National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

650. The test of the 2 worlds of water and fire!

Li Xian was chained tightly in the air, unable to get up or down, not to speak, all his skills were also limited,

Now I don't even have the ability to protect myself!

The giant dragon was flying, flying, and suddenly came to Li Xian's back, and slapped Li Xian's back with his long tail,

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Li Xian thought it was over, but who knows, the monster just found a heavier position so that he could continue to pump it!

Li Xian choked on the air,

"Cough cough. 35

The dragon's tail twitched continuously, Li Xian couldn't move, he could only catch it.

However, in Li Xian's view, this is not too bad,

If he just let him down after 180 strokes, he would still be able to bear it!

The dragon's tail fluttered extremely fast, one hundred and eighty strokes, but it was over in one minute,

Strangely, Li Xian's HP did not change at all,

Li Xian's heart couldn't help but wonder, after so many fights, he still hasn't changed a bit?

"Don't worry, everything here will only make you feel pain and won't make your blood volume drop a little bit. 99

"You really are, in order to torture people, you can think of any means!"

It is also the first time that Li Xian has seen such a maddened monster, who beats people without causing bloodshed!

I finally know why those who were arrested say they can spend their old age here in peace,

The blood volume does not drop, the skills are blocked, suicide is hopeless,

Coupled with being tortured every day, it really lived up to the name of purgatory!

"How is it? My 18th floor purgatory is still in line with your appetite?"

"It fits, it fits perfectly!

"If it wasn't for my hands being tied, I would really like to... give you a round of applause!

"Hmph, the dead duck has a hard mouth," 9

"Although I won't let you die, there are still many ways to torture you! 55


"Yes." 9

The last person nodded, and after groping for something on the wall, the giant dragon came to Li Xian,

After a few bends, he began to spit out something eagerly.


Li Xian choked on the sudden water spit out by the giant dragon, and quickly stabilized his breath, holding his breath,

After spitting, the dragon stopped.

Li Xian quickly spit out the water that had just accidentally entered his mouth,

That came out of the monster's mouth after all! So disgusting!

Li Xian couldn't help but "Bah" twice.

Before he could rest, the giant dragon bent twice again and spat out a large wave of water.


Li Xian seized the opportunity and quickly held his breath, so as not to let the disgusting saliva enter his mouth,

After so many rounds, Li Xian exhaled the suffocated breath again.

"Is it... just like that?

"how come?"

"I said, we have a lot of tricks, but as a human being, even if you try for a hundred years, you can't finish it."

"Twelve, be aggressive.

"Ferocious? What's going on?"

This time the giant dragon showed its form just now, and what it spit out was fire!

Moreover, Li Xian could feel that the temperature of this fire must be much higher than the ordinary fire for cooking!


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