222 Public opinion war! Lin Feng’s terrible prestige! Ostrich Li Shengping! (1.2) Please subscribe

“Grandpa Jin, what should we do now?”

“This Lin Feng is too hateful, Grandpa Jin, since the East doesn’t welcome us, we will stay in the West completely, hum, let’s see how the East will retreat after the three districts ask and merge!”

“Yeah, it’s just No. 1 on the Golden List in the East. What are you doing? When the third district asks, Lin Feng will definitely be squeezed into the top ten. Grandpa Jin, we might as well exchange some benefits with the Kant family or the Luo You family. Rush into the top ten and make them regret it.33

“Grandpa Jin, I think we should make Lin Feng’s behavior public, and Lin Feng can’t represent everyone in the East. Hmph, these Orientals must be very clueless now. Lin Feng refuses our return, that is all the East. Man is the enemy!

“Yes, let those trolls spray him to death.


On a floating island, some indignant voices sounded.

This group of people is exactly the group of people who were just making money on the floating island.

It was the younger generation who spoke at this time.

These younger generations have lived in the West for a long time. When they were in the West, they were actually very polite and courteous at ordinary times.

This time, after the elders of the Xiang clan decided to return to the East, these younger generations were very opposed to it at first.

Because they were born in the West since childhood, their family moved to the West for more than 100 years.

It can be said that what they have accepted is completely Western culture.

However, when the elders in you explained the interests to them, they understood one by one.

“480” This time, they returned to the East, although there was no conspiracy, but the main reason was that they were worried that if the East really retreated, their life would become difficult.

Otherwise, they cannot return.

They also made a double-handed plan, Wan-Dongfang is really not good, then they will get enough benefits in the East, and then completely cast the West.

They had never been in contact with Feng before, and they didn’t know much about Lin Feng. They were limited to some information spread on the Internet.

Moreover, they also seriously underestimated the East.

In their view, the West was in the lead before the floating island world appeared.

In many technologies, through patents, all possibilities for the development of the East are completely locked.

In biotechnology, it is even more advanced.

Not to mention, let’s just say that some of the high-end medicines in the world that treat some very difficult diseases are mostly developed by Western companies.

After the world of floating islands, in their opinion, the West has further enlarged this advantage.

The most obvious is genetic medicine.

Although genetic medicine has obvious defects, this defect has not been solved for many years at the level of western technology.

Moreover, the Western Golden List Floating Island Masters may not be willing to solve the problem, because the current genetic medicine can quickly mass-produce ability users of level 8 or above.

Under such circumstances, these people believed that the golden floating island in their hands could play a very important role in reversing the situation in the East.


Everyone’s mentality is a savior mentality.

We are here to help you.

came to give you alms.

Still not obediently handing over the things in your hands?

In this respect, they are completely different from Chi Xiang.

The West is a very large category. Chi Xiang went to the west of the East in those days, and these people went to the east of the East, the incomparably developed country across the sea.

The things they have come into contact with are more advanced, although the development is not as good as Chi Xiang, but that is because Chi has been extremely defiant before the appearance of the floating island world.

Moreover, there is an old saying in the East.

A full pot of water is not satisfied, half a pot of water is jingling.

They are now the typical half-jug of water.

Now, seeing Lin Feng treat them like this, how can they bear it?

Don’t talk about the young generation with strong vigor.

The older generation couldn’t accept it, especially Lin Feng, who couldn’t save their face in public.

“Zhicheng, you arrange a few people and pay a lot of money to buy the media, hum, this matter can’t be ignored like this.

Among the older generation, the old Jin finally spoke.

Obviously, they are ready to start with fishing reels.

They are going to portray Lin Feng as a domineering and dictatorial image, trying to control the entire East, and for their own selfish interests, they will not let these “saviors” return!

However, the group of Jin Lao quickly found out.

A lot of media don’t sell their accounts at all.

the reason is simple.

Many media are in the hands of various big families. Now the big families in the east have basically joined the Floating Island Lord Alliance, how can they help them.

Even, Lin Feng also knew the actions of this group of people.

“Damn it, these Orientals actually control the fishing reels.”

A young generation is very depressed.

“Go to Li Shengping, I heard that Li Shengping and Lin Feng are not dealing with each other, and he has a lot of media.

At this time, a younger generation suggested.


Soon, this group of people hooked up with Li Shengping.

“You want to come back? Lin Feng won’t let it?”

Li Shengping looked at this group of people, even though he didn’t deal with Lin Feng, Li Shengping was also a little uncomfortable with this group of people.

It is really…

This group of people feels so good about themselves, the SWAT are those younger generations.

If he now controls the entire floating island master alliance, he is not willing to accept this group of people.


After being suppressed by Lin Feng for so long, Li Shengping was finally a little depressed. Now, seeing that this group of people wanted to deal with Lin Feng from the fishing reel, even though this guy also hated this group of people, he also loosened up.

“Such a trivial matter, you can just talk to my subordinates directly, come and see off.

