"Long story short, now we're leaving.

Li Xian said to the last one,

"Let's go now? Don't you stay a little longer in our forbidden city?

"Such a dark place is not suitable for our human and demihuman existence. 35

The last nodded.

"Yes, but there is one last thing you need to do before you go. 39

"whats the matter?

"Hurt me.


"You heard right, it's good for both of us to hurt me and then make up the illusion of running away."35

"Don't talk about hurting you, I'm afraid we won't be able to do two tricks under your hands.

"I didn't say I was going to fight with you.

"Then you mean...stand and let us fight?

"That's right."

073 "Aren't your brothers all smart?"

"How do you know? 35

The last one looked at Sun Changqing curiously.

"Because you are too stupid, all your intelligence quotients are gathered in them, and naturally all your stupidity has been inherited by you...

The last face turned black.

"Do you still want to leave?"

"Of course I do!""

Sun Changqing nodded,

"So I started?"


"Don't patronize you to fight, Li Xian, you also come, it will be more realistic.


Li Xian shook his head and refused, because he was afraid that once he made a move, the matter would not be as simple as injuring the bottom position.

In Sun Changqing's hand, the electric light began to flash, and the spear was about to come out in an instant, and it slashed at the bottom of the body.

After being hit, the last one clutched his chest,


"Isn't it too ruthless to strike? 35'

The last person really doubted whether Sun Changqing was avenging his personal revenge in public! Avenging himself for not protecting Li Xian well, so Li Xian was tortured.

"It's not over yet!

"Ah? Still coming?"

"Huh? Didn't you say it was more realistic? 99

"How realistic is it if you don't start hard?"

"But you are... down, your hands are too heavy..."

Before he could say the whole thing, Sun Changqing had already raised his fist (cadd),

The last face of the fight is crooked.

"Hey... it hurts!

"Are you really a woman? I've never seen such a fierce mother-in-law!

"When you come up, you beat people without saying anything, and you beat them so hard!"

"Who do you say is female? Who do you say is fierce?"

"Be careful to break your teeth off!

Sun Changqing said fiercely, and the last one was cowardly and hid behind Li Xian.

Li Xian looked at Sun Changqing with a smile, then turned around and checked the injury of the last position.

"Are you OK?"

"It looks like the injury is quite serious.

"As Big Sister Sun said, if it's not serious, how can you make Big Brother believe it?"

"What's more, this is the eldest brother's territory, something must be done to convince him..

Saying that, the last one took the knife in Li Xian's hand and slashed it on his arm,

A lot of blood flowed out in an instant, dripping on the ground.

"what are you doing?"

"It's been said that something must be done so that he doesn't doubt, it will be more realistic! 99

Li Xian hurriedly bandaged his wound.

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