National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

193. Before leaving! The battle with the teacher!

Once something went wrong and Principal Sun came back, she couldn't bear the anger of the Principal,

"No! It's still too dangerous!"

Zhang Qing still firmly felt that Li Xian's request could not be agreed.

"Wherever you go in the mainland, I can rely on you,

"But the front line, there is absolutely no negotiation!"

Seeing that it was impossible to negotiate like this, Xiaoxiao went up and hugged Zhang Qing's arm boldly,

Persuade Zhang Qing with the coquettish tone of a little girl,

"Oh! Teacher, don't worry!"

"Look! Since this one 20 months, we have runaway copies of large and small,"

"Which one of us came back injured?"

"Did you jump up and down when you came back?"

"Don't worry! Even if we meet someone from the headquarters, we won't say it's a first-year student at Yaren University! 35

"It's said to be a sophomore when killed!"

"I'm not worried that if you are found out, Yaren University will be punished,"

Zhang Qing rubbed his temples,

"After all, everyone knows the background of our principal,"

"There's nothing she can't fix,"

"My biggest concern is your safety."5

Li Xian had an idea and came up with a solution,

"Teacher, it's better than this,"

"You find a teacher who is the strongest in the school to fight with us,

"We six dozen,

"If we win, the teacher will let us go,

"If we lose, we stay in school and wait for the task. 35

Zhang Qing thought about it, this method is feasible,

Now the most powerful teacher in the school is close to rank six,

As long as you hit it so long as it doesn't hurt them, you'll be fine.

So he agreed,

"it is good!"

"I'll make arrangements now! You guys go back first and wait for my news!

Zhang Qing left the few people who were still in the office and hurriedly went to find a candidate to fight.

The six returned to the dormitory, quietly waiting for Zhang Qing's arrangement.

In another office, a gentleman-looking male teacher slapped the desk angrily,

"What? Want me to fight a bunch of kids?"

"No! Absolutely not!""

Zhang Qing quickly explained,

"No, listen to me tell me the ins and outs!"

Zhang Qing talked to the male teacher roughly,

The male teacher breathed a sigh of relief,

"I see,

"They are not afraid of tigers when they are newborn calves, so let's teach them a lesson.

"That's what I mean, too,"

"When the time comes, remember to put it away and don't hurt the children!

“They turned around at a young age and still expect me to hurt them?”’5

"Isn't it a big difference from you?

"Okay, just do what I say."

After Li Xian arranged the teacher for the duel, he released a message on the school-wide broadcast,

"Dear students,

"This afternoon, the team led by Li Xian will compete with the strongest teacher in the school,"

"All students who want to watch the game, please come to the square to watch the game at 1 pm! 35


"Fellow students.......

Zhang Qing's voice echoed on the radio,

"It seems that Teacher Zhang Qing doesn't want us to leave today."

Li Xian thought to himself, it's probably not easy to act like a baby now.

Time flies so fast, it's already afternoon in a blink of an eye,

Li Xian had already packed up and was sitting on the chair in front of the door waiting for Qian Qianqian to come out.

I don't know how long I waited, the five of them finally came out,

"You should have heard today's broadcast, 35

"Teacher Zhang Qing really didn't even give us a chance to repent and cheat, 55

"Then do your best!

Everyone responded together, "Okay! 55

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