199 Stand firm! Full of confidence Li Shengping! Terrified the two girls! (34) Please subscribe

After the two waves of giant monsters that made ordinary floating island masters change their minds, the “welcome ceremony” continued on the third day.

The “welcome ceremony” on the 20th floor lasted for half a year.

This wave of “welcome gifts”, in Lin Feng’s opinion, will last at least one month, that is, seven months.

Possibly even longer.

“Is this an addiction to giant monsters?”

The third day is still a giant monster, or a giant deformed monster.

Although there are fewer giant monsters, it is undoubtedly harder to kill them.

If it is an ordinary floating island owner, it is estimated that it will be called the sky.

These giant monsters, ordinary elite warriors are useless if they don’t use powerful weapons.

The heavy crossbow operated by several people will not work.

It is estimated that the heavy ballista with a bowstring that is ten meters long will be effective.

Such a heavy ballista is still terrifyingly powerful, with an attack distance of more than ten kilometers, very strong penetration, and can also cause huge damage to giant monsters.

A power user with a low level can hardly cause enough damage to giant monsters.

However, the average floating island owner, even if he rises to the 21st floor in a deserted autumn, is unlikely to encounter so many giant monsters.

Only Lin Feng was able to encounter waves of giant monsters.

The giant deformed monster “463” is not difficult to solve, and there is no giant spider monster that is difficult to kill.

The difficulty of them is that they have multiple hearts, and the position of the heart is not fixed, but they will not explode into small spiders after being killed like giant spider monsters.

After solving these giant deformed monsters, the first three waves of “welcome gifts” officially ended.

Generally speaking, after the first three waves are over, there will be no more powerful monsters behind.

It can be said that Lin Feng has gained a firm foothold on the 21st floor.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to rise to the 22nd floor, but this time, he was actually lucky to rise to the 21st floor.

The first three waves of monsters were difficult for the police’s floating island owner, but for Lin Feng, they were easy to deal with, and they didn’t even consume much life energy.

But now it’s 22 floors up, it’s too much.

We will see the situation after next year’s “welcome ceremony” is over.

Anyway, the floating island masters in the east will not have 22 floors until next year.

As for the West, there are still ten years left for the three districts, so don’t worry.

A few days later, a month of ice and snow has come.

The last month of the year has come.

This month, although some of the floating islands of the Golden List Floating Island Masters are still rampantly building defense lines, after all, things are not as usual.

The part-time workers in the floating island world also returned to Earth Star and became free.

Regarding the topic of this year’s gold list, the heat has begun to rise again.

“There is still a month left, whether Lin Feng can rush to the top of the gold list depends on this time.

“Yeah, I feel like it might work.

“Be confident and remove ‘maybe’, Lin Feng will definitely be able to do it.

twenty two

On the Internet, many people are discussing it.

“Ah, did these people forget me?”

This month, Li Shengping has more time.

This year, his floating island has undergone great changes.

His floating island has successfully risen to the 20th floor.

In addition, Li Shengping also successfully integrated several large dark floating islands, and the area of ​​his floating islands has successfully exceeded one million square kilometers.

reached 1.01 million square kilometers.

A change in the number of layers of a floating island, one is the change in the area of ​​the floating island.

In this regard, Li Shengping’s floating island has made great progress in both aspects.

The third point is about plants. This year, Li Sheng mobilized a large number of life-breeding abilities from the mutual aid association and cultivated many plants.

From the entire family, a large number of high-grade plants that have grown very large have been transplanted.

This year, Li Shengping recruited millions of workers in addition to the tens of thousands of people on his floating island, and planted all the newly added areas with plants.

Most of these plants are directly transplanted.

As the top big family, the Li family has more floating island masters than the dilemma.

Of course, most of them are of the younger generation, still below the high-rise floating island.

However, there are more than 300 floating island owners on the high-level floating island, and there are even two gold-listed floating island owners from Li Xiang!

These high-level floating island masters have done their best to support Li Shengping!

This time, Li Shengping was surpassed by Lin Feng, which was also unacceptable to Li’s floating island owners.

A shame to the whole of Lee!

It can be said that this year, Li Shengping’s floating island has made great progress in three aspects.

Floating island layers, floating island area, floating island plants!

In terms of population on the floating island, Li Shengping’s floating island this year has also added hundreds of thousands of residents.

After making such great progress, this year’s Li Shengping is also full of confidence!

He is confident enough to take second place in the gold medal list.

In this last month, in addition to expanding the defense line, we can’t do too much.

So Li Shengping has more free time.

People’s mentality is that when the camp is boring, they will not have much mood to pay attention to the outside world.

