National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

639. Old things! The grudges from a0years ago!

The ancient monitor lizard was about to be sucked in by the dazzling light.

The Lord of the Forbidden Land was anxious in every possible way, and he released several "Sun Slash" delusions in succession to help the ancient monitor lizard break through the blockade of the elf princess.

However, the blockade turned out to be a gap that did not crack!

The rays of light quickly converged, wrapping the huge body of the ancient monitor lizard, gradually shrinking the body of the ancient monitor lizard,

However, during this process, the face of the elf princess began to turn pale.

Not only her face, but her soul body also began to dissipate!

"Senior! Your body!

Li Xian said to the Elf Princess.

The Elf Princess, who was concentrating on performing magic, opened her eyes, stretched out her hand, and looked at it.

"It's time to dissipate..." 057

"There is a banquet in the world, and I have no reason to stay in this world forever,"

"What you see now is only my soul body, my physical body, which was buried thousands of years ago,

"And my soul exists to seal the ancient monitor lizard clan,"

"My current energy is only enough for me to seal the last ancient monitor lizard,"

"After that, I will sleep on the Sealing Stone..."

Li Xian hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether to stop the fairy princess's seal that almost sacrificed herself.

"Don't stop me.

"It is my accusation to seal the ancient monitor lizard, not to mention, you are our descendants,"

"If I don't seal it, you will suffer in the future. How can seniors have the heart to watch their juniors suffer?"

Although the vitality is passing by at a speed visible to the naked eye, she is still optimistic.

"Senior, then how long will it take you to wake up from a deep sleep this time?"

"I don't know, maybe not long, days, months, years,"

"Maybe it will be a long time, a hundred years, a thousand years, maybe you will meet your descendants!"

Li Xian knew that she was just comforting everyone and not making everyone feel guilty.

The Elf Princess looked behind Li Xian, the teammates who were fighting,

"Are they all Asians?"

"Well, yes. 99


The Elf Princess showed a kind face as if she had seen her own child.

"Well, seeing the descendants, I am also satisfied.""

"The sealing stone will be handed over to you later, and the residual energy on it will come out to protect you in times of crisis,

"Of course, you can also control it according to your mind, as long as you think about what you want to accomplish in your mind.

Li Xian nodded,

"Got it, senior. 99

The elf princess closed her eyes with satisfaction, ready to release all her power and use it on the ancient monitor lizard.

The ancient monitor lizard was struggling in pain, and the enchantment around him began to shrink, as did his size.

"Woo! Woah! (No! I'm not convinced! How can you humans and demi-humans be able to live with magnanimity?)"

"Woooooooooo! (And our ancient monitor lizard, the oldest race, has to survive like this?)

"Woooooooooooo! (No! I...I don't accept it! Where is the law of heaven! The law of heaven is unfair!)

The ancient monitor lizard struggled in the barrier again, but never escaped.

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