Li Shengping also did not have a good attitude. However, he acquiesced to the media under his command to publish the news concocted by this group of people after collecting money.


Soon, a lot of news and news appeared on the Internet platform of the East.

What these news and news are about is that Lin Feng prevented the return of several patriotic episodes for his own selfish interests. The point is that after one of these episodes returns, he will definitely be able to rank in the top five of the Eastern Gold List. The Golden List Floating Island.

In the news, this group of people accused Lin Feng of being arrogant and rude, completely ignoring them.


In short.

Lin Feng was described as a dictator who tried to replace everyone’s will with his own will.

Li Shengping has a lot of media resources.

Soon, the news of this group of people rushed to the hot search.

“Lin Feng, these guys are too much, should I have someone remove the hot search?

After Jiang Zhiwei saw the news of the hot search, she immediately came to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head: “No, let them dance.”

Jiang Zhiwei glanced at some of the comments in Lun Peng, and her face suddenly became happy: “Ha, these guys are going to be sprayed. 59

It was indeed sprayed.

The group originally thought that their fishing reel war would make many oriental people indignant and follow them to condemn Lin Feng.

But did not expect.

Except for the sailors they invited, almost everyone was spraying them.

“Ah, although I don’t know the specific situation, these people must have problems. If they don’t do it, the object of condemnation for them is Lin Feng.”

“That’s right, the highness in the tone of this group of people is written on their faces, and they are about to say that you are trash in the East, we are the great saviors, you hurry to kneel and lick me.”

“It’s been so long since you’ve been out, what are you doing here?

“Don’t worry, without you, after the three districts asked and merged, we would still hammer the West.”

“Fuck you, do you really think that after eating a few bowls of foreign rice, you will be better than others? Do you think this is the past?”

On the Internet, the fishing boat is almost one-sided, scolding that group of people…  

“These pariahs, pariahs…”

When they saw the replies on the Internet, some of those people couldn’t believe it.

What they don’t believe is that Lin Feng hasn’t said anything yet, and all the people don’t believe what they said at all, and support Lin Feng one-sidedly!

this moment.

They saw Lin Feng’s great prestige in the whole East!

Although I have seen it.

However, their hearts are undoubtedly angry.

First, he was treated like that by Lin Feng.

Then, try to launch a fishing reel battle.

On the contrary, it caused resentment and attack from everyone.

This is back to shit…

Now that it is returning, it is estimated that the reputation has been stinky, and there is no way to gain a foothold in the East!

Their plan was completely lost.

Some people were so angry that they scolded the pariah, but there was no way to do it, and they were so angry that they were about to explode.

“Hmph, if you don’t come back, you won’t go back, Grandpa Jin, since that’s the case, we’ll stay in the west, and we’ll see if they can still laugh after asking the three districts!”

“Yes, these people don’t cry when they don’t see the coffin, since they killed themselves, they deserve it!

Several of the younger generation said angrily there.

The people of the older generation were also very angry, and their iron color was already ashen.

Notice “Go down, adjust your strategy, develop with all your strength, hum, wait for the three districts to ask and merge, I have to wait for Lin Feng to come and beg me in person!”

Old Jin said solemnly.

He is not as impulsive as these younger generations. In his opinion, it is better not to let Dongfang retreat if he can prevent Dongfang from retreating.

Therefore, he is ready to adjust his strategy, no longer return, and develop with all his strength.

After waiting for the three districts to ask and merge, Dongfang will be defeated. In his opinion, Lin Feng will probably only come to beg him when that time comes!

This farce did not last long.

The main reason is that this group of people and Lin Feng are completely different from each other.

I wanted to start a fishing reel battle, but I was sprayed out of my skin, so I could only walk away in despair, and then fantasized there. After the three districts asked and merged, Lin Feng personally came to ask them for more votes for the East!

They also wanted to see Lin Feng being beaten in the face after the merger of the three districts.

Only, they are doomed to disappoint 5.3.

After this farce is over, the end of the year will come.

The “Annual Exam” is here.

In the “annual exam”, Jiang Zhiwei still had some difficulties in defending herself, so Lin Feng sent more than 20,000 people to help her defend the basket.

Leng Qingqiu also encountered a difficult monster, Lin Feng sent a few rough people to help her solve it.

Once the “annual exam” is over, it will be this year’s gold list.

“This year, no one has informed me of the news of the Golden List. No matter how the Golden List changes, you are not allowed to watch it. If you accidentally find out, you are not allowed to have any abnormality in the expression, you know? 99

On the eve of the refresh of the gold list, Li Shengping was exhorting on his floating island.

This guy.

In order not to be stimulated, I made a bold decision.

This year, I will definitely not look at the gold list.

And, not only does he not see it himself.

He is also not allowed to float on the island, and those high-level officials who are often in contact with him can see it.

If the other party finds out through any channel, these high-level executives are not allowed to show any abnormality.

This guy…

This is going to be an ostrich.


The next day, when Li Shengping was regarded as an ostrich, finally, the gold list was refreshed.

PS: I went, forgot the timing, found around, sorry,

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