"These two little girls are pretty good-looking,"

"It's just this figure, it's not very good!"

Then he shook his head again,

to Celia,

"This girl looks like an angel!"

"I'm going to take her back to confess!"

Then I took out a bag from my pocket and put Celia in it,

Li Xian had a bad idea,

Quickly take out your shield and throw it in front of the visitor,

He smashed it on the man's head, Li Xian watched his head bulge with a big bag,

"Whoops! Who!? You dare to hit me!"

Looking back, Li Xian stood there and looked at him,

"I still want to ask you! 99

"In the middle of the night, are you going to rob my team members?"

"Flower Thief" sees bad, Li Xian's 4th turn strength can kill him every minute and every second.

Get ready to let go and run,

Li Xian was quick-witted, took out a rope and tied the man by the waist,

The man struggled hard,

"You let me go!

"Okay, I can let you go."

Li Xian's eyes turned slightly, with a little bit of prank interest,

"You're here to keep us vigil",""

"I'll let you go when I wake up tomorrow morning!"

Saying that, Li Xian lay on the straw pile and shook comfortably.

The man sat on the ground and shouted,

"you are not human!"

"You let me go!

After shouting for a while, Li Xian fell asleep,

Thinking of breaking free from this rope with a little effort,

Who knew that this rope was bought by Li Xian at a high price, not an ordinary rope,

Ordinary people can't stop pulling, even Li Xian has to use it for a while to break free.

That person saw that struggling was useless, and his skills were useless.

Li Xian was sleeping there, and several people around were also dizzy.

He gave up and sat on the ground silently, actually guarding Li Xian and the others all night.

The next morning, Li Xian opened his eyes, stood up and stretched,

I saw the man from last night still sitting on the ground, so sleepy that he was dozing off,

"Yo! Who is this? How is he tied to the ground!"

Li Xian jokingly said,

"You! You're finally awake! Quickly untie it for me! I'm dying!"

Li Xian ignored him and went around, intending to wake up his teammates, but found that no matter how much he shook, none of them would wake up.

The typical one is a coma, Li Xian knew that all this was done by the man behind him,

So turned around,

"The ecstasy you cast?

"Yeah, Master is amazing, isn't it?"

"I put the ropes down and you untie them for me."

""'I don't! Why do you listen to me when you say it?,

With a bang, Li Xian punched the tree, and the tree staggered down.

The man swallowed,

"I understand!

Li Xian opened the rope, the man stood up and moved his body,

The weak body seems to be shattered by Li Xian with one palm.

He took out his flute and played it leisurely. Li Xian noticed that it was different from the tune last night.

After a while, Qian Qianqian and the other six slowly woke up from the tune (Zhao Dehao).

"What's wrong with me?"

Qian Qianqian felt powerless,

"I seem to have had a long dream...

Li Xian looked at the culprit in front of him,

"How do you want to die?"

The man knelt on the ground all of a sudden, he knew that this time he had met a great god he couldn't afford to offend.

"God! Don't kill me! I really know I'm wrong woo woo woo...

As he spoke, he burst into tears. pungent.

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