then, and he recruited a large number of Orientals in the West. Now, the core residents of the floating island are basically mixed-race people.

The floating island is rich in terrain, including mountains, plains, forests, rivers, hills and so on.

Plants are also plentiful.

“Lin Feng, look, those are our Grade A apples.”

Lexi Lin Feng introduced the endless apple orchard below.

“The S-class plant is on the north side, and there is a special guard there. Look, it’s there.”

Like a child introducing her beloved toy to her friends, Lexi kept introducing her to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng watched silently.

Each Jinbang floating island has certain merits.

The pond has been developed in the West for a long time, and the concept is different. The construction of the floating island is also somewhat different from the East.

Well, Lin Feng didn’t underestimate the world just because he passed the Gold Finger and overtaken the car in the corner. For more than ten years, he surpassed the policemen’s efforts for several decades.

A floating island like the pond has merit in terms of construction and planning.

In this way, after a few hundred kilometers from the hook, the plane stopped at an airport on a mountain top.

“It’s time to change the battery, the aircraft has a limited battery.”

Lacey Road.

-A rough, multi-kilometer, pure electric plane can fly that far.

“Under normal circumstances, we also travel through teleportation points, but the number of teleportation points is limited and the location is fixed, so the plane still has a certain role.

Lacey said again.

Lin Feng said “um”.

In this way, all the way to the vicinity of the defense line, Lexi looked at Lin Feng with confidence on her face, and said, “Lin Feng, compared to your little lover’s floating island, isn’t our floating island more powerful?

Well, Laixie has always called Jiang Zhiwei “little lover”.

The reason for this is that, in her opinion, deserted boots are more powerful and are “big lovers”, and Jiang Zhiwei is naturally a little lover!

“You seem confident?!

Lin Feng said.

Lacey nodded her head like a goose: “Of course, you’re sure to surpass your little lover. We’ll see the outcome in half a year. If you lose, don’t renege on your debt.”

“Did you lose?”

Lin Feng did not refute her, nor did he say that Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island has surpassed Lexi’s floating island in many respects.

But seeing her confident and lovely appearance, he wanted to tease her again.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Lexi blushed again: “Of course it won’t be a problem.”

The small plane continued to move forward.

approached the line of defense.

At this time, Lin Feng saw that there seemed to be a battle going on in the defense line.

“Your floating island has a monster tide today?”

Lin Feng asked casually.

Lacey nodded: “Of course, we reached the 25th floor last night, Lin Feng, your little lover must not have reached the 25th floor yet?”

“The 25th floor? Are you ready to go up?

Lin Feng asked.

He also didn’t tell Lessie that Jiang Zhiwei was now on the 26th floor.

Well, seeing that she is so confident, Lin Feng can’t beat her.

There is still half a year, and after the gold list is refreshed, Lacey will naturally know how wrong she is.

Lacey shook her head: “No, the 26th floor is a bit difficult. The floating island that is number one in the Western Gold List is also around the 25th floor, but in a few days, they should be able to rise to the 26th floor.”

The monsters on the 26th floor are indeed more fierce.

The way the west manages the floating island is indeed different from the east. Like this time, Lacey’s floating island has risen 26 floors. As the owner of the floating island, she doesn’t care about it at all.

Or rather, don’t care about her.

Because, there are professional teams doing this.

Lacie, the gold-list floating island owner, should be the most relaxed of all the gold-list floating island owners.

Don’t worry about anything at all.

The small plane quickly stopped on the runway near the castle behind the defense line.

Lexi took Lin Feng into the castle.

I saw that on a platform in front of the castle, a large number of people were watching the battles in different areas, constantly commanding.

On the high mountain where the castle is located, dense large trebuchets are attacking.

“Lin Feng, come here.”

When Lin Feng was there, he found that Chi Chen was also there.

“Grandpa, how is it?”

Lacey asked.

“It shouldn’t be a big problem, it’s just a little bit more difficult for the boss-level monsters, and the strength reaches 31 Xiao.”

Pool Road.

Lin Feng watched silently.

Chi Xiang also used genetic medicine to create a group of psychics.

Unlike other Western Floating Island Masters, Chi Chen chose a large number of people from bad backgrounds, and after explaining the interests and interests, he gave a lot of subsidies to those people with abilities.

Although after becoming a power user, there will be a problem of life expectancy, but some people will take the initiative to choose for a better life.

After all, on their own, their lifespans wouldn’t actually be much longer.

Because of the existence of a large number of 8th-level ability users, Chi Ji was able to rise to the 25th floor by himself in this last year.

Well, in this regard, Chi is still a little soft-hearted.

If you were a little more ruthless, like Li Shengping, if you didn’t explain the stakes, and didn’t give those power users a chance to know and choose, then there would be far more level 8 power users.

Li Shengping is ready to go up to 25 floors this year!

However, even if this guy has risen to the 25th floor, it is estimated that he is not as good as Chi.

That is to say.

If nothing else, this year’s Li Shengping will be pushed back to the fifth place.

I don’t know if this guy will collapse by then!

Well, Lin Feng doesn’t know yet, Li Shengping is already complacent this year, ready to take back Jiang Zhiwei’s third place.

I don’t know, in the past few years, every year, Li Shengping was confident to be super super super super super super super.

And then, every year, it gets super lonely and explodes.

This year….is no exception.

But this guy is sure to break down even more this year, because this year he not only failed to retake the third place, he will be pushed to the fifth place by Chi!

poor guy!

Chi’s Nets, however, commanded very well, constantly dispatching ability players to defend.

But at this time, on the screen in the middle, the leader-level monster with a strength of 31 was breaking through the line of defense with a large number of leader-level monsters.

