Chapter 65 The birth of an angel of time (please subscribe!)

The moment the ladder descended that day.

All the believers showed envy.

Because everyone is a believer.

Therefore, when I learned that a certain believer was about to enter the kingdom of God.

Some are just envious, and there will be no feelings of extreme hatred.

It is because of the appearance of the gate of heaven and the holy ladder.

The live broadcast of the Trial of God conducted by the umbrella company turned into two screens.

The picture on the left shows He Tian leaning back against the tree.

There was a very happy look on his face.

Especially when he saw a thin figure, after climbing towards the sky step by step.

There was a smile on his face.

“Haha! Hahaha!”

“Sister! Waiting for me in heaven!”

“Sooner or later, I will also enter the great kingdom of God!”

He Tian is on the ground.

Seeing He Mei stepping up to the sky, she murmured.

His voice is very small.

Don’t talk about He Mei, even if someone stands ten meters away from He Tian at this time, it is impossible to hear his words.

But unexpectedly.

He Mei heard it.

She herself didn’t know why He Tian’s voice rang in her ears.

Ever since, she lowered her head slightly and looked in the direction of He Tian.

“I’m waiting for you!

He Mei responded.

Then continue to climb.

Because she is not the Holy Spirit, but was promised to enter the kingdom of God.

So He Mei wants to walk into the gate of heaven on foot.

It’s not like the Three Holy Spirits, the moment they stepped onto the ladder to the sky, they entered the kingdom of God.


“Xiaomei’s voice?”

He Tian also heard his sister’s voice.

After he heard it, he was taken aback.

Then, at the same time, it seemed that something came to mind.

Then he made a prayer gesture and prayed to Yang Xuan for five minutes.

After doing this.

He Tian stopped staying in the field and hurried back to his dilapidated church.

On the church side, many traps he left before are there.

But after fighting the mutant ghoul once.

He Tian knew that these traps were not insured.

So he rested for a while, and began to reform the trap.

This time, because I was the only one left.

And it still has the power of time.

the most important is.

As long as your will does not disappear, you can restart yourself.

This is equivalent to having an immortal body.

For this reason, the traps he laid out in the following basically all tended to be the same.

time flies.

Three hours.

He Mei has entered the kingdom of God.

Because He Mei is not the Holy Spirit, after entering the kingdom of God, he will not get the right to freely enter.

So, when she stepped onto the ladder, it was really like an ordinary step.

As for the three holy spirits, there are tests.

So it took a long time for the Three Holy Spirits to reach the summit.

But Ho Mei’s time to reach the top is very short.

After He Mei entered the kingdom of God, the heavy rain on the blue star began to appear again.

World chat channel:

“He Tian!”

“He Tian received a reply!”

“We are all watching you through the live channel now!”

“March 20” “Today’s local believers and friends of Bluestar, let us tell you one thing.”

“That is, in a small city in Stick Country, there is still an intact Doomsday Ark stronghold.”

“The people there are still alive.

“They want you to pass and build the Ark of Doom there.”

“You are the chosen one of God and have experienced God’s trial, so we all think that you are God’s spokesperson and the savior of the world.”

“The key to making the Ark of Doom is never the material, but the people!”

“If it’s you, it must be possible.”

When the gate of heaven in the sky, and the sacred ladder completely disappeared.

Finally someone started trying to contact He Tian.

And the advantage of the traverser was also brought into play at this moment.

You can communicate with each other through the world chat channel.

However, the local residents on the Blue Star must rely on external forces.

Once like Bangziguo, people are chased by ghouls and throw away everything except food in order to run faster.

Then it’s hard to get in touch.

Therefore, at this time the advantage of the traverser comes out.

It’s just that everyone except for knowing He Tian’s name in reality.

I don’t know what He Tian is called in the world chat channel.


They can only talk in the world chat channel non-stop.

Moreover, the believers are very conscious not to talk about anything else.

Just keep calling He Tian on the world chat channel.

Under the unremitting efforts of everyone.

When He Tian completed his defensive trap.

He finally saw those words.

Before, he really didn’t have time to see it.

