Sun Changqing tried her best to look over there, it was the figure she would never forget, and it was the most familiar figure!

"It's Li Xian! 35

Sun Changqing's heart instantly stirred up thousands of waves, more frequent and louder than the ripples caused by the heavy rain in the pool.

Li Xian also noticed a sight, which was staying on him,

When I turned around, it was... Sun Changqing?

The bamboo hat was blown up from time to time by the wind, but it couldn't hide Sun Changqing's face. Li Xian was all too familiar with it.

How could he not remember what his principal looked like?


"No! You will be discovered if you call it that!"

Li Xian still planned to stand where he was and see how Sun Changqing came to find him.

I saw that Sun Changqing tried to go forward several times, but was stopped by the surrounding monsters of higher rank.

"What's wrong with you?

"What do you want to do toward the forbidden city?"

"I...I came here to pay homage to Yu Wei, the first adult!"

"I just want to see what the legendary and mighty first adult looks like..."

Sun Changqing pretended to say in a weak tone.

"just you?!

How many times did the monster push Sun Changqing, how could Sun Changqing be so angry?

But now I am in a foreign land, and I still have the task of saving Li Xian.

I will endure!

Sun Changqing thought.

"There are many monsters in our hometown, they sent me to pay homage to the first adult,

"They said, if the first lord is as powerful as the legends! They will come to join the first lord!"


Seeing that the big monster was coming to seek refuge, a small soldier was sent to investigate. Several monsters didn't know what to say.

"I... of course our lords are wise and martial!

"But...but my master just wanted me to see with my own eyes...

"Otherwise they won't be at ease!"

Monsters, look at me, I look at you,

"If that's the case, then, let's let you in and have a look! You can only take a look!

"After all, not everyone can admire the face of our first adult!

"Yes Yes!

As expected of Sun Changqing,

Li Xian on the side couldn't help applauding after seeing Sun Changqing's wonderful performance.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

I have to say, Sun Changqing's reason for finding it is too good!

It is not a trivial matter for monsters to take refuge in. If the opponent is strong, these monsters can also be considered as contributing to the monster army.

If this is accidentally rejected, or deliberately embarrassing others to come to seek refuge, the first's violent temper will indeed tear them apart.


Sun Changqing bypassed the monsters who were embarrassing her, took a savage sip, and moved in the direction of Li Xian.


The monsters pointed at each other, Li Xian was standing at the gate of the forbidden city, watching this farce.

"I don't know what our lords think. Humans or other prisoners who were captured in the past will be locked up tightly. 39

"Why didn't it close this time, and let it out for a walk?"

"Go go! Who knows if this guy will become our immediate boss in the future?"

"Besides, let's not intervene in the matter of the first lord! Be careful..."

One of the monsters made a decapitation move.


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