National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

641. Dissipate! The soul returns to the world!


The fairy princess sighed,

"Finally, it's about to fall asleep again, 35

"I haven't opened my eyes for a long time, haven't seen how the world is developing now,

"I'm about to fall into an endless slumber."

Seriously full of regret looking at the earth.

Then start to slowly close your eyes.

"Juniors, I have already dealt with the most difficult part of "Zero Five Seven", and then I will leave it to you.""

The voice gradually became ethereal, and finally, the spirit body of the elf princess also dissipated between heaven and earth.

Everyone's heart could not help but sigh.

The princess who looked so young, volunteered to sacrifice herself at the age of a flower to the Seal Stone thousands of years ago,

Thousands of years later, the ancient monitor lizard was sealed again at the expense of his own soul.

"What a heroic figure!""

It's just that right now, the overwhelming army can't tolerate them sighing again for a moment.

"You, actually... actually killed one of my fierce generals?"

"Eh? No! Let's say first, your general was not killed by us, 99

"We didn't have the ability to kill him, he blew himself up!

Li Xian explained.

"Human boy, glib!"

"Don't dare!"

"Scorching Sun! 95

The first attacked Li Xian again. Right now, Li Xian did not have the protection of the Sealing Stone, so he could only resist the attack himself.

He only heard two "dangdang" sounds of the shield being attacked, and Li Xian also took a lot of steps back.

On the ground, Li Xian's footprints were much deeper than usual walking footprints,

It is enough to see that Li Xian is also working hard to restrain the momentum of this attack!

"Are you only capable of this? A human boy? Did I look up to you, or did you not use your full strength?


Li Xian coughed twice.

"This.... Naturally, the latter is more practical.

"Then let me see your strength!"

Li Xian put away his shield, moved his muscles and bones, and was ready to launch an attack.




Li Xian started far away from the first seat of the Lord of the Forbidden Land.

It flashed directly to the Lord of the Forbidden Land, and it was about to be successful!

"It must be successful! It must be successful! Brother Li Xian!"

"don't want!"

"It must! Success!

Everyone's hearts are twisted together,

The last Lord of the Forbidden Land, although he didn't want to let the first, their eldest brother go to war, thinking of the unrealistic fantasy of ruling the world,

But he didn't want him to die. After all, he also took care of his elder brother who he didn't know how many years!

After all, there is a lot of real emotion in it!

"Big 3.3 brother! Don't!

Just when the last person shouted this sentence, the first forbidden land lord actually avoided Li Xian's attack!

It's like, what's easy can't be easy any more!

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