For one thing, it is necessary to rest.

Secondly, it is a trap.

“I am He Tian!

“Tell me how to go!”

“I’ll be there!”

On the world chat channel.

He Tian’s reply appeared.

His title on the world chat channel is called Secret Survival.

Judging from the name of the title, you know that this is a person who just wants to survive.

“What day is it?”

“Is it really Hetian?”

“It’s not that someone is doing a boring prank!”

Although He Tian spoke.

But many people didn’t believe it for a while.

But things have reached this point.

The end of the flood will come a little more than a day.

So everyone has no choice.


He Tian proved himself at this time.

He took a stone in his hand and wrote two words on the ground.

it’s me!

Because everyone was watching the live broadcast, he clearly discovered this action.

Ever since.

Cheers appeared all over the world.


Everyone began to tell He Tian exactly how to go through text.

After getting the route.

He Tian did not leave immediately.

He wants to rest and accumulate energy.

After all, he had just created a defensive trap, and left without any use.

Let him have a little bit of a pity.

In addition to this.He still had a feeling in the dark.

That is, there may be ghouls attacking him next.

Moreover, it may be stronger.

He doesn’t know why, but he just feels this way.

Even if someone in the world chat channel is telling Song Sisi to stop, don’t continue to attack He Tian.

He didn’t think that this thing could be done.

“The Trial of God!”

He Tian with the power of time.

I have vaguely thought of something.

He realized that if Song Sisi really wanted to kill himself, he should have died long ago and became a ghoul.

But it seems that Song Sisi is giving him a chance.

“I am extremely sensitive to time now, if we remember correctly!”

“Every time I encounter an attack, the time seems to be exactly 4 hours apart.”

“If I do a good job, then the next four hours will be here soon.

“If it’s true, then if you kill the ghouls this time, you will go directly to the Ark of Doom to build a base.”

He Tian began to plan the next action.

five minutes later.


Above the sky, a huge roar came.

Then a ghoul with bat wings on its back rushed into the church.


The existence above the mutant ghoul.

It is a terrifying monster that has surpassed the current human limit.

This heavenly ghost is very strong.

Even He Tian is extremely strenuous to deal with it.

This time the battle.

With the help of the trap, they all lasted for nearly forty minutes.

Forty minutes later, He Tian, ​​exhausted, began to rest.

He rested for an hour.

Then I cleaned up my income and started on the road.

This way, it also became his trial of the gods.

The ghouls that appear after every four hours are stronger ghouls of a higher level.

After the sky ghost, even the little devil appeared.

After the little devil, the big devil also appeared.

Wait until the seventh day of the doomsday calamity, when there are only five hours left before the flood to destroy the world.

The last ghoul to stop He Tian became a scarlet devil.

That is the final form of the ghoul.

He is the most powerful general under the blood angel Song Sisi.

This is also He Tian’s final trial on the road.

“The Scarlet Devil!”

“Really worthy of me!”

“Although I have gained the power of time, I am only a slightly stronger ordinary person.

“Before dealing with the little devil, I have exhausted my energy.

“Now, I don’t have the power at all to deal with this scarlet demon.”

“Is this the second trial of God!”

He Tian didn’t want to give up either.

But he felt that he had no power anymore.

Although I don’t want to admit it.

But he can no longer go on anyway.

This premise is based on his own power alone.


The scarlet demon first let out a powerful roar.

This also means that the battle is about to begin.

Immediately afterwards, He Tian planned to do his best to fight this scarlet demon.



This is the time.

Suddenly, an ultra-long-distance missile hit directly from outside the sky.

Even on the last day of the countdown to the doomsday, the heavy rain in the sky has already made visibility very low.

But this missile finally hit the Scarlet Demon with precision.


After the hit, the missile exploded directly.

The terrifying power directly exploded most of the scarlet devil’s body.

But He Tian was also affected.

He was even worse than the Scarlet Demon.

Two-thirds of his body was blown up.


He now has the power of time.


Under the powerful force, He Tian returned to normal within a short time.


At this time, He Tian seized the only opportunity.

He quickly rushed to the Scarlet Demon and took out a machete.

