National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

693. In the mountains! A large number of monsters gather!

Li Xian explained quickly.

Sun Changqing fell silent when he heard the words, he knew that Li Xian was a strong character.

"Let's keep going!"

Sun Changqing didn't want to talk about this matter anymore, so he walked directly to the entrance on the other side.

Li Xian nodded and followed.

Sun Changqing glanced at Li Xian and walked forward, but his footsteps stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you "087" noticed the aura fluctuations there, it is very strong, I suspect that some terrifying existence is approaching us."5

"We have to be careful, in this mountain range, there are not only monsters and monsters, but also dangerous existences, we must be careful!

Sun Changqing frowned.

"Is it dangerous? Is there really a ninth-order monster? 35

Li Xian asked worriedly, his current strength has not recovered to the peak, and he does not have such a great chance of winning when encountering those terrifying existences.

"I'm not sure if it will appear, but I'm sure that there must be something powerful coming in that direction.

"Furthermore, that aura is getting stronger and stronger, it should be caused by the ninth-order demon wolf, it is better for us to leave here as soon as possible! 39

"okay, I get it!"

Li Xian agreed and stepped forward.

Sun Changqing didn't speak any more, followed behind Li Xian and walked towards the front.

Just after Li Xian and others left.

In the distance, a huge figure suddenly shot from a distance and landed in the valley.

This is a giant eagle, its body is pitch black, and its body shows a light blue color, which looks a bit strange, and its eyes flash with a dark luster, like two faint blue stars.

The wings on its body are five or six meters wide, covering the entire sky between them.

Its size is huge, and its wings are a fan, which brings up a strong wind, which blows the nearby leaves with clattering noises.

On top of its head, a long black feather, like a sharp sword, pierced the sky.

It exudes the unique coercion of the ninth-order peak monster beast, making the surrounding vegetation tremble, trembling, and crawls on the ground, as if surrendering.

This is a ninth-order peak monster beast, and the strength of the ninth-order peak monster beast is comparable to that of a human Jindan stage cultivator.

In the world of monsters, the level of monsters is extremely high, and even the cultivators of the Jindan stage of the human race are vulnerable in front of monsters.


The monster's feet stomped on the ground, and a tyrannical force spread out.

The earth cracked open in an instant.

This is the horror of the ninth-order peak monster beasts, although their power cannot reach the level of human Jindan stage monks.

However, there are some special methods of human Jindan stage monks, which can exert their own strength to the extreme, even stronger than the power of ordinary Jindan stage monks.

The IQ of monsters is relatively low, and they only have an instinctive fighting instinct. As long as they are targeted by the prey, the prey will surely die.


At this moment, the giant eagle opened its mouth 3.3 degrees, and let out a loud chirping sound, and a black air flow spit out from his mouth.


This airflow, like lightning, instantly shuttled through the void and flew towards a big tree.


The branches of the big tree were pierced in an instant, and then directly turned into smashes and turned into dust.

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