207 Gang Leng Qingqiusheng 21 Dead! Li Shengping’s plan! (3.4) Asking for flowers

“Space Gate.”

Another half month later, on the floating island of deserted boots, after deserted boots hooked from a large space door, the pretty face was also covered with color.

Just like Jiang Zhiwei.

Even if it was deserted and apologetic, he was shocked by the space door built by the space element elves of Lin Feng’s style.

The floating island of deserted boots is actually faced with similar problems to Jiang Zhiwei.

That is the mobilization of troops, which takes a very long time.

The floating island of deserted boots is larger, and the side length has exceeded a rough kilometer.

The mobilization of troops takes a very long time.

Of course, Leng Qinglin is better than Jiang Zhiwei in that Leng Qing Prison has privileges.

Now that Leng Qingqiu was pushed to the second place by Lin Feng, she still has privileges, but the number of privileges has been reduced, and there are only two opportunities a year.

Lin Feng has the privilege three times a year, that is, he can know in advance where the monster is coming.

After knowing in advance, troops can be dispatched in advance, but deploying troops is still a big project.

Now, with the space gate that Lin Feng helped her build, the problem of deploying troops on the deserted floating island is solved.

Even if the number of times predicted in advance is used up, when encountering the monster tide, Leng Qingqiu can concentrate all the power to deal with the monster tide.

This is undoubtedly too convenient.

Even, with the space door, she feels deserted, she can rise to the 21st floor faster!

“How is it, sorry, isn’t it convenient? 99

“Four Seven Zeros” Jiang Zhiwei said beside Leng Qingqiu.

The deserted boots nodded, and there was still color in her beautiful eyes.

“Thank you, Lin Feng!”

Leng Qingqiu looked at Lin Feng and said sincerely.

Recently, Lin Feng also dispatched several earth element elves, one bright and two dark, to help her adjust her defense line.

Lin Feng’s repeated help also made Leng Qingqiu very grateful.

Her relationship with Lin Feng has not reached the level of Lin Feng and Jiang Zhiwei.

After all, the level of Lin Feng and Jiang Zhiwei is already the most intimate level between a man and a woman.

Her character, and Jiang Zhiwei also have some district police.

The character of Leng Qingqiu is relatively indifferent.

Moreover, her overall strength is stronger than Jiang Zhiwei. Since she has been at the top of the gold list for more than ten years, her mentality is more stable. light.

Rao is so, deserted boots also know how valuable the space door that Lin Feng helped her build.

So, this evening, Leng Qingqiu specially prepared a large table of delicious meals, ready to thank Lin Feng.

“Ha, I’m sorry, you brought all the S-class ginseng with rhyme, you are partial, my friends and you for so many years have never enjoyed such treatment.

Jiang Zhiwei couldn’t help but see the food on the table.

Leng Qing apologized that she prepared a lot of things this time. On her floating island, there were a total of two S-class plants.

One is ginseng and the other is apple.

Generally speaking, after the first plant is cultivated to the S level, after the result, the seeds of this plant are replanted again, and they will lose a little level.

Although they are relegated, after they grow up, the difficulty of cultivating to S rank will be greatly reduced.

The general cultivation process of S-rank plants is like this, first cultivate a plant to S-rank, and then use the seeds of this plant to continuously expand the number.

This naturally requires a lot of time, and at the same time, it also requires advanced life multiplication abilities to be able to do it.

In this regard, Lin Feng is naturally an exception, after all, he has Gold Finger.

Now, deserted boots have cultivated S-class plants for more than 80 years, and they are not as good as Lin Feng’s floating island, and more than ten years have passed.

Lonely Autumn can be slightly ahead on the plant list, relying on any number of advantages.

After dinner, Lin Feng and Jiang Zhiwei left.

In this way, after a few days, Lin Feng came to the floating island of deserted boots again.

This time, deserted boots are ready to rise to the 21st floor.

Well, strictly speaking, it’s Lin Feng who wants her to go up to the 21st floor now.

After the three districts were merged, if Leng Qingqiu was to remain in second place, in Lin Feng’s opinion, it would be more stable to rise to the 24th-25th, or even the 26th floor.

She has been up to the 20th floor for a year or two, and can go to the 21st floor.

If there is no space door, deserted boots are still ready for two years, but with the space door, the “welcome gift” can be predicted with privileges. Usually, there are two waves of monsters every month. With the space door, she can mobilize all the soldiers. There is no big problem in defending with the power user.

That night, Jiang Zhiwei didn’t come, Lin Feng was invited by Leng Qingli and came over early.

After nightfall, deserted boots chose to rise.

The huge floating island began to rise.

“Lin Feng, I didn’t expect that after reaching the 20th floor, I would be able to ascend so fast, thank you.

The deserted boots thank Lin Feng again.

At this time, the two of them were staying on the top floor of her castle, and the breeze came in, which lifted her hair that was instantly cold and autumn, making her look a little messy and beautiful.

In today’s deserted prison, she is still wearing a cheongsam, and under the night, her figure is particularly charming.

She started chatting casually with Lin Feng.

She said more than before.

Of course, it is only relatively more, and it is not enough to speak.

Lonely Boots talked about what happened to her floating island. It is not easy for her floating island to develop to today, and she has encountered several ferocious monster waves.

