Chapter 84 Yuqing incarnates and kills the demon world (please subscribe!)

The travellers selected by Yang Xuan.

After hearing Yang Xuan’s words, all of them were dumbfounded.

Because, one second ago.

They are still in the kingdom of God, enjoying a carefree life.

As a result, in the next second, he was summoned into this weird world.


Just in everyone’s heart-when there are doubts.

Suddenly, an illusory chat interface appeared in front of all eyes.


The world chat channel has been opened.

The current world: Reiki revives the world.

Main task: One Hundred Years of Tribulation.


1. This is a special world radiated from the original world of the monster race.

2. The world of this side will advance to become a big world in a hundred years.

3. When the world is promoted, all those who travel through will receive gifts from heaven and earth.

4. After promotion, there will be a hundred years of calamity. Other monsters in the world, or the big monsters of the original world of the monsters, will come to this world and hunt the humans.

5. Resist the invasion of monsters and kill all monsters.

This news suddenly appeared in the minds of the entire million-travelers.


All the traversers gave birth to an idea.

That is, the god of crossing appeared again.

“Why is this!

“We obviously don’t need to cross!”

“Great God, I am your most devout believer, please allow me to return to your country!”

“God, I don’t want to continue crossing, I just want to live the life of an ordinary person.

Those who like a peaceful and ordinary life begin to pray to God at this moment.

However, God did not respond to them.

Just kidding, God is Yang Xuan himself.

He pulled this group of people over, and naturally it was impossible to let the group go back.

not to mention.

It’s not that Yang Xuan didn’t consider their situation.

In fact, the core of these souls are still in the kingdom of Yang Xuan.

Even if they die in this world, they won’t fall completely in the end.

But it will be reborn in the kingdom of God, but it will forget the memory here.

“The Yuxu Palace is open, all the named disciples enter the mountain to practice!”

As Yang Xuan’s avatar called out loudly.

Soon, these million traversers began to go up the mountain one by one.

They all knew that they could not defy the fate of the god of crossing.

Therefore, he can only set foot on the Yuxu Palace.

For a time, in the minds of millions of travellers, they all got a basic gas refining valve.

Many tests followed.

Finally, someone was assigned to the alchemy peak.

Someone was assigned to Refining Device Peak.

There are others who have been assigned to the main line of practice.

The division of labor in millions of parts seems to be very difficult.

But the incarnation of Yang Xuan was completed easily.

Next, just wait for them to practice.

A sect of one million people was established successfully.

The center of the earth.

Yang Xuan nodded with satisfaction after seeing the arrangement of the avatar.

One gasification and three clearnesses are really powerful.

There is no difference between my incarnation and my ontology.

Completely inherit the power of the ontology, and do not fear death.

Even if it really falls, it only takes a certain period of cultivation to return.

If it is a practice, the realm of practice will be synchronized with my body and even other incarnations.

Such a clone is simply perfect.

Moreover, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is to transform the three clears with one gas, and the’three clears’ that are transformed!

Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing.

With one’s own power, the real Sanqing Dao Zun was differentiated.

Laojun, Yuanshi, Tongtian.

Each of the Sanqing has its own unique attributes.

The avatar of Yuqing has been summoned.

It’s time to summon the clone of Shangqing.”Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun!”

Under Yang Xuan’s thoughts.

One Qi Hua San Qing was launched instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a young Taoist priest wearing a retro Taoist robe with four swords flying around him walked directly out of Yang Xuan’s body.

That’s right, just walked out!

This boy has exactly the same appearance as Yang Xuan.

“Friends of Taoism, you have been given the ultimate power of attack.”

“While the spiritual energy is recovering now, it’s time to go to the original world of the monster race.

“Let’s confuse the audition first, and look for the host of the gate of crossing by the way.”

“This time, don’t fear death!”

“I’m not going to die!!

Yang Xuan’s ontology said a word to his incarnation of Shangqing.

Immediately afterwards.

Supreme Treasure Taiji Picture, Supreme Treasure: Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Supreme Treasure, Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Pill Furnace, appeared directly in front of the incarnation of Shangqing.