“Time, freeze!”

He Tian’s seven orifices bleed again.

He used the power of time overloaded.

This is the time.

All those who watched the live broadcast discovered one thing.

One thing that has been mentioned before.

That is.

Behind He Tian, ​​a pair of wings appeared.

Angel’s wings.

However, this wing is illusory and unreal.

“Die to me!”

He Tian didn’t know that behind him, there was a phantom of angel wings.

He just tried his best to freeze the enemy with the force of time.

Then the Scarlet Demon was taken directly.

After doing this.

He Tian has no strength to stand up anymore.

“Time, is it too late!”

“I have no power!”

“I may not be the savior of the world.”

“The one who built the Ark of Doom doesn’t have to be me.”

“There is still time, don’t give up!”

“Together to build the Ark of Doom, we can definitely succeed!”

He Tian couldn’t speak by himself.

But he can rely on his will to speak directly on the world chat channel.

“Do not!

“He Tian, ​​come on, you can do it!”

“Do you still remember everything He Tian experienced after the appearance of the gate of heaven?”

“Our belief can create miracles.

“Everyone, we pray to God together.”

“Why come together and cheer!”

“Use our mind to make He Tian stand up.”

“Use our strength to make He Tian an angel!”

“Shi Angel-He Tian!”


Someone instantly said this on the world chat channel.

Immediately afterwards.

The chat channel of the whole world quieted down.

There are no more traversers.

At this time, chatting on the world chat channel.

Because they are all praying now.

The object of their prayers is Yang Xuan.

The content of the prayer is to hope that He Tian can stand up and walk the last way.

By this time, Zhenglanxing has a population of 25 billion and the number of people watching it has reached 18 billion.

The number of people who prayed even exceeded this number.

Because some people are three or four people together, using one device to watch.

A lot of prayers began to appear.

Countless powers of faith began to converge.

Yang Xuan, was shocked again.

In the kingdom of God.

Yang Xuan uses the power of omniscience to perceive everything on the blue star.

All this also envelops ordinary people who can’t see the thread of faith at all.

And, the power of faith that is not felt.

“What a powerful wave of faith!

“Is this the so-called one-hearted one!”

“The Blue Star, which I have demonized and changed, has gone from a technological civilization, not as good as a faith civilization.”

“In the future, they only need to develop the power of faith to a certain extent.”

“Then the beginning is the existence of the fourth level of civilization.”

“The previous water cloud galaxy will only be crushed if it encounters the blue star formed by the belief and civilization system.

“Because of faith, miracles can be created.”

Yang Xuan admired the traversers on the blue star.

This group of people has already sensed an application of the power of faith.

We are united, united as one!

Outside the solar system.

Metatron also saw this.

“This second trial can basically be regarded as passed.

“But according to my calculations, He Tian’s potential has not yet been tapped.

“He can continue to break through and become an angel!”

“It’s just that if we want to continue arranging trials, we can only let her take action.”

“Once she does it herself.”

“Both will be in danger!”

“However, both of them have the opportunity to advance.”

“One is the dark angel, the other is the time angel!”

“This may be an opportunity!”

Metatron began to calculate frantically.

This time, she used all her experience to calculate.

Countless information began to gather.

A lot of data appeared in Metatron’s mind.


Metatron got a result.

Ninety percent feasibility.

“Since it is feasible, let Song Sisi go.”

At this point, Metatron sent an avatar.

Stick country.

He Tian stayed above the dilapidated Holy See before.

Song Sisi was getting bored in the rain.

As a blood angel, she naturally doesn’t have to worry about catching a cold or getting sick.

Even at the end of the flood, Song Sisi could not be killed.

Therefore, she has no sense of crisis.

Just at this time.

The phantom of Metatron appeared beside him.

“The King of Angels?”

“I see!”

“Do you want me to push out He Tian’s full potential?”

The moment he saw Metatron appear.

Song Sisi directly said the intention of the other party.


“This time you have to go all out!”

“Otherwise, you will die!

“Don’t you advocate that everyone is evil?”

“He Tian’s body has not a lot of evil thoughts.

