228 A tit for tat! It’s the West! The lion opens its mouth! (1.2) Asking for flowers

“Lin Feng, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

On Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island, everything returned to normal.

Plant crisis solved.

The spies were also caught, and Lin Feng directly threw these spies to Chen Xiang to deal with.

Well, all the spies have been handed over to Chen Xiang, who is also a Jinbang family.

As for what you do with Chen, it’s none of Lin Feng’s business.

It’s definitely not going to be good.

These spies almost harmed the entire East, and it is not a pity to die!

In order to prevent the Westerners from having any more means, Jiang Zhiwei also blocked the floating island and stopped recruiting people. The current manpower is enough.

The same is true in the deserted autumn.

Now on the floating island, only a few people who are absolutely reliable can enter the rhyme.

For their floating island, they have already been able to achieve self-sufficiency in all resources.

Whether it is food and water, the floating island is fully prepared, and there is no need to worry about resources.

In fact, Jinbang Floating Island has rarely used resources from the earth.

That is, some large weapons, such as large trebuchets, require iron ore on the earth to manufacture.

However, some Jinbang floating islands that have merged with the dark floating islands with minerals have also achieved self-sufficiency in this regard and can make their own.

However, there are still some problems with mining on the floating island, that is, there should be no pollution.

Basically, the ore training on the floating island is carried out by the fire-type ability users with high temperature, so there is no pollution.

The whole East, after Lin Feng rhymed, quickly regained its calm.

into a stable development.

However, the Eastern Golden List Floating Island Masters were more careful, basically staying out of Floating Island 28. At the same time, they strengthened their defenses on the Earth to prevent the Westerners from engaging in conspiracies.

Some of the Eastern Golden List Floating Island Masters are not the masters who suffer losses, and are also planning revenge plans.

“These guys are so ruthless, fortunately Lin Feng did it, otherwise a lot of like clans would suffer.

On Li Shengping’s floating island, He Yong’s voice sounded.

Although I don’t ask Lin Feng, as the owner of the floating island of Jinbang, I naturally don’t want other Jinbang floating island owners in the East to suffer heavy losses under the conspiracy of the West.

That is not a good thing for the whole of the East.

He Yong himself understands the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Li Shengping sneered: “It’s justifiable that I have to rely on more, but, compared to this matter, I am more concerned about whether I can surpass Jiang Zhiwei, Lao He, next month I will be promoted to the 24th floor, you lend me A little supernatural first.”

This guy, this year’s plan, is still more than Jiang Zhiwei.

If you reach the 23rd floor, you won’t be able to pass it. After reaching the 24th floor, Li Shengping will not be able to pass it.

Can Jiang Zhiwei still be promoted to one level in a year?

He was right.

After solving the plant virus, Lin Feng let Jiang Zhiwei rise to the 26th floor!

As for the deserted autumn, this year should be stable.

Because Jiang Zhiwei’s monster tide on the 26th floor is a bit fierce, she needs Lin Feng to help her defend. Lin Feng himself is planning to go up to the 29th floor this year.

In this way, at the request of Lin Feng, Jiang Zhiwei successfully rose to the 26th floor, and then received a “welcome gift” that lasted for three months.

“Master, we have successfully infiltrated and released the thing.”

On this day, You Ruo came back and reported to Lin Feng.

The Western Golden List Floating Island Lord moved very quickly, and in a short period of time, all the Golden List floating islands had been blocked.

But this kind of blockade is not an absolute blockade. Every few days, there are still core personnel who are hooked.

It’s just that the places where these core personnel are hooked are all secret locations, and the defense is very strict. On the one hand, ordinary people can’t find the place, and on the other hand, there is no way to sneak in.


Dark elemental elves can!

They hide in the shadows of those core personnel, and they can follow them into the floating island.

According to the address given by Lacey, they came to the possible teleportation points lurking in many Jinbang floating islands. After lurking for two weeks, they finally got the opportunity to enter several Jinbang floating islands one after another.

Among them, there is the floating island that ranks first in the gold list.

After entering, they did not activate it immediately, but lurked for several days, and after waiting for more dark element elves to enter, they simultaneously released something more powerful than plant viruses that Mengmeng had caught.

After their release, they were welcomed again through those core personnel.

Now, just wait.

“what happened?

Not long after You Ruo and the others returned, in the west, on an extremely huge floating island, everyone on it panicked.


On this floating island, a large number of plants are rapidly withering.

This rate of withering far exceeds the plant virus they caught!

Not only this layer of floating islands.

Some other Western gold-listed floating islands have also suffered.

“Quick, notify the senior management.”

Immediately, the entire West was in a panic.

This time, Lin Feng is mainly targeting the Golden List Floating Island of Deluoji.

The last time was a conspiracy against Lin Feng under the leadership of this episode.

This time, it was this episode that dominated, and there was a new round of conspiracy against the Golden List Floating Island in the East.

This time, Lin Feng retaliated and released the plant plague that Mengmeng had caught on the Western Golden List floating island where the 15 Deluoji had a large share at one time.

As a life element elf, Mengmeng can make plants grow very lush, and at the same time, he also knows how to make plants lose their vitality in the shortest time.

How can Western plant viruses be compared to the plant plagues they caught.

Soon, Lexi came to look for Lin Feng.

“Lin, how did you do it?”

Lexi’s beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

De Luo Jigang has already taken measures to close the island.

Others, still succeeded by Lin Feng.

“how is the situation?”