At the same time, boundless aura.

Endless brilliance also emerged from the void.

The energy representing the killing air of heaven and earth was directly transmitted into the clone of Shangqing.

In the next second, the Four Zhuxian Swords around his body completely changed from the virtual to the real sword.

“Zhuxian’s Four Swords are the most powerful treasures second only to Ten Thousand Realms Returning to the Ruins!”

“The Return of Ten Thousand Realms cannot leave the world of spiritual energy recovery, otherwise the time here cannot be accelerated.”

“But the Taiji diagram, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, plus the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Pill Furnace that refines everything, and the four swords of Zhuxian just created.”

“And now, we have been promoted to the ancestor of the 2nd level of spiritual energy, one qi transforms into three clears.”

“And the secret blessing of the person of God!”

“Then even facing the monster origin world, those monsters that are comparable to the fourth-level gods and fifth-level gods have the power to fight.”

“The premise is that you can’t be besieged!”

“However, the benefit of transforming into three cleans in one Qi is that one clone, the incarnation rises, and all the clone incarnations rise in one go.”

“Once the incarnation rises and falls again, then the realm will not fall.

“It’s time to go to the origin world of the monster race.”

Yang Xuan whispered in his heart.

Immediately, the gate of crossing appeared in her injury.

Now after the first step of Reiki recovery is completed.

Moreover, after letting Yang Xuan get the ability to recover the hidden breath in the aura.

He is going to use his avatar to directly level the monster origin world.

This time, it is destined to set off a bloody storm for the origin world of the monster race.

The avatar is upgraded, and the body is upgraded.

The avatar died, but the main body had nothing to do, and even maintained the posture after the upgrade.

This is simply not too cool.

Yaozu origin world.

The fire and phoenix clan, Tianhuofeng.

A huge fire phoenix suddenly woke up from its deep sleep.

This fire phoenix is ​​bathing in the sky fire.

It had just completed a bloodline sublimation and became the lower demon lord.

That is, the level of God comparable to the three levels of omniscience and omnipotence.


“It has appeared again, the fluctuation of the fragments of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!”

“Since I got this Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, my strength has increased by at least a hundredfold by devouring many worlds.”

“Now I have become the elder of the Fire Phoenix clan.”

“But as my strength increased, the effect of the Gate of Passing became smaller. If you want to find a suitable world, a more powerful world, then you need to advance the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds.”

“It is undoubtedly the best choice to swallow the fragments of another door of ten thousand worlds.

“But even if I, as the holder of the fragments, clearly know that there are nine fragments in the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, I can’t perceive the existence of the other eight fragments.”

“And the holder of another fragment of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, obviously has discovered that I am not once or twice.

“Even I suspect that he has come to our world to explore.

“Now that there is such a big reaction from the fragments of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, it is obvious that the other party has completely arrived.”

“Such a strong coming, either because of its own strength is extremely strong, or it is because of insufficient knowledge of the power of the monster origin world.”

“But in my opinion, the other party must be the latter!”

The newly promoted elder of the Huofeng clan, Feng Tianyu slowly tightened his body, turning the Huofeng’s body, which was just over a hundred meters long, into a size of only about three meters.

Then, it screamed to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a flame and soared into the sky, leaving the Huofeng clan’s residence.

Regarding his departure, the Huofeng clan didn’t care much.

Isn’t it a normal thing for elders to go out for a stroll or go out for food?

Yaozu origin world.

With the appearance of the gate of crossing, Yang Xuan’s Shang Qing incarnation quickly walked out of it.

“Finally come in.”

“Moreover, it is also because the body has been recognized by the Hengsha world.”

“The Hengsha world happens to have the breath of this original world.”

“So, I came in without any rejection.”

“Even if it is urging through the door, now it will only be perceived by another possessor. Except for the suppression of the person of God, the use of all other means will not be rejected.”

“This is really great!”

Yang Xuan stood on the sky and looked around.


At this time, a huge eagle over fifty meters in length quickly rushed towards him.