“Hurry up, call more power users.”

“Lei Jing Cannon, move one hundred Lei Jing Cannons to the 13th position, they must be in place within half an hour.”

The commander of the battlefield is very busy, because the leader monster has broken through a lot of defense lines.

A leader-level monster with a strength of 31, a power user of level 8, can’t be beat at all.

A 10th-level ability user can’t be singled out, and can only use skills to bombard the city wall, but it is also difficult to bombard to death.

It just so happens that this monster with a strength of 31 is still a hurricane wolf with both defense and speed. This guy also has a stunt.

That is wall climbing.

Its claws can pierce the city wall impressively and crawl quickly.

The power users kept attacking with their skills and could knock it down, but soon it was constantly moving to new positions, and the power users were not as fast as it was.

In this way, it broke through a line of defense.

There have been some losses in the line of defense.

But these losses are secondary.

If this leader-level hurricane wolf rushes in and can’t kill it, this guy will be able to bring great damage to the floating island.

On Lin Feng’s floating island, the leader-level monsters that can only be killed in seconds are really nightmare-like existences for the floating island owner of dreams.

Many Golden List Floating Island Masters did not dare to rise hard, and there was a big element in them that they were afraid of these boss-level monsters.

Chi’s command team is still constantly dispatching troops, trying to block the hurricane wolf.

But the situation is getting less optimistic.

It allowed Hurricane Wolf to break through several lines of defense.

Hundreds of Thunder Crystal Cannons have also arrived on the battlefield, but even if they are fired in unison, they will not be able to beat the Wind Wolf.

Well, not just hits.

The main problem is…. can’t hit.

This wind wolf is too fast.

Lin Feng estimated that even if he could use thermal weapons to get missiles from the earth, there was no way to get them.

“Your lord, you can’t stop it, you can only solve the monster tide first, Patriarch, please transfer it first.

Seeing that they couldn’t stop the howling of the wolf, Chi’s command team could only make two plans.

That is to let this guy in first, destroy the monster tide, and then deal with this leader-level monster.

This is also no way.

-The head monster, even if it can bring a lot of losses, it is still relatively limited.

It takes a long time for this guy to get to the center of the floating island.

Even if it captures the center of the floating island, it’s the only one… and there is no way to take Lexie, because Lexie can take a small plane and slip this guy into a mess.

If it doesn’t solve Lacey, there is no way to control the radiance.

Therefore, at most, this guy can bring a lot of losses. After the monster tide is solved later, he will definitely be able to focus on the solution.

Depends on what price you pay.

However, soon, some command teams found that the loss may be even greater.

Because the boss-level monsters this guy brought are also breaking through the defense line.

“Lin Feng, let’s move it first, these monsters are too strong, they’ll make you laugh.

Seeing this, Chi Lao was going to let Lin Feng transfer first.

Beside her, Lexi was also a little embarrassed.

Today, she was full of confidence to bring Lin Feng to visit.

As a result, I saw such an embarrassing scene.

The floating island of the pool was about to be breached by a leader-level monster.

Of course, it would definitely be resolved in the end, but it was a bit embarrassing in Lacey’s view.

“No, I’ll fix it.

Lin Feng said lightly.

“Lin Feng, no need, that hurricane wolf is too powerful.

Lexi quickly said, she was a little worried about Lin Feng.

“Leave it to me. 59

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he used his Fengfan skills, and the whole person flew directly into the sky, quickly flying over the defense line.

Seeing this scene, Lexi’s beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

She didn’t expect that Lin Feng’s Feng Fan ability was so strong that he could fly directly into the sky!

And, it’s flying so fast!


In the command room, many people also exclaimed.

“Quick, let the drone’s camera follow him.


Soon, Lin Feng appeared on a screen.

I saw that Lin Feng was quickly flying towards the location of the leader-level hurricane wolf.

Just a few minutes later, Lin Feng flew there.

Below, that hurricane wolf was charging a line of defense with hundreds of 5.3-level hurricane wolves.

There are only a few of the above power users, because they can’t keep up with their speed.

The power users on the city wall tried their best, but there was no way to stop these hurricane wolves.

Seeing that the leader-level hurricane wolf was about to come up, suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

next second.

Intensive thunder fell from the sky, turning the bottom of the city wall into a sea of ​​countless thunder and lightning.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the leader-level Hurricane Wolf jumped off the city wall and was about to escape.

But before escaping two steps, he was directly surrounded by terrifying lightning.

No matter how high this guy’s strength is, under the lightning storm of Lan Ya shared by Lin Feng, which is now up to level 15, he will directly hate it.

Hundreds of other boss-level hurricane wolves were also swept away by Lin Feng’s blow!

When the terrifying thunder and lightning dissipated, people saw that under the entire city wall, all the monsters, not even the corpses, were gone.

All vaporized.

“So powerful!”

In the castle, everyone was shocked when they saw that scene.

Even Chizu had an incredible look on his face.

He couldn’t imagine how a human could make such a terrifying attack!

It’s not that he hasn’t heard that Lin Feng is a power user, or a natural power user.

There are also expectations for the strength of Lin Feng.


At this moment, he continued to realize how big the gap between his expectations and Lin Feng’s real strength was!

That’s the difference between heaven and earth!

And Lin Feng’s power is also unparalleled power!

Power beyond Chi Chen’s cognition!

Beside her, Lacey was stunned!

Obviously, Lin Feng’s strength exceeded her expectations.

Such an attack is simply not something that humans can issue!

This is simply a god of war!


Lacey suddenly became less confident about her bet at the end of the year!

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