215 Pool information! Adjustment of Lin Feng’s plan! (3.4) Please subscribe

“24 floors, two million square kilometers.

Lin Feng whispered.

It seems that the power of resources in the two regions in the West cannot be underestimated.

Adding up the floating island masters in the two districts, I am afraid they are almost in a dilemma.

Asking all the resources of the floating island owner here, the floating island owner used to develop the head is indeed terrifying.

Lin Feng continued to look.

In this document, the second and third floating islands on the Western Gold Ranking are now on the 23rd floor, just one floor away from Lonely Autumn.

The area of ​​the floating island is also close to two million square kilometers.

And this year, the top ten floating islands in the Western Gold List have all reached the 20th floor, and among them, the top 7 in the Gold List are all on the 21st floor!


In the number of layers of the floating island world, it has surpassed the floating island Xiao, who is in the top ten of the Eastern Gold List.

According to this information, the top 20 floating islands on the Western Gold List also surpassed the top 20 floating islands on the Eastern Gold List.

Whether it is in the number of layers of the floating island or in terms of area.

As for plants, I don’t know, but the ability of Westerners to cultivate plants is very powerful, and even genetic medicines have been developed, and the ability in plants is probably stronger.

Soon, Lin Feng read the entire document.

He didn’t read it and believed that if your return was a conspiracy in itself, then there was something wrong with this information.

After all, Lin Feng doesn’t understand the current situation in the West.

Westerners came up with such a document to deliberately give Lin Feng a sense of urgency, and then accept Chi’s return. After Chi re-enters the group of floating island masters on the Eastern Gold List, maybe there will be some small actions.

There are still 5 years, enough time to do a lot of small things.

In addition, after the Wan-Three districts were asked to merge, the two sides were evenly matched, and they would fight for many years in the future.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng contacted Jiang Zhiwei and Leng Qing.

A few minutes later, Lin Feng appeared on the deserted floating island.

Jiang Zhiwei has also arrived.

“Qing boots, Zhiwei, do you know Chi Xiang?”

Lin Feng said.


Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other, and then said Leng Qingqiu, “You are talking about the pool that immigrated to the West before the Floating Island World 477, right?

Lin Feng nodded.

“I heard it from my grandfather.

Leng Qingqiu really knows.

Then, she told what she knew.

Before Floating Island World Rhyme appeared, Chi was like a very powerful family. At that time, it was the Tingyi family in the east of this world.

Of course, there were very few people in Chi at that time, and there were actually only a few people in the family at that time.

Chi Xiang’s influence in the East is also very large, and it is also based on the business in the East.

However, for some reason, one year, you suddenly immigrated to the West, and then sold all the companies and assets in the East.

At that time, he was once called a traitor.

After Chi arrived in the West, it is said that the development can still be achieved, and he has invested in many western companies.

Later, after the floating island world appeared, not many people paid attention to this matter.

“What is the reason for Chi emigration?

Lin Feng asked.

Leng Qing apologized: “It’s been too long, and no one knows the real reason, it is said that there is an unspeakable addiction.

Jiang Zhiwei added some more information about Chi.

Let Lin Fengchi know more.

There is no doubt that Chi Xiang was a very powerful family back then.

After the Floating Island World was hooked, Chi was also incomparably powerful, and in the West, he also ranked in the top ten of the gold list!

“Lin Feng, what’s the matter, did Chi contact you?”

Leng Qing asked curiously.

Lin Feng nodded: “Contacted.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng told them about Chi’s plans to return, and took out the document.

Leng Qing Boots and Jiang Zhiwei are both quite smart, and since they are both their own women now, it is not bad for them to analyze these things.

Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei looked at the document.

After a while, they both read the document.

“If this information is true, then the Golden List floating island masters in the West are probably already ahead of the East.”

Cold autumn road.

Jiang Zhiwei was still thinking.

“Zhiwei, do you think the matter of Leng’s return is true?

Lin Feng asked.