“I didn’t let you take action before, just to wait for the opportunity.

“The time has come, I allow you to give it a go.

After Metatron finished speaking, the avatar dissipated directly.

Then, a smile appeared at the corner of Song Sisi’s mouth.

“It’s so nice to say, it’s like letting us two kill each other.”

“But unfortunately, I fully know your purpose.”

“Don’t you just want me to take advantage of this opportunity to continue to advance.”

“Above the blood angel, the dark angel!”

“Once you become a dark angel, it is equivalent to complete sublimation.”

“It’s time to join the angel army that Metatron’s sister said.”

“Obviously you care about me and want to help me, but you have to be so unkind.”

“Is this the burden on the’king of angels’.”

After Song Sisi said here.

The blood-colored wings behind him opened instantly.

The whole person flew directly towards He Tian.

The faith of more than 10 billion people.

The obsession of more than 10 billion people.

Under the lead of one person.

The miracle was born again.

The mark of hope of sentient beings is condensed again.

It appeared directly on He Tian’s body.

-The illusory wings behind He Tian were condensed by 30%.

not only that.

Countless warm breaths still envelop He Tian.

He Tian completed the advanced stage at this moment.

The wings of illusion are no longer disappearing.

His physical fitness is directly supported by people’s huge power of faith

Quickly recovering and improving.

The image of the red ouroboros in his hand.

Also changed the color at this moment.

It gradually changed from the bloody color to pale gold.

As the color of this image changes.

He Tian’s understanding of time also quickly increased.

Time loop.

Time to restart.

Time closed loop.

Time accelerates.

Time stands still.

Time remains.

Many abilities that were difficult to use before, at this moment and every day have found that they can easily use them as long as they think about it.

This means that the power of time he has swallowed has been completely digested by himself.

“Thank my lord!

After He Tian recovered and became stronger.

The first thought when I got up was to express my gratitude to Yang Xuan.

Because he knows that he can recover and become stronger, and even refine the abilities of the Ouroboros of Time.

It is because of Yang Xuan’s acquiescence.

So much power of belief, tens of billions of belief value.

If Yang Xuan does not acquiesce, it is impossible to be absorbed by him at all.

On the world chat channel.


“Our faith has created a miracle!”

“It makes me feel very involved!”

“He Tian has become stronger!”

“He is evolving towards angels.”

“No wonder the Umbrella Company named this live broadcast as the Trial of God.”

“Because this is a trial of the gods.”

“He Tian’s current ability should be enough to build the Ark of Doom.”

People on the world chat channel are very excited at this moment.

Because He Tian is strong, He Tian has become stronger from frequent deaths.

They all contributed a part.

Although they didn’t move, everyone seemed to understand one thing at this moment.That is, building the Ark of Doom is really not a person’s task.

The person who helped send the missile before.

The one who called on everyone to pray together and create miracles.

All believers who participated in prayer and risked their belief and will.

These people are all involved in the process of building the Ark of Doom.

If in the end, He Tian built the Ark of Doom.

So, it is indeed equivalent to everyone participating in it.

On the live screen.

“Very good!”


“We won!”

“He Tian can now reach the place smoothly.”

“Have you noticed that the phantom wings behind him are no longer gone.”

“Does this prove that He Tian is about to become an angel?

“Great, if it’s an angel, you can definitely build an Ark of Doom!”

“I have already thought about this trial of God, He Tian seems to be struggling alone, but in fact this trial is for all of us.”

“My lord! We are testing our hearts!

“When the end is coming, only firm belief and unyielding spirit can overcome all difficulties.”

Everyone is cheering.

Basically, billions of barrage will appear in one second.

The horrible barrage has caused many people to evolve into chaos.

But everyone’s barrage basically means the same thing.

That is, they are about to be saved.

In the fourth hour of the countdown to the doomsday.

Everyone found a way of salvation.

A new angel is about to be born.

Even He Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Stick country.

Outskirts of the small town on the fringe.

“It’s inside. With my current fitness, give me ten minutes to reach the base where the sand is.”

He Tian’s grasp of time is now accurate to a certain degree.

