Chapter 60 One in a trillion chance (seeking flowers, evaluation!)


“Come on!”

“If you fall here, the trial of God will be over.”

“You have assumed the dream of all of us!”

When He Tian Qiqiao bled and fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

The whole world.

The number of people watching the live broadcast has reached a terrifying 15 billion.

Appeared from the ghoul.

On what day I was injected with Y virus medicine.

Then He Tian rushed out of the abandoned church and led away the mutant ghoul.

And when it was time for the Y virus to attack, he fell to the ground.

This adds up, but it’s only two minutes.

This is just two minutes.

People who watched the live broadcast on the Internet actually doubled five times in just two minutes.

The key point is not five times that of dozens of people, hundreds of people, or even thousands of people.

It’s five times that of three billion people.

This can be seen.

this moment.

It can be said that the entire Blue Star’s gaze was focused on He Tian.

He is now the focus of Blue Star.

“I saw it, his eyelids are still moving!”

“Sixty seconds have passed, and his eyelids are still moving, and he didn’t die directly.”

“His body has not mutated!”

“It’s not over yet!”

“No death! No death, there is hope!”

“Wait a minute, that mutant ghoul is here.”

“Hey! What are you waiting for, your strong will?”

“Don’t you dare to rush out alone, why have you stopped the evolution of virus Y now, but still don’t stand up!”

“Hurry up and stand up, do you know that what you are experiencing now is a trial of God.”

“My lord, save that child!”

With 13 billion viewers, there is only one thought in his mind at this moment.

That is to make He Tian stand up.


Above the sky, above the earth, above the solar system.

The huge angel with thirty-six wings on its back was staring at the ground with a slight nervousness at this moment.

“He Tian, ​​I hope you don’t let me down!”

“After calculation, you are the one with the lowest probability of completing the trial of God among the ten people I selected.”

“But that’s just an absolute rational calculation.”

“Although this calculation also includes personal will, it accounts for very little.”

“So I used my heart again to calculate from the perspective of the human heart.”

“Then I got the opposite result from before.”

“This time under my recalculation, your chances have changed from the lowest to the highest.”

“Moreover, you are the one I chose, the only one who is not a believer.”

“But I don’t know why, the more unlikely it is, the more likely it is to succeed.”

“Perhaps, this is a miracle!”

“And a secret guide!”

“Father should like miracles.”

When Metatron thought of this in his heart, he couldn’t help but look towards the center of the earth.

There, in the eyes of ordinary creatures, there is nothing.

But in Metatron’s eyes, it was surrounded by a golden light.

Overlapping space, sacred heaven.


Kingdom of God.

Yang Xuan recovered for a few days.

All previous consumption has been replenished.

In the past few days, his own power of belief has accumulated to a terrifying ten trillion.

Because the end of the disaster is approaching.

Many people prayed harder.

Many shallow believers have become senior believers as a result.

In addition, the number of fanatics is increasing day by day.

The faith power that those people contribute to Yang Xuan every day has doubled several times.

So in just a few days, he has another ten trillion points of faith.

This belief power is enough for Yang Xuan to do a lot of things.

“God’s Trial·Doomsday Redemption!”

“It’s really Metatron, the style of the clerk of the gods.”

“Moreover, the chosen person is also very interesting. He is not a believer.”

Yang Xuan is also watching He Tian’s situation in his own country.


“The body of this traverser has a special essence!”

“This essence is extremely hidden. He has come into contact with beings with extremely high personalities.”

“It’s just hard to be noticed. Even my level 2 omniscient power, just ordinary glances, can’t find it.”

“No wonder Metatron selected him.”

“It should be the power of omniscience at level 1, which made her aware that this Hetian is different from outsiders.”

“But the level 1 omniscience can only detect the difference.”

“But why is it different? She definitely doesn’t know.”

Yang Xuan thought of this directly.

Then, he instantly took out the power of 100 million faith and began to urge his omniscience with all his strength.

0.000001 seconds later.

The power of 100 million beliefs is exhausted.

Yang Xuan’s expression was also a little surprised.

“It’s actually this power!”

“The odds of one in a trillion have been caught up by him.”

“But this fortune, without my intervention, is actually not lucky at all.”

“Because without the help of external forces, he will not be able to exert that power in his entire life.”

“But it’s different with my joining.”

“With a probability of one in a trillion, I was fortunate enough to touch the existence of that level of personality inadvertently.”

“I was able to catch up with me and just crossed into this world.”

“And I awakened the myth template, and the first template I got was the God template.”

“These two together are equivalent to winning a grand prize with a chance of one in a trillion.”

“You can say it is the darling of this world and this era.”

“This is not only your luck, but also my luck!”

“Your destiny has changed because of this, He Tian!”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but whispered in the void.

He was very satisfied that Metatron discovered He Tian.

Because this allowed him to see a promotion opportunity for the third level of omniscience and almighty power.

So, his body stood up.

In the next second, the gate of the kingdom of God opened.


on the ground.

The raindrops hit He Tian’s body, causing bursts of spray.

His seven orifices bleed, and the water on the ground also caused a stream full of red to appear.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe some mysterious force interfered.

Those rainwater mixed with He Tian’s blood happened to converge into a circle.

No, it’s not just a circle.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that this is not a simple circle, but an animal connected head to tail.


At this time, the mutant ghoul behind He Tian took another step closer.

The ghoul is only three meters away from He Tian.

These three meters, the ghoul can reach He Tian in one step.

A snake with its head constantly devouring its tail.

That is……


Ouroboros of time. *

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