Jiang Zhiwei said: “There is a certain possibility, but it is also possible that it is another conspiracy from the West, Lin Feng, I suggest you go to see Mr. Tang who saw Tang Xiang, Mr. Tang. The one who followed Chi Xiang back then did things to Chi Xiang. The one who understands better.”

Old Tang?

So, Lin Feng chatted with Leng Qingli and Jiang Zhiwei for a while, then left the floating island of Leng Qingshoe and went to Tang Jing.

“Lin Feng, haha, come on, Xiaoci was still talking about you yesterday.

Tang Lao was very happy to see Lin Feng coming.

Beside him, Tang Rui blushed.

Lin Feng started talking.

“Ichi is coming back?

Tang Lao was stunned when he heard the news.

Then, he talked about the pool.

“The old man has absolutely no problems as a human being. The reasons for immigrating back then were also very complicated, so I feel that you, Chi, really have the intention to return.

After Tang Lao finished speaking, he expressed his opinion again.

“Of course, Lin Feng, I can’t be 100% sure about this matter, I’m just judging by how I treat Mr. Chi.

Tang Lao said again.

Lin Feng nodded.

The information he has obtained is already enough. Of course, it is not enough to be 100% sure about one thing. Next, he needs to see what Chi does next to be able to make further judgments.


The initiative lies with Lin Feng.

In Lin Feng’s view, Chi Hui’s failure to return has little impact.

There are still five years left. Even if the Western Golden List Floating Island Masters have an overall advantage, Lin Feng is also confident. At least, after the three districts are combined, they will be evenly matched with the West, and then surpass them step by step.

At the gracious invitation of Tang Lao, Lin Feng had a meal at Tang Xiang, and Tang Rui personally cooked it.

Lin Feng didn’t expect that Tang Rui’s dishes were delicious.

“Lin Feng, isn’t the food Xiaorui cooks delicious? If you want to eat it in the future, just tell Xiaorui and go to Xiaorui’s floating island to eat.”

Tang Laodao.

From the very beginning, Mr. Tang regarded Lin Feng as his grandson-in-law, but he always wanted to ask Lin Feng and Tang Rui, but Mr. Tang knew that this kind of thing could not be forced. The special police officer is the current Lin Feng, and it is not what it used to be. .

As the patriarch of a family, Tang Lao naturally knows how to behave.

After leaving under Tang Rui’s reluctant gaze, Lin Feng returned to the floating island.

After returning to the floating island, Lin Feng did not add Lacey.

Instead, I decided to adjust the plan.


Lin Feng is ready to speed up the development of Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei.

No matter what the purpose of Chi’s return this time, whether the information is true or false, Lin Feng decided..

According to the information is true to plan.

Even, he will set the goal a little higher!

Five years have passed, and the deserted floating island has also grown in size. At present, the deserted floating island has 1.8 million square kilometers.

Jiang Zhiwei’s (cifd) floating island is smaller, currently only a little over one million square kilometers.

Let’s talk about the number of floating islands first.

According to this calculation, I want Leng Qingqiu to occupy the second place after asking and merging in the three districts, that is, surpassing the gold list in the West, and the number of layers of the floating island of Leng Qing Boots, I am afraid that Lin Feng’s current number of layers, which is 26 layers, said. Not sure, but also 27 floors.

According to the information, the number one floating island on the Western Golden List is currently on the 24th floor, and in five years, the other party may go up to two or three floors.

The possibility of two floors is very high, because the higher you go, the more terrifying the monsters are, but you must also plan for the other party to take risks on the third floor.

In addition, Jiang Zhiwei also had to go up to the 26th floor, or even detour on the 27th floor.

According to Lin Feng’s plan, Jiang Zhiwei will also surpass the first place in the Western Gold List, and will be the third place after being able to get the three districts.

In terms of the number of layers on the floating island, Lin Feng is precisely the least worried.

Because Lin Feng can help Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei defend.

On their floating island, the depth of the defense line is as high as tens of kilometers.

At present, the defense line on the deserted shoe floating island has a depth of 40 kilometers, and there are a total of 33 city walls.

Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island has a depth of 30 kilometers and a total of 25 city walls.

The monster tide on their floating island does not have the terror of Lin Feng’s floating island, nor does it last for such a long time, and they can be consumed by the defense line.

The police forgot that the large amount of power fruits provided by Lin Feng made the number of power users under their command increase wildly.

The effect of Lin Feng’s power fruit is much better than that of Western genetic medicine.

Genetic medicine has too many side effects.

The big deal is that when Lin Feng asks them to forcibly go up a few floors, and then helps them defend them, it will be completely OK.

Don’t worry about the number of layers on the floating island, and don’t worry about the plants on the floating island, because Lin Feng currently has too many A and B seeds, and he can’t use up the S seeds at all.

There are seeds in the fruit, Lin Feng’s floating island, and now there are a lot of S-level plants.

For these seeds, Lin Feng can set restrictions or no restrictions through the traditional system.

Lin Feng has now given a large amount of A and B grade seeds that he can’t use up to Tang Xiang’s ten families. Anyway, Lin Feng occupies 50% of the shares, and these ten families are also very worthy of asking.

Jiang Zhiwei and the deserted Floating Island are mainly A-level and S-level seeds.

Well, it’s the seeds that I gave, and after planting it now, it just grew up five years later.

It is impossible for Lin Feng to give plants and the like. The plants on Lin Feng’s own floating island are all bound to the traditional.

There is no need to worry about these two, but it is also necessary to adjust the plan and increase support.

The rest is the floating island area.

If you want insurance, Leng Qingqing and Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island area will probably reach more than 3 million square kilometers to bypass!

As for Lin Feng himself, he doesn’t have to worry about it at all. Just the dark floating island exchanged for military exploits, when asked in the three districts, Lin Feng’s floating island area can exceed 5 million square kilometers.

He won the first place by himself, there is no suspense.

3 million square kilometers. With the current number of layers of Lin Feng, it is actually not difficult to help them accomplish this.

You must know that the dark floating islands that Lin Feng obtained from the monster tide now have an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, which is quite a lot.

So, Lin Feng quickly made a plan.

That is, the dark floating island exchanged for military exploits, Lin Feng used himself.

For the rest, you can give Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei first, let them both first, and they will definitely be able to win the second and third.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng went to the deserted floating island again. Together with her, he redesigned the defense circle of the entire floating island in the deserted autumn. He planned to increase the defense depth of the deserted floating island to 50 kilometers.

After the design, at night, Lin Feng naturally spends the night here in deserted boots.

The character of the deserted boots is cold and cold, and it is also a bit when bullied.

Speaking of which, because Lin Feng has not taken any measures.

I’m sorry and worried about getting pregnant.

But actually…

Not at all.

Pan Mengxue has been with Lin Feng for so long, and they are not pregnant.

This should be the physical problem of Lin Feng’s traveler, and it may never be possible for a woman to get pregnant.

In Lin Feng’s view, this is not a problem at all.

Humans with a lifespan of only a few decades will think more about reproduction, because their lives are limited and they need offspring to continue their lives.

When the lifespan can be infinitely increased, a person’s thinking will naturally be completely different.

In addition, Lin Feng doesn’t need to be like those big families, in order to compete for more floating islands, desperately living.

The deserted boots and Jiang Zhiwei didn’t have this pressure either, so this was quite good.

As for Lin Feng and the elf banshees… naturally it is even more impossible to get pregnant.

The next day, Lin Feng went to Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island again, and planned to send more earth element elves to help her increase the defense depth to 50 kilometers in recent years.

Now, there are 100 of each element sprite.

The level is very high, and the earth element elves will not take too long to adjust the defense of the floating island.

After these things are done, Lin Feng has basically completed the adjustment of the plan. Next, he can do it step by step.

Well, no matter if Chi is true or not this time, Lin Feng is right to go at his own pace.

In this way, after a few days, Lacey finally couldn’t bear it anymore and contacted Lin Feng.

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