He said it would be there in ten minutes, if there is no external interference.

Then it must be ten minutes in the end.

It’s still impossible for one more second, and one second less will not happen.

But it is this time.

Just about to take a step forward, He Tian stopped.

He looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Above the sky, although there are dark clouds and heavy rain.

Most people look up at the sky and can’t see anything at all.

But He Tian, ​​who has been strengthened, has a half-angel personality.

But it can be clearly seen that there are countless sky ghosts above the sky at this time.

The dense sky ghosts formed a huge dark cloud.

In the end, the dark cloud formed by the sky ghost even covered the original dark cloud.

The sky became more gloomy because of the appearance of tens of thousands of sky ghosts.

“God ghost!”

“So many heavenly ghosts!”

He Tian was extremely shocked.

He thought that his trial was over.

The next step is to build the Ark of Doom.

But what I did not expect is that everything is not over yet.


Just when He Tian was shocked.

Above the sky, all the sky ghosts suddenly showed a path.

When He Tian looked up at the sky.

Blood Angel-Song Sisi, surrounded by countless ghosts.

It’s here!!!!

“It’s you!”


“Why now?””Do you know that the future is coming soon!”

“The monstrous flood is about to drown the whole world!”

“I know you don’t like me, don’t like the 0.3 evil thoughts on me!”

“If you want to fight, you can wait after the doomsday!!

“When the time comes, I will accompany you to have a good time!”

“But now, it’s not the time!”

He Tian thought Song Sisi had come to make trouble on purpose.

Because of his description of Song Sisi from the outside world, he believes that the other party is a person who hates humans.

After all, humans use her as an experiment.

And He Tian’s body is indeed ridden with evil thoughts.

He Tian does not deny this.

“Heaven Ghost, Soul Eater!”

Facing He Tian’s roar, there are still suggestions!

Song Sisi directly made one thing and expressed his position.

That is to launch an attack.

She was floating in the air.

Just beckoned to the sky ghost void above the sky.

The tens of thousands of heavenly ghosts suddenly roared together.


The terrifying sky ghost roars, with a sound wave that makes people suffer mentally severely after hearing it, it begins to converge towards the place where He Tian is.

If it’s just a ghost.

In fact, for He Tian now, it won’t cause much harm at all.

Even if it is ten heavenly ghosts, one hundred heavenly ghosts.

Any day can be resisted.


Thousands of heavenly ghosts attacked together.

Moreover, the frequency of attacks was at the same pace under Song Sisi’s manipulation.

Then this blow alone surpassed the ordinary angel level.

After He Tian received this blow, even if he made preparations in advance.

The whole person exploded in an instant!

That’s right!

The whole person exploded.

Every inch of the body is completely transformed into nothingness.

That’s because the superimposed attack of the sky ghost is too strong, which makes He Tian’s body unable to withstand that intensity at all.

But even after He Tian’s body exploded.

Song Sisi didn’t let the heavenly ghost stop attacking either.

Because she knows.

He Tian, ​​who has the power of time, could not have fallen so easily.

Shi Angel, He Tian, ​​this is destined to be his future title.

The power of time is powerful, but far exceeds her power of darkness.

World chat channel:

“Do not!”

“Why did Song Sisi appear!”

“That must be how many ghosts!”

“Tens of thousands, definitely tens of thousands!”

“It’s terrible, is this the power of Blood Angel Song Sisi?”

“What should He Tian do? He was directly blown up!’

“Our Doomsday Ark Project, is there any hope?,

“Don’t panic, don’t give up hope, haven’t you seen that Song Sisi hasn’t stopped attacking?”

“Have you all forgotten that there is a movie and TV series that tells about the negotiation skills of finding a dark monarch?”

Just when many traversers fell into panic.

Someone immediately came out to explain.

After being said by that person, the mentality of all the traversers was a little better.

Because Song Sisi didn’t stop the attack, it meant that He Tian was definitely not dead yet.

And the facts are as they thought.

Sure enough, He Tiancai exploded for less than ten seconds.

An illusory voice appeared again.


This time, it was a more perfect restart. .

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