National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

191. Surprised every1! Complete all 4 turns!

"I see that those children are about your age,"

"You all turned around, what a talented team!"

The teacher was very surprised when I first saw Li Xian,

But not only Li Xian, their entire team turned four at the same time,

At such a young age, this can only be described as surprise!

"It's really a blessing for us demihumans! I picked up such good children at once,"

"I don't know how the principal picked it up so sharply! 95

"I'll have to ask the principal another day!

The guard teacher is at the door of the store for a while "condolences"

Li Xian wanted to wait for a few of them, but unexpectedly he was asked-wait for nearly half an hour,

Finally, when Li Xian became impatient and wanted to leave,

The money has come out!

"How? Did it work?

Li Xian asked,

"Looking at my unscathed appearance, of course I succeeded,"

"Besides, if I don't succeed, I'm also sorry for the training and teaching that Brother Li Xian gave me...

Qian Qianqian whispered the second half of the sentence,

"No, this is the result of your talent and hard work,

"Don't think how much I have helped you, it's all a matter of hands,

"And you have helped me a lot since you grew up."

Li Xian comforted Qian Qianqian and said, Qian Qianqian's eyes suddenly lit up,


"Am I really helping Big Brother Li Xian?"


Qian Qianqian was very excited,

"Brother Li Xian said I helped him...why is my heart beating so fast. 35

Qian Qianqian's face was ruddy, Li Xian didn't know what happened,

Just waiting quietly for others to come out,

After a while, the other four people came out one after another.

"Li Xian? Why are you here? Did you know that we've turned around and came to greet us?

jokingly said,

The guard teacher came over,


"This classmate just finished four rounds and chatted with me for a while!"

Xiaoxiao and other people present were surprised,

"You turned four?

Qian Qianqian was so excited to see Li Xian when he came out,

For a while, she forgot to ask Li Xian what she was here for. If the teacher didn't tell her, she really thought Li Xian was here to pick her up.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed,

··0 Seeking flowers.....

But at the same time, I am also happy for Li Xian's successful 4th turn,

Some people have always said that her elder brother Li Xian is a waste profession,

Even if Li Xian wins the freshman competition, there will always be people talking behind their backs,

Even if Li Xian is powerful, he can't get past the 4th turn, but most of them are the Shield Hero.

But today, Li Xian proved with himself that the shield hero can be like a normal occupation,

The same can play a copy, the same can be transferred to enhance the strength!

"By the way, when you came, did Teacher Zhang Qing say that the technical department found the copy of the rampage?

"No, we specifically asked Teacher Zhang Qing before we came, 35

"She said don't worry, only a few of us dare to take advantage of this time to change jobs."

"Fortunately, you guys are very long-hearted. 35

Li Xian smiled,

"Okay, let's go back, maybe we will come to live in a while.

Li Xian urged,

"Bah ah ah! I wish there was no runaway copy! 95

Indeed, in the past month, they have played so many rampage copies around the demihumans,

Li Xian expected this disaster to end sooner than all of them... Next.

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