"It turns out that this person is the last eldest brother Huangquan Hall's Hall Master Huang Tian! 99

A solemn look appeared on Li Xian's face.

Huang Tian's cultivation has far exceeded Li Xian's expectations.

He went straight to Li Xian with a bad look, just when Li Xian blocked his fists with both hands.

I saw Huang Tian, ​​screamed and flew out.

Li Xian looked up and saw that it was the first Sun Changqing.

Sun Changqing looked at Huang Tian coldly, "You dare to bully Li Xian, are you tired of living? 99

"Bah! It's endless!"

Huang Tian spat and looked at Li Xian and Sun Changqing.

His face was full of anger and hatred, and he never imagined that the last one would be able to bring Li Xian and Sun Changqing back.

Now that he understands it, he must be the last tiptoe!

After thinking about this, Huang Tian was even more angry in his heart.

Anger is anger, and he doesn't dare to do anything to the last one, after all, the last one is 997's younger brother.

Sun Changqing and Li Xian are different and must be won.

"Old man, I fought with you!

Huang Tian rushed up again.

"Looking for death 々々!"

Sun Changqing snorted angrily.

He also had some spare energy to make the shot just now. At this moment, when he saw Huang Tian attacking again, his anger rose suddenly, "Bang!"

Another kick kicked Huang Tian out.

"Ah! 35

Huang Tian screamed and slammed into a tree trunk.

Trees were knocked down.

"Cough cough!""

Huang Tian spat out some blood, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Sun Changqing viciously, "You wait, this matter is not over!

After all, he took out a pill from his arms and threw it into his mouth.

This medicinal pill melted in the mouth and flowed all over the body in an instant.


Huang Tian's body began to swell, turning into a giant man more than three meters tall.

"Old man, even if I die today, I will drag you to bury you!

Huang Tian roared frantically, "Give it to me, kill these two chops!""


The more than a dozen members of Huangquan Hall around Huang Tian immediately swarmed up.


Sun Changqing gave a low drink.


Sun Changqing directly drew his sword.

A cold air emanated from the sharp sword in his hand, and then turned into a silver thread, directly penetrating the throat of a member of the Yellow Spring Hall who rushed up first.

A face to face, a member of Huangquan Hall fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the blade of another member of Huangquan Hall slashed at Sun Changqing.


Sun Changqing resisted with a horizontal sword.


The member of the Yellow Spring Palace was shocked back a few steps.

He glanced at Sun Changqing in amazement, and then continued to slash at Sun Changqing.

""`Ding ding ding~'

However, Sun Changqing easily avoided his attack as if he was strolling in the garden.

In a moment, the members of the Yellow Spring Hall were dripping with blood.

"Damn it!"

Huang Tian gritted his teeth and watched this scene.

He never imagined that the medicinal pill he had acquired at an extremely high cost would not only fail to kill the two wastes, but would instead challenge them to leapfrog.

"You two bastards!

(Qian Zhao)

Huang Tian's eyes locked on Li Xian.

His eyes were scarlet, full of strong killing intent.

He wants to kill Li Xian!

No matter what the price is!

"Whoosh! 35

Suddenly, Huang Tian disappeared, and the next second, his figure suddenly appeared behind Li Xian, his palms turned into claws and grabbed Li Xian's neck, "You, go to hell!


Huang Tian exerted a little force on his hand, and Li Xian felt that it was difficult to breathe, and he was about to suffocate to death.

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