National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

601. BOSS: Lord of White Flowers! The Emperor lis10s!

Li Xian slowly walked towards the flower bud, which should be the boss,

It's just...why didn't you come out so late?

Li Xian continued to gently take a few steps forward, and the flower buds in front of him responded.

Gradually, it slowly bloomed in front of Li Xian's eyes, and the aroma that Li Xian had just smelled reappeared in the space.

Li Xian hurriedly covered his mouth and nose.

"Zero Four Zero" in the center of the bud is not the pistil and stamen of the flower, but a monster that resembles an elves, but is not an elves.

The monster rubbed his eyes and looked around, everything seemed so harmless,

But Li Xian knew that what was in front of him was not a demi-human spirit, but a monster boss who had killed countless humans and demi-humans!

The monster stood up and noticed Li Xian in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Li Xian asked, his words solemn, but not hostile.


"It was you who burned my garden?"

can talk?

Except for the Lord of the Forbidden Land, Li Xian seems to have never seen any monsters who can speak and understand human language!

"It's me. 35

Li Xian admitted frankly.

"Very well, human, you are the most courageous I have ever seen in the hundreds of years I have lived,

"See all the bones all over the place? They're all trespassers in my garden,

"But in the end it was eaten by my flowers, is it sad?"

Li Xian closed his eyes,

"Sad person, it's you!

"Flowers are so holy things, but you take them as tools for life,"

"Oh, what a pity you don't know the true meaning of flowers at all!"

Li Xian sneered.

"What did you say?"

The boss suddenly pulled into the distance from Li Xian and looked at him condescendingly,

"I say,"

"You, at all, do not understand the true meaning of flowers! 39

Li Xian said it almost word for word, not afraid of the majesty of the monster at all.

"Very well, boy, you are brave, but your bravery will end here! 35

"My name, the emperor listens! It means that even the king who reigns over the world, he must listen to the admonitions I give!

Li Xian sighed secretly,

"What a heroic name, if it is a person, it should be a heroine, right?"

Di Ting raised his hand, gathered the petals, turned it into a blade, and slashed towards Li Xian,

Li Xian dodged sideways..0

In the face of such a powerful monster, Li Xian still does not panic, first come with a reconnaissance technique!

[Monster: Lord of Hundred Flowers - Di Ting (Level 60)]


[Skill: Frost Moon Slash......]

Although Di Ting is powerful, but after all, the original body is a flower, and he must be afraid of Li Xian's sacrifice fire source!

And the blood volume is low, which is also Li Xian's advantage.

"Sacrifice, open!

Since Li Xian was very close to Di Ting, as expected, Di Ting soon caught the fire of Li Xian's sacrifice.

But she immediately flashed out of Li Xian's attack range of 3.3.

"It's really a good way to fight poison with poison. You know I'm afraid of fire, so you use fire to deal with me?"

Di Tingcai is not that stupid. Of course she knows that she is a flower, and what flowers are most afraid of is fire.

He quickly formed a protective cover with petals of various colors, tightly surrounding himself in the center, and floating in the air.

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