Lin Feng asked.

Laixie said: “It’s very serious. On the floating island on the gold list, a lot of plants have died. Ninto Luoji took emergency measures, mobilized a large number of abilities, and divided the entire floating island into regions, even completely. The flow of air was blocked, and it was finally controlled, but the loss was also more than one-third!”

Lin Feng: “What about other floating islands?”

Lacey said: “Other floating islands suffered even greater losses. Three floating islands were not controlled in time, more than three-quarters of the plants on them were destroyed, and one floating island was even completely destroyed. All the shareholders cried! The floating island, the loss is basically more than half!

Lin Feng gave a “hmm” and was quite satisfied with the result.

Even if it was a plant plague, Lin Feng didn’t expect to wipe out a floating island in one go.

After all, there are still so many power users, and there are many people, and many physical isolation methods can be adopted.


For example, as Lacey said, stop the air flow.

With so many floating islands, it is impossible for every plant to bloom with plant plagues. There are not so many. The dark element elves use partitions and then let them spread.

In fact, this time, if Lin Feng doesn’t do it, the Eastern Golden List Floating Island Master can take various measures to reduce the loss. .

The loss of more than one-third of a gold-listed floating island is already terrifying.

This result is already very good. Most of the dozens of floating islands targeted by Lin Feng are in the top 20 of the Western Gold List.

Even the floating island, which ranks first in the Western Gold List, suffered a third of losses.

It is estimated that a large number of shareholders of the Western Gold List Floating Island are crying!

Since the West adopts the shareholding system, this news is hard to hide.

Moreover, some shareholders on the Jinbang floating island, where a lot of plants were destroyed, also began to try to get Lin Feng from the fishing reel.

Well, although there is no conclusive evidence, the Westerners’ spearheads, without exception, are aimed at Lin Feng.

So, after a while, the oriental people knew that Lin Feng’s tit for tat.

“Hahaha, well, well done, treat them like this.”

“Lin Feng is too powerful. More than a dozen Jinbang floating islands have suffered heavy losses in this wave. They deserve it. Who should let them do it first.”

“These robbers used to like to call thieves to catch thieves, but they still do this now. They just blindly accuse Lin Feng, never mentioning that it was their first choice. 33

However, after the news came back to the East, without exception, all the people in the East were applauding!

This wave of operations by Lin Feng is obviously very popular.

Some oriental Jinbang floating island owners even publicly expressed their support for Lin Feng’s approach.

“To deal with jackals, you can only use a single gun, as long as you let them know the pain, they will continue to restrain!

A gold-listed floating island owner made it public.

“Mr. Lin, Kevin from the West wants to see you.

On this day, Lin Feng received a report.


How dare this guy come?

Lin Feng pondered for a while and met him on a floating island.

“Lin… The police misunderstood. I didn’t know about it last time, and I was also deceived by the people of Kedroji.”


Kevin was afraid that Lin Feng would ask him to settle accounts, so he said quickly.

Lin Feng didn’t speak, and looked at him with cold eyes.

Kevin felt the psychological pressure of Lu, and was a little breathless, he quickly said: “I am here this time, there is nothing I can do, this time mutual assistance will be a heavy loss, I want to make peace with you, in the future, everyone will not Use such means, okay?”

“Oh, if you say use it, use it, and if you don’t use it, don’t move it?”

Beside 487, Jiang Zhiwei’s sneer sounded.

Kevin’s face became a little embarrassed: “Lin, the mutual aid association knows that it hurts this time, and will never dare to do that kind of thing again. Peaceful development is beneficial to everyone…”

“A peaceful development.”

Old Tang’s voice sounded, um, this time, Lin Feng brought a few people to see this Kevin.

“After so many years, you really haven’t changed at all.”

Tang Lao sneered.

These Westerners, when they want means, don’t think about peaceful development. Now they suffer a loss, and they know it hurts, mainly because of Lin Feng’s strange and unpredictable means.

After all, they all blocked the floating island, but Lin Feng succeeded.

Now, they are really afraid, go around like this.

Otherwise, they still have more means.

Kevin was even more embarrassed: “Lin, I’m just a messenger…”

This guy started to cry.

Lin Feng stretched out two fingers.

Kevin looked at him suspiciously.

“Since you are the messenger, I won’t say much about the police. Within half a year, I want to see 200 dark floating islands with an area of ​​no less than 100,000 square kilometers. OK, otherwise…”

After a pause, making Kevin nervous again, Lin Feng said indifferently: “Next year, you will still face such a wave.

“200? 9

Kevin’s expression changed.

200 dark floating islands with an area of ​​no less than 100,000 square kilometers!

God, this adds up to a dilemma of an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers!

Even if the area shrinks after the fusion, there are so many dark floating islands, you can also hook a dark floating island with an area of ​​no less than 2 million square kilometers!

But he was really just a messenger, and smiled bitterly: “Okay, then I’ll go tell them.”

Kevin is gone.

“Lin Feng, 200, will it be too few? 33

After Kevin left, Jiang Zhiwei still felt small.

Lin Feng said: “It’s alright, they can’t take out more.”

It’s not so easy to ask for peace.

Although this wave, the East suffered no loss because of Lin Feng, but the West suffered heavy losses.

However, since you started first, and then again, again and again, Lin Feng will naturally not be polite.

Aren’t these guys asking for resources?

Just in time, a lion opened his mouth to make up for Jiang Zhiwei and the disadvantage of the ten major families’ floating island area,

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