Now, Li Shengping has such sufficient confidence, naturally, he also looked at the wind noise on the Internet.

As a result, Li Shengping found out that he… seems to have been forgotten!

Now, people are discussing whether Lin Feng can get the first place in the gold list this year.

No one discussed him Li Shengping at all.


Not even a single person who mocked Li Shengping was gone.

It seems that a year has passed and everyone has forgotten him, Li Shengping!

I don’t even think that he, Li Shengping, can win the second place in the gold medal list!

This made Li Shengping sneer.

He didn’t feel bored because of this, after all, his mentality was different now.

Now Li Shengping is very confident in himself, and looking at the comments of these people, his mentality will naturally not collapse.

Quite the opposite.

Li Shengping is looking forward to the moment when the gold list is refreshed!

He was looking forward to it. After the gold list was refreshed, he regained the second place again. Lin Feng was suppressed by him. After he returned as the king of Li Shengping, the people were shocked and looked dazed!

Thinking of that scene, Li Shengping couldn’t help feeling a little happy!

That day is not far away.

Only twenty days left!

Twenty days!

“Hmph, let’s get your mind off first, when the time comes, some of you will be dumbfounded.

Li Shengping snorted lightly and stopped paying attention to things on the Internet.

“Lin Feng, did you dry on the 20th floor? I heard from some friends that Li Shengping seems to be on the 20th floor to dry, and there are still some big moves. It seems that Li Shengping wants to take back the second place this year.

On this day, Jiang Zhiwei said to Lin Feng on Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island.

She also got some news.

Although Li Shengping’s secrecy is good, there is no airtight wall in the world. The special police is that one day when he rose to the 20th floor, he also invited the master of the floating island in the mutual aid association to participate.

Not all of the floating island masters in the mutual aid association are all loyal to Li Shengping.

In addition, these Golden List floating island owners have their own social circles.

With the passage of time, Li Shengping’s series of actions this year have finally come to pass.

Although it has not spread to the outside world, many people already know about it at the level of the Golden List Floating Island Master.

Now, there are also some discussions among some Jinbang floating island owners.

When Jiang Zhiwei spoke, Leng Qingqiu was also looking at Lin Feng.

Well, this time, deserted boots also came to participate.

Among the floating island owners in the Golden List, there are not many female floating island owners.

Among the 100 people on the gold list, there are only a dozen or so female floating island owners, and the proportion is very small.

In the top 10 of the gold list, there is only one woman in the cold autumn.

There is still a female floating island owner in the top 20, but the great-grandson of the female floating island owner has all, Jiang Zhiwei is a child, and naturally she can’t go with the other party.

Basically, the female floating island owners on the Golden List are still single, except for Jiang Zhiwei and deserted boots, there are only one or two.

Others, basically have children and grandchildren.

Hearing Jiang Zhiwei’s voice, Lin Feng said, “Five days ago, I rose to the 21st floor.”

“Hey, that’s fine.”

As soon as Jiang Zhiwei finished speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

“Lin Feng, what are you talking about, the 21st floor?

Jiang Zhiwei looked at Lin Feng differently.

In the eyes of Leng Qingqiu, it was instantly filled with color.

Lin Feng nodded: “Well, the 21st floor.

“21 Stiff…”

Jiang Zhiwei took a deep breath: “Lin Feng, you scared me.”

-Xiang Qing’s expression on Leng Qing Boots was moved.

She was also a little surprised.

21 Stiff!

Last year, Lin Feng followed the 19th floor!

“Doesn’t this 5.3 mean that this year you have risen by 2 floors… The tide of monsters must be fierce?”

Jiang Zhiwei asked with concern.

Lin Feng said: “Fortunately, they are all giant monsters, but I have already solved them. The monsters are much weaker these days. 99

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Jiang Zhiwei couldn’t help but wonder: “Are there still monsters these days?

In her impression, there was only one wave of “welcome gifts”.

Lin Feng said with an “um”: “The welcome ceremony this time should last for seven months. If it weren’t for giant monsters, the number of monsters per day should be around one million.

As soon as Lin Feng’s voice fell, Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes widened, looking very cute.

Beside him, the deserted boots also covered his mouth, and the expression on his face was a little dull.


It was as if he was frightened by Lin Feng’s words!

The key to the seven-month “welcome gift” is that the number of monsters in each wave is still in the millions!


Even in the deserted prison, it has not dealt with the tide of monsters over a million.

But such monster tide, Lin Feng’s floating island, actually happens every day!

This incident has exceeded the imagination of deserted boots!

It was also beyond Jiang Zhiwei’s imagination, which made these two girls terrified!

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