National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

622. Big move! Terrifying sound of thunder!

"it is good!"

Ando nodded immediately.

"An Duo, you just go back with Xiao Xiao, and leave the rest to us!"

"Captain! #TO!

Screaming hoarsely,

"I want.... to live and die with you!"

"It's not up to you! Hurry back and take care of your injuries! When you're well, it's not too late to help! Do you hear me? This is an order! The captain's order!"5

Facing Li Xian's coercion from the captain, Xiaoxiao could only give up, nodding weakly to express her agreement.

Li Xian immediately turned around 20 and started shouting at the other people in his squad who were still fighting.

"Demi-human squad! Return to your position immediately! Escort Ando and Xiaoxiao back to the city! 35


Celia, Qian Qianqian, and Ellie agreed in unison.

Qian Qianqian and Ellie immediately came to the sky above where Xiaoxiao and An Duo were, and began to pay attention to the monsters in all directions.

Celia is close to protecting Xiaoxiao and Anduo, even if her blue level has almost bottomed out,

But she thought that if a monster really came in at the end, she would be able to resist the last blow!

I won't be seriously injured, at least I can protect my life!

Just like that, they came with a monster and killed one, and a pair of monsters, and they killed a pair,

Come to a group of monsters, they will kill a group! After all, let An Duo bring Xiaoxiao back to the city!

Li Xian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the closed city gate.

"Okay, let's keep fighting!"

"Celia came to our side when the amount of blue was not enough, so as to ensure your safety! 35

Li Xian said.

"it is good!"

Celia nodded.

Now An Duo and Xiaoxiao have gone back, and from now on, the battle will only start to get more difficult!

"Everyone must be careful! We can't lose any more members..."

Looking at the front door, Li Xian muses,

After a while, Li Xian cheered up.

"keep fighting!


The four came to various places on the battlefield again.

Sun Changqing saw that his students were injured, and he was very worried, but seeing Li Xian, they were very united and escorted Xiaoxiao and An Duo back,

I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my heart is also very comforting,

At the very least, this group of kids is quite satisfying in terms of sticking together!

She came back to her senses and continued to concentrate on fighting, but she looked at these monsters and became more and more angry.

"You disgusting bastards! How dare you hurt my students!"

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that the arrogance of the monsters was really arrogant!

Just put a big one!

"Lei Zhen... Jiuxiao!

The already bleak weather has become more cloudy, making people look particularly depressing,

Not long after 057, the dark clouds in the sky began to scatter thunder and lightning, and gradually, the frequency of flashing became faster and faster.

In the end, it converged into a huge strip, like a sharp blade, and slashed in front of everyone.

The monster was instantly split into ashes, and the big eyes were still blinking before he died, as if he was beaten to death at a loss.

"not enough?"

Sun Changqing glanced at the more rampant monster in the distance.

"Then try this! 35

She took out her long spear and pointed at the unfinished thundercloud in the sky. The thunder and lightning gathered again and struck the top of Sun Changqing's head.

"Oh my god! Such a big thunder! Isn't this person stupid by the thunder?

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