And the reason why she hates Li Shengping so much, the last time she would rather suffer a huge loss than turn to Li Shengping for help, the reason is that, a few decades ago, there was a time when the deserted boots encountered difficulty in their feet. He took the opportunity to pick up the hook to help, but after helping, Li Shengping came to chase after her with grace.

Aroused the disgust of deserted boots. Later, she asked Li Shengping to give Li Shengping the coordinates of a larger dark floating island. After paying off the favor, she ignored Li Shengping.

“My floating island just merged with a larger dark floating island, and now I’ve risen to the 21st floor, aren’t you afraid that I will overtake you?”

At the end of the chat, Leng Qingqiu blinked and asked.

She had never acted like this before, and she looked a little playful.

Do not know why.

Lin Feng feels.

This year, there have been obvious changes in the deserted autumn.

She became more cheerful.

Maybe it’s because of her long-term expectation of being No. 1 on the gold list, and she seems to be under a bit of pressure.

After the news that the SWAT was interrogated by the three districts came out.

Now, Lin Feng is in front, but Leng Qingqiu is relieved.

Looking at the deserted boots, Lin Feng said, “Don’t be afraid.

“Lin Feng, are you going to go up to the 22nd floor?

deserted boots asked.

Lin Feng nodded: “Well, wait another month.”

Looking at Lin Feng’s eyes from the deserted boots, his eyes became a little brighter: “Lin Feng, tonight… come with me… okay? This is not a repayment… 59

The night is like water.

Early in the morning the next day, the rise of the deserted floating island stopped.

Early in the morning, I woke up in the cold autumn.

Beside her, Lin Feng was still asleep.

Leng Qingqiu is ready to get up.

However, as soon as she moved, Lin Feng woke up.

She was so brave last night, but at this moment, Leng Qingqiu didn’t dare to look at Lin Feng at all.

Lin Feng looked at the timing, it was still early.

In the face of women’s shyness, Lin Fengyi’s solution is to…


Lin Feng..

Until more than 7 o’clock, the deserted boots can get up,

Lin Feng also finished dressing and went to the castle to the north with her.

Leng Qingqiu has already used the privilege of prediction, knowing that today’s “welcome ceremony” will be in the north.

Here, millions of elite warriors and hundreds of thousands of ability users are already ready.

Lin Feng has not sent people over for the time being, unless the deserted prison can no longer be kept, he will send people over.

At 8 o’clock, the rhythm of the black fog area appeared, and then, a dense number of monsters rushed.


Seeing these monsters, Lin Feng felt that it was fine.

The deserted boots should be able to defend by themselves, the special police is after the northern city wall has been raised by Lin Feng’s earth element spirit.

In addition, Lin Feng also gave Leng Qingqiu some supernatural powers some time ago, and the power of Leng Qingqiu’s superpower users has also been improved.

Last night, Leng Qingyu gave himself to Lin Feng, but not to repay Lin Feng for his help these days.

In fact, Leng Qingqiu was going to give Lin Feng the very large dark floating island she had recently asked about, but Lin Feng didn’t want it.

When helping the deserted boots to capture the dark floating island, Lin Feng had already found an extra one.

Sure enough, this time, these monsters were solved by deserted Li himself.

After rising to the 20th floor, deserted boots spent a lot of money to upgrade the armament, and this time there were no monsters that were too difficult to deal with, but it let her pass.

Although this battle was fought from morning to night, it was a success.

After that, Leng Qingqiu established a firm foothold on the 21st floor.

Of course, there will be two waves of monster waves every month in the future, and those monster waves may also have difficult monsters.

In case of encountering difficult monsters, Lin Feng can also do it.

“Mr. Li, believe me, our questioning is very pleasant. With our help, Mr. Li can reach the top of the gold list in the East in at most 5 years, surpassing Lin Feng!”

When Leng Qingqiu took a firm foothold on the 21st floor, a voice sounded on Li Shengping’s floating island.

Li Shengping’s opponent, standing, is a blond foreigner!

And looking at this, the equity transaction that Lin Feng rejected… was accepted by Li Shengping!

To a certain extent, accepting the equity transaction of the Westerners is of great benefit to Li Shengping, but Li Shengping’s interests are tied to the Westerners!

This guy 5.3, after being stimulated by Lin Feng, plus the resentment that he couldn’t get the cold autumn, after the Westerners found him, Li Shengping chose to trade with the Westerners!

“Islander, do we really want to exchange equity with Westerners?”

When the Westerners left, one of Li Shengping’s assistants asked.

From this assistant’s point of view, Li Shengping’s move… is a bit crazy, exchanging equity with Westerners is equivalent to being tied to Westerners, which is also equivalent to betraying all the Eastern Floating Island Masters!

Li Shengping sneered: “Of course not, Westerners are superstitious about this, but I have the final say on my floating island, even if I exchange my shares? After I get the benefits promised by the Westerners, I will die. Account, what else can they do?

The assistant suddenly realized, but he was a little worried: “Island owner, this way, Westerners will be sanctioned…”

Li Shengping snorted coldly: “They can’t sanction Floating Island World again. The only thing I worry about now is that after the three districts are combined, if the Westerners have an absolute advantage and they regulate the equity of Floating Island, there will be some problems. trouble.”


Li Shengping’s voice changed: “As long as you can surpass Lin Feng and climb to the top of the Eastern Gold List, how about taking some risks!”

This guy is obviously going to take benefits from the Westerners, and after surpassing Lin Feng, he will lie to the Westerners, and he will not admit it!

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