“Human Ascendant, Good Food!”

The huge eagle is not talking about people, but directly conveying his will.

Yang Xuan did not reject the eagle’s consciousness invasion either.

Even when he saw this eagle flying over, there was a smile on his mouth.

“What a big eagle, it must be delicious on the test!”

Watching the eagle who has thrown himself into the net.

As soon as Yang Xuan’s thoughts moved, powerful sword aura spurted out in an instant.

Then the eagle came and screamed without uttering it, and was chopped off, plucked and peeled.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge pill furnace appeared out of thin air and swallowed the eagle’s corpse all at once.

Below the pill furnace, a scorching flame soon appeared.

When the pill furnace slowly returned to Yang Xuan’s body.

The alluring fragrance has been delivered.


Yang Xuan opened the pill furnace.

First, a pill made from the blood of this monster eagle flew directly to Yang Xuan’s collection.

Immediately afterwards, the aroma was fragrant, and the tender eagle meat on the outside also automatically floated to him.

“Although I am now, I have already bigu long ago.”

“But the smell of monsters is still very good!”

Yang Xuan tore off the eagle’s legs and tasted the meat roasted in the Dan furnace.

As a result, it is simply delicious.

It’s the delicious food that no chef can cook in the last world.

Even without any condiments, just this meat is incredibly delicious.

“Nice meat!

Yang Xuan nodded in satisfaction, then ate the most delicious meat, and threw the rest of the skeleton directly.

The pill furnace finally turned into nothingness and returned to Yang Xuan’s body.

in this situation.

In an instant, the other monster races below showed an unbelievable look.

You know, in this lifeless forest.

Even the weakest monster race is a god-level existence.

After all, this is the original world of Yaozu.

It is a world where golden immortals walk everywhere, and heavenly immortals are not as powerful as dogs.

Even the first-level omniscience and omnipotence are not considered to be a person here.

Level 2 omniscience and omnipotence can still shock one side.

Level 3 omniscience and omnipotence can be regarded as a party’s overlord, dominating an area.

Level 4 omniscience and omnipotence is also the strongest state of Yang Xuan’s God template, and can be regarded as the world’s top powerhouse.

But it is definitely not the ceiling of combat power.

Only level 5 omniscience and omnipotence can be said to be the ceiling of combat power for all creatures in this world.

But level 5 omniscience and omnipotence, how difficult it is.

Yang Xuan didn’t have any idea about the achievement of level 5 omniscience and omnipotence.

Therefore, he will not risk himself here.

What’s more, the power of his incarnation is not bad now.

And every time he stays here for a period of time, the world will also get a touch of aura.

As long as Yang Xuan has existed in this world long enough, the range of battles is large enough.

Then in this world, the aura invasion will be even greater.

And the invasion of Reiki is aimed at the whole world.

Unless there are people of the same level, carefully check the surrounding conditions.

Otherwise, you won’t find the change of the world at all, and you won’t find the invasion of Reiki.

“Is that human?”

“Is it a monster of a large monster force that deliberately pretended to be a human being and then hunted us?”

“It’s possible, and it’s not uncommon before, especially the Dragons, they are the most shameless.”

“Let’s go! Don’t provoke him. We all know the ability of Iron Feather Eagle. He was killed in an instant, which means that the person here is at least a Demon King level.

On the ground, among high mountains and forests.

After several big monsters discussed with each other, they planned to leave directly.

Yang Xuan’s performance is too strong, they don’t want to provoke.

Moreover, they subconsciously believed that Yang Xuan was not a human being, but was transformed by a certain demon king.

But unfortunately.

They wanted to go, but Yang Xuan didn’t plan to let them go.

“Ordinary Demon Race, Demon General, Demon King, Demon Immortal, Demon Venerable.”

“Each level has three ranks, upper, middle and lower.”

“This is the rank division of the monster race.”By refining the iron feather eagle just now, Yang Xuan not only obtained the alchemy pill, but also delicious barbecue.

At the same time, he also refined the soul of the other party.

Get all the memories of Iron Feather Eagle.

This is the power of Xiantian Yixi Taiqing Pill Furnace.

Under this pill furnace, ordinary herbs can be refined into elixir.

And the medicine captured by the pill furnace is not only the physical body, but the cultivation base will be refined.

Even their souls, memories, and inheritance will be extracted.

The moment Yang Xuan refined the iron feather eagle, Yang Xuan knew everything about the other party.

If he returns to the kingdom of God, he can directly create the iron feather eagle race.

The power of the Western Creator is also very useful in some ways.

The combined power of the East and West systems is even more terrifying.

After getting all the memories of Tieyuying.

Yang Xuan looked down at the ground, the generals of the monster race who were about to flee.

These generals are all attached to a nearby underling called the Hurricane Demon King.

The Hurricane Demon King is a Golden Eagle Demon King.

This Demon King, sitting on one side, had as many as thirty human tribes under his hand.

Every tribe has at least one hundred thousand people.

In those human tribes, people will be taken away every few days, and then sent to the Golden Eagle Demon King to be eaten by him.

The demons are raising humans in captivity.

It’s like humans keep animals in captivity.

The position where Yang Xuan came out of the gate of crossing was exactly where the Golden Eagle Demon King was.

Therefore, of course he would not let those demon generals leave.

The Tao is different, and it’s not conspiring.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Since it is already an irreconcilable race war, Yang Xuan will naturally stand on the side of the human race.

What’s more, this original world is so big.

After refining this world, Yang Xuan might be able to perform five-level omniscience and omnipotence.

Therefore, regardless of the reason, Yang Xuan has a hostile relationship with this world.

“You demon clan generals, since they are all here, it’s better to be the food in my mouth together, good!”

As Yang Xuan’s thoughts spread, he directly locked behind the few big demons below.

He also learned Tie Yuying’s way of communicating, and directly conveyed what he wanted to say into their minds.

“not good!”


“We are definitely not the opponent of the Demon King, we run separately!”

There are a total of five demons below.

One is a one-eyed owl, the other is a giant wolf, there is a two-headed dog, a lemur, and a monkey demon.

The five of them heard Yang Xuan’s voice.

There is only one thought left, and that is to run.

“Want to run?”

“no way!”

“Come all up to me!

Yang Xuan sneered at the bottom.

In the next second, five huge palms appeared directly.

“Xianfa-Supernatural Power-Aura Mudra!”

This is one of Yang Xuan’s use of Reiki.

As the ancestor of Reiki, he can freely use any Reiki spells.


Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled, and the five demon generals were all severely injured in an instant.

Then, the five huge aura palms lifted the five toes directly above the sky.

Finally, Xiantian Yixi Taiqing Pill Furnace appeared.

Five demon generals were thrown in one by one.

This time, Yang Xuan didn’t eat meat, but made them all into pill.

Those pills were directly passed by Yang Xuan to the Yuxu Palace where the spiritual energy rejuvenated the world with the help of the gate of crossing.

He handed the pill to the incarnation of Yuqing, and asked the incarnation of Yuqing to treat them as rewards for future sect assessment, sect Xiaobi, Dabi and other rewards.

“The demon is about to die, and the other little demon will also die.

“Demon King, it’s even more deadly!”

“Today I will follow this road and directly kill the Golden Eagle Forest without hiding my breath. I will kill as many as I come!”

“Let me bring a trace of excitement to this Monster Race Origin World.”

After killing those five demon generals, Yang Xuan also slowly landed on the ground.

Then, he casually grabbed a long sword around him.

In the next second, the sword gas was swept away, half of the forest was directly shattered, and a road leading directly to the mountain where the Golden Eagle Demon King was located.

It also appeared in front of him.

at the same time.

The golden eagle far above the mountain suddenly retreated from the state of cultivation, and looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

As the Demon King, it is related to its own Demon General.

There are a total of ten demon generals under his hand.

As a result, six died in one go. This is the first time the Golden Eagle Demon King has encountered